Write a program that inputs hours and minutes of a 24-hour day and calculates what will be the time after 15 minutes. Print the result in hh:mm format. Hours are always between 0 and 23, and minutes are always between 0 and 59. Hours are written with one or two digits. Minutes are always written with two digits and zero at the front when needed.
Input | Output |
1 46 |
2:01 |
0 01 |
0:16 |
23 59 |
0:14 |
11 08 |
11:23 |
12 49 |
13:04 |
Add 15 minutes and check using a few conditions. If minutes are over 59, increase hours with 1 and reduce minutes with 60. Identically, check the case when hours are over 23. When you print the minutes, you should check for zero at the front.
Test your solution here: https://judge.softuni.org/Contests/Practice/Index/506#13.