-# Magento 2 Theme Frontend Alpaca
-> `2.26.0` includes a lot of changes and has different file structure, please go to [Migration Guide](.doc/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md) for more information.
+# Magento 2 Alpaca Theme
+📝 **Component-based**
+* Built on top of a collection of reusable components - guided by clear rules to ensure design consistency.
-✅ Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
-📝 Component-based
-📚 Feature-rich
-🎨 Themable
-💅 Polished
-♿️ Accessible
-⚡️ Easy to set up
+🎨 **Themable**
+* Gives a lot of flexibility to customize the look of the store.
-## Key features
-* Polished component system, built with [Sass](https://sass-lang.com/) and [Fractal](https://fractal.build/), on which you can work on outside of Magento to speed up development process.
-* It makes it easy to customize design.
-* Advanced menu built with [Snowdog Module Menu](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-menu)
-* Optimised images - responsive images, lazyloading, webp, and aspect ratio
-* SVG icons that can be used in CMS content
-* Customisable content with banners
-* Customizable slider built with [slick](https://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/)
-* Content types built with [Blackbird Content Manager](https://www.advancedcontentmanager.com/) for slider and blog articles
+📚 **Feature-rich**
+* Comes in a package with a set of modules.
+* Compatible with the majority of Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce features.
-And much more. Check how to work with different features in [Working with Alpaca guide](./docs/working-with-alpaca.md)
+💅 **Polished**
+* We've put a lot of work into the little things.
-## Alpaca Packages
-Alpaca Theme is a part of [Alpaca Packages](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-packages) - a set of open source modules that cover Alpaca base features.
-It includes:
-* [magepal/magento2-gmailsmtpapp](https://github.com/magepal/magento2-gmail-smtp-app)
-* [magepal/magento2-googletagmanager](https://github.com/magepal/magento2-google-tag-manager)
-* [mailchimp/mc-magento2](https://github.com/mailchimp/mc-magento2)
-* [smile/elasticsuite](https://github.com/Smile-SA/elasticsuite)
-* [snowdog/module-alpaca-general](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-general)
-* [snowdog/module-bullet-points](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-bullet-points)
-* [snowdog/module-csp](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-module-csp)
-* [snowdog/module-category-attributes](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-category-attributes)
-* [snowdog/module-menu](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-menu)
-* [snowdog/module-product-attribute-description](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-product-attribute-description)
-* [snowdog/module-shipping-latency](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-shipping-latency)
-* [snowdog/module-wishlist-unlocker](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-wishlist-unlocker)
-* [webshopapps/module-matrixrate](https://github.com/webshopapps/module-matrixrate)
+♿️ **Accessible**
+* WCAG AA level compliant
-## Third-party module compatibility
-Besides modules included in [Alpaca Packages](#alpaca-packages), Alpaca supports the following modules:
-* Open source:
- * paradoxlabs/authnetcim
- * paradoxlabs/tokenbase
- * authorizenet/magento-module-creditcard
- * [snowdog/module-alpaca-acm](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-acm) - Alpaca customisations for paid `blackbird/contentmanager` extension
+⚡️ **Fast Child Theme Setup**
+* Create Alpaca Child Theme in your Magento project by running one command.
-* Paid:
- * amasty/adminactionslog
- * amasty/module-gdpr
- * amasty/module-gift-card
- * amasty/module-google-rich-snippets
- * amasty/module-product-feed
- * amasty/module-shipping-rules
- * amasty/module-special-promo
- * amasty/module-store-locator
- * amasty/payrestriction
- * amasty/shiprestriction
- * apptrian/facebook-pixel
- * blackbird/contentmanager
- * vladimirpopov/webforms
-## Installation
-Check [Alpaca installation step by step guide](./docs/alpaca-step-by-step.md)
+To learn more about Alpaca, check [documentation](https://alpaca-docs.vercel.app/).
diff --git a/Snowdog_Components/README.md b/Snowdog_Components/README.md
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-# Alpaca Components
-## Introduction
-Components library of Alpaca [design system](https://www.uxpin.com/studio/blog/design-systems-vs-pattern-libraries-vs-style-guides-whats-difference/) created to speed up the process of working with design on Magento 2 stores, by creating each UI element, module, and view in a simplified, front-end developer friendly, environment.
-This components library is built on top of [Fractal.js](http://fractal.build/guide).
-It's separate npm package, created based on [Alpaca Components](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-components). To make the work easier, now it's implemented inside the theme, as a part of theme composer package.
-Magento 2 experience is not required to work with this code.
-## Requirements
-- node version >=16 <17.0.0 installed globally
-- npm or yarn installed globally
-## Installation
-- Install dependencies using `yarn`
-- Run `yarn dev` to start Fractal.js development server
-- Run `yarn build` if you want to generate static files (for example to deploy them)
-## How to create a components library on top of Alpaca Components
-1. Copy-paste `package.json`, `gulpfile.js`, `.eslintignore`, `.eslintrc`, `.sass-lint.yml`, `.stylelintrc` files into `theme-frontend-/Snowdog_Components`:
-2. Update project name in `package.json` and `gulpfile.js`
-3. Copy `styles.scss` and `checkout.scss` from `theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components/docs/styles/` and add child project variables import there.
-4. Create `modules.mjs` file with an array of paths to parent components libraries. To inherit dependencies from Alpaca components, you have to define path to `theme-forntend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components`.
- In most cases, inside Magento, it will look like this:
- ```js
- export default[
- "../../../snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components"
- ]
- ```
-5. Customize or add new files following the same structure as in Alpaca components
-6. Components imports are located in files in: `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components/components/styles`, copy appropriate file(s) from there in your child theme to import extended or new component(s)
-6. Run `yarn` and `yarn dev` to run components in fractal.build. :tada:
-## Directory structure
-- `components` directory is what you are going to import into the Magento 2 theme.
-- `docs` and `public` are just for the local environment purposes, you will find there sample images, testing libs, utility styles etc.
-## Core concepts
-### Components architecture
-Components are divided into 4 groups based on [Atomic Design](http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-2/) system:
-1. Atoms
- - Contains code that other components can use in any place, for example, typography, icons or SASS variables.
-2. Molecules
- - Smallest UI parts, for example, buttons
- - Molecules can't depend on other molecule
- - Molecules shouldn't have any layout
-3. Organisms
- - More complex UI parts like search form or header
- - Takes Molecules or other Organisms and combine them together adding layout and context
-4. Templates
- - Takes Molecules or Organisms and combine them together adding final layout and context
- - You should be able to show it to client/PM as a preview of ready to use store view
- - You shouldn't create any new UI elements, everything needs to be reusable.
-### Naming
-* Group name needs to be plural
-* Component name needs to be singular
-* Component name shouldn't be related to any project or place in the layout
- - Bad: `top-banner`
- - Good: `dropdown-list` or `collapsible-list`
-* Avoid using `box`, `block`, `item`, `info`, `text`, `cms`, especially combined together, for example `info-box`
-* Avoid naming two components in similar way i.e. `cms-subcategories` and `cms-subcategory`
-### Colors
-* By default Alpaca components uses up to 7 step grayscale
-* `$color-primary` & `$color-secondary` are mainly used inside components styles
-### SASS Variables naming
-Follow BEM-like naming convention i.e. when you component name is `button` and you are creating a variable for a `padding` it should be `$button__padding`.
-Same as in BEM, you are not allowed to build construction like `$button__icon__padding`, it should be `$button__icon-padding`.
-Variables related to the pseudo-classes and pseudo-selectors should be treated as a BEM elements `$button__color-hover`.
-Also, BEM modifier are allowed in variables `$button__padding--secondary`, you can even stack them like this `$button__padding--secondary--dark`.
-To target variable to specific breakpoint adding `\@breakpoint` at the end of the variable name `$button__padding\@medium`. Always use `small`, `medium`, `large` etc. to describe the breakpoint.
-Examples of proper variables names:
-## Accessibility
-Components are tested with [axe-core](https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core). The results are displayed as a console output in browser tools.
-A11y test files you can find in `/public/tests/`
-## Common JS files
-General concept for JS files is that we load them inside component .hbs file using:
-1) ``
-2) If component that contains JS file is required by other component we are using `script` variable to avoid problems with duplicated declaration of JS files. This variable can be defined in config.js file and JS script is loaded in .hbs file using:
-{{#if script}}
-Above method is recommended for most JS scripts used in components, but requires additional config which can be complex, especially in the `Templates` views where current component that contains JS file is loaded multiple times. Good example of that kind component type is `dropdown-list` which on one view is loaded in: sidemenu, header minicart, filters and in footer.
-To avoid problems with complex config and duplicated declaration of JS files `common-js` component is created in `Atoms`.
-This component contain only common-js.hbs file where JS scripts created in components can be loaded globally using:
-3) ``
-This component is used in `_preview.hbs` file after lib JS files are loaded.
-Do not use `common-js` component for libs files and for JS scripts created in components that are not loaded multiple time on one view.
-## Show on scroll elements
-To show sticky elements on product page (tabs header & `add-to-cart` component) we use [aos lib](https://github.com/michalsnik/aos/tree/v2)
-## Components notes
-In more complex component there is a README.md added, when you can find information about usage, features or a11y implementation. Please check it. In fractal UI, it's available in `Notes` Tab
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+module.exports = {
+ lang: 'en-US',
+ title: 'Alpaca',
+ description: 'Theme for Magento 2',
+ head: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: `/snowdog.png` }]],
+ themeConfig: {
+ repo: 'SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-theme',
+ docsDir: 'docs',
+ docsBranch: 'master',
+ editLinks: true,
+ editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
+ lastUpdated: 'Last Updated',
+ nav: [
+ { text: 'Guide', link: '/guide', activeMatch: '^/$|^/guide/' },
+ { text: "Contact", link: "https://snow.dog/contact" },
+ ],
+ sidebar: {
+ '/': [
+ {
+ text: 'Introduction',
+ children: [
+ {
+ text: 'Overview',
+ link: '/guide/'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Alpaca Packages',
+ link: '/guide/introduction/alpaca-packages'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Third-Party Module Compatibility',
+ link: '/guide/introduction/third-party-module-compatibility'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Browser support',
+ link: '/guide/introduction/browser-support'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Getting Started',
+ children: [
+ {
+ text: 'Alpaca Setup Guide',
+ link: '/guide/getting-started/alpaca-setup-guide'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Magento Setup Guide',
+ link: '/guide/getting-started/magento-setup-guide'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Which version should I use?',
+ link: '/guide/getting-started/which-version-should-i-use'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Working with Alpaca',
+ children: [
+ {
+ text: 'Frontools',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/frontools'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Components',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/components'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Styles',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/styles'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Fonts',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/fonts'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'JavaScript',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/javascript'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Main Content Elements',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/main-content-elements'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Images',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/images'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'SVG Icons',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/svg-icons'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Sliders',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/sliders'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Blog',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/blog'
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Magepack',
+ link: '/guide/working-with-alpaca/magepack'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Migration Guide',
+ link: '/guide/migration-guide'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/.vitepress/theme/custom.css
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+:root {
+ --c-brand: #1a1b1d;
+ --code-bg-color: #1a1b1d;
+ --c-brand-light: #1a1b1d;
+ --code-inline-bg-color: #eaeaea;
+ --c-accent: #0075e4;
+#main-title {
+ position: absolute;
+ clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+ width: 1px;
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: -1px;
+ padding: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+a {
+ color: var(--c-accent);
+.action .item {
+ border-radius: 0 !important;
+code {
+ color: var(--c-brand);
+.custom-block.tip {
+ border-color: var(--c-accent);
diff --git a/docs/.vitepress/theme/index.js b/docs/.vitepress/theme/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42fe9a936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/.vitepress/theme/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
+import './custom.css'
+export default DefaultTheme
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@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-# Set up Alpaca Theme on Magento 2.4
-This is a step-by-step guide of how to install Snowdog's Alpaca Theme and child theme based on Alpaca Theme on working Magento 2.4 project.
-If you need to help with setup Magento project locally, check our [Magento 2 setup guide here](magento-setup-guide.md)
-Alpaca Theme components and templates preview - see [Alpaca Components Preview](https://magento2-alpaca-theme-git-master-snowdog1.vercel.app/)
-Alpaca Theme preview: [Alpaca Magento OS](https://alpaca-community.snowdog.dev/), [Alpaca Magento Commerce](https://alpaca-commerce.snowdog.dev/)
-## Create Alpaca Child Theme with npx:
-There is a tool that make a full child theme based on alpaca in existing Magento project with one command:
-Try it out running `npx create-alpaca-theme` in your Magento root directory (node@16 and working Magento 2.4 required).
-More info: [alpaca boilerplate npm project page](#to-do-here)
-// TO DO update table of contents
-## Table of Contents
- * [Requirements](#requirements)
- * [Alpaca Versions](#alpaca-versions)
- * [Set up Alpaca Theme](#set-up-alpaca-theme)
- * [Set up Alpaca Child Theme](#set-up-alpaca-child-theme)
- * [Working with Alpaca Theme](#working-with-alpaca-theme)
- * [Useful Links](#useful-links)
-## Requirements
-* Working Magento 2.4 project
-* Node version 16
-* [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) (we recommended yarn but you can also use npm to install dependencies and run node command).
-## Alpaca versions
-This guide is adjusted to the latest version of Alpaca theme: ^2.26 and work with Magento 2.4.3
-If you work with older Magento version, use appropriate Alpaca Theme:
-* Alpaca 2.14.0 supports Magento 2.4.2
-* Alpaca 2.13.0 supports Magento 2.4.1
-* Alpaca 2.12.* supports Magento 2.3.6
-Check [Changelog file](../CHANGELOG.md) for more details .
-## Set up Alpaca Theme
- When using **Valet Plus** run commands in main project directory, with **Warden** remember to launch shell session see [Warden usage and common commands](https://docs.warden.dev/usage.html)
-1. Add Snowdog Alpaca Packages:
- ```
- composer require snowdog/module-alpaca-packages
- ```
- See [content of Alpaca Packages here](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-packages)
-2. Install Alpaca Theme latest version:
- ```
- composer require snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca:^2.26
- ```
-3. Add frontools:
- ```
- composer require snowdog/frontools
- ```
- [Learn about Frontools here](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools)
-4. Run db queries to add to your database all Alpaca CMS block & content
- [Copy db queries from here](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/create-alpaca-theme/blob/master/templates/database/queries.sql)
-5. Upgrade application, DB data and schema (_[learn more here](https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/install-gde/install/cli/install-cli-subcommands-db-upgr.html#instgde-cli-db-upgr)_):
- ```
- bin/magento setup:upgrade
- ```
-6. Setup frontools
- * in `/` create files:
- `theme.json`:
- ```json
- {
- "alpaca": {
- "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca",
- "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/alpaca",
- "locale": ["en_US"],
- "ignore": [
- "**/node_modules/**",
- "**/Snowdog_Components/docs/**",
- "**/Snowdog_Components/build/**"
- ]
- }
- }
- ```
- `browser-sync.json`, adjust file for your local domain:
- ```json
- [
- {
- "proxy": ".test",
- "rewriteRules": [
- {
- "match": "..test",
- "replace": ""
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "proxy": "b2b..test",
- "rewriteRules": [
- {
- "match": ".b2b..test",
- "replace": ""
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ```
- * Go to `vendor/snowdog/frontools` and run commands:
- ````
- yarn
- yarn setup
- yarn styles && yarn svg && yarn babel
- ````
- Setting up frontools creates symlinks. After set up, `yarn` commands are available from `/tools`
-7. Log in to admin panel.
- - You can find admin page URL in `app/etc/env.php` file in `backend` section (`frontName` parameter)
- - You can create new admin user by using magento CLI:
- ```
- bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user="YOUR_USER_NAME" --admin-password="YOUR_PASS" --admin-firstname="Test" --admin-lastname="Test" --admin-email="test@test.com"
- ```
- - Go to `Content -> Design -> Configuration`, and choose Alpaca Theme
-8. Flush cache storage - `System -> Tools -> Cache Managment` or run command below:
- ```
- bin/magento cache:flush
- ```
-9. Run Alpaca components
- - go to `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components`
- - run `yarn` to install node dependencies
- - run `yarn dev` and check localhost to see Alpaca components in development mode.
diff --git a/docs/package.json b/docs/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..465690d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "name": "alpaca-docs",
+ "private": true,
+ "scripts": {
+ "docs:dev": "vitepress dev .",
+ "docs:build": "vitepress build .",
+ "docs:serve": "vitepress serve ."
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">=14.13 <17"
+ },
+ "volta": {
+ "node": "16.13.1"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "vitepress": "^0.22.3"
+ }
diff --git a/docs/public/logo.svg b/docs/public/logo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00ee26dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/public/logo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd369ccff
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/public/snowdog.png differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/working-with-alpaca.md
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@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-# Working with Alpaca
-You'll find here information how to work with different features of Alpaca Theme.
-For installation details, check [Step by step Alpaca installation guide](./alpaca-step-by-step.md)
-## Table of Contents
- * [Requirements](#requirements)
- * [Frontools](#frontools)
- * [Components](#components)
- * [Customisation of Alpaca Components](#alpaca-components-customisation)
- * [Customising theme files](#customising-theme-files)
- * [Styles](#styles)
- * [JS](#js)
- * [Images](#images)
- * [Responsive images](#responsive-images)
- * [Lazyloading images](#lazyloading-images)
- * [Preventing images from jumping on load](#preventing-images-from-jumping-on-load)
- * [SVG icons](#svg-icons)
- * [Sliders](#sliders)
- * [Header and Footer](#header-and-footer)
- * [Homepage](#homepage)
- * [Working with Snowdog Modules](#working-with-snowdog-modules)
- * [Magepack](#magepack)
-## Requirements
-* Working Magento 2.4.3
-* Node version 16
-* [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) (we recommended yarn but you can also use npm to install dependencies and run node command).
-## Frontools
- Set of front-end tools for Magento 2. Run commands below in `tools`.
- - When developing run comand below to watch for style changes and running processing tasks:
- ````
- yarn watch
- ````
- - You can also use `yarn dev` to run [browserSync](https://browsersync.io/) and inheritance, babel, styles, watch tasks.
- ````
- yarn dev
- ````
- **NOTE!** To run `yarn dev`, set correct proxy values in file - `dev/tools/frontools/config/browser-sync.json`
- - After every application upgrade (`bin/magento setup:upgrade` command) run:
- ````
- yarn styles && yarn svg && yarn babel
- ````
- - Config files are kept in `dev/tools/frontools/config`.
- - `themes.json` file is essential. It needs to be set properly, without it frontools won't work. See [themes.json example.](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools/blob/master/config/themes.json.sample)
- - Setting up frontools creates symlink, after set up, `yarn` commands are available from `/tools`
- - To learn how to fully utilize frontools see [frontools readme.md](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools#magento-2-frontools)
-## Components
- * `theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components` it's separate [fractal.build](https://fractal.build/guide/) tool integrated with Alpaca Theme, which allows you to work with Magento UI styles easier and faster. It is not set as a separate composer package (neither separate git repository) to work with Magento theme easier and faster. But you can work on components separately and run them outside of Magento.
- * Check it out, go to **Snowdog_Components** (`app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Snowdog_Components`), install node dependencies and run dev command:
- ````
- yarn
- yarn dev
- ````
- * Go to `http://localhost:4000/` to play with components. To learn how to change components, **read section below**.
- * Component styles in Alpaca follow [Atomic Design Methodology](https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-2/). Components are divided into Atomic groups, that is:
- * Atoms
- * Molecules
- * Organisms
- * Templates
- * Styles written in fractal components are used in Magento theme. JS scripts and hbs templates are only for fractal purpose and they are not used inside Magento theme.
- * Check full styles structure in `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components`
- * **NOTE!** Detailled instruction how to set child theme inherited from Alapca theme you can find in out [Step by step Alpaca installation guide](./alpaca-step-by-step.md)
-## Alpaca Components customisation
- - Customising components with variables
- * You can overwrite any of Alpaca Components variabales in child theme in
- `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Snowdog_Components/components/Atoms/variables/_CHILD_THEME_NAME-variables.scss`
- * Child theme variables should be imported after Alpaca variables. Use values without `!default` to change variables declared in Alpaca theme or create new variables for your needs.
- * You can customise your styles by changing variables values - global or components variables), extending styles by using Alpaca's and custom and overwrite styles by creating totally new styles for components.
- * For Components, we use 2 create 2 main `.scss` files in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Snowdog_Components/docs/styles/`:
- * `styles.scss`
- * `checkout.scss`
- * Main `.scss` files are required in child components to use custom child theme's variables.
- - Customising components
- * Customize or add new files following the same structure as in Alpaca Components.
- Create file `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Snowdog_Components/components/Molecules/button/_button-extend.scss`
- ```scss
- @import 'CHILD_THEME_NAME-button-variables'; // optional;
- @import 'button';
- @import 'CHILD_THEME_NAME-button';
- ```
- Inside `button-extend.scss`, `CHILD_THEME_NAME-button-variables` is a file where you change component's variable, `button` is an original Alpaca Component style and `CHILD_THEME_NAME-button` contains additional or overwritten by child theme styles.
- * you need to import extended component, to do it, copy file(s) from `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Snowdog_Components/components/styles` and change `@import '../Molecules/button/button';` to `@import '../Molecules/button/button-extend';`
- * You can overwrite any component in your child theme by maintaining the same file structure (`.hbs`, `config.js`, `.scss`).
- * Read more about Alpaca components [here](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-theme/blob/master/Snowdog_Components/README.md)
-## Customising theme files
- * To customise layout `XML` files and template `.phtml` files, follow Magento theme inheritance [standard.](https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/themes/theme-inherit.html)
- * Rememeber that:
- * Templates have to be overwritten in child theme
- * Layouts can be extended from parent theme, so there is no need for copying and overwriting file. Add, remove, change what you need.
-## Styles
-Are was mentionned before, Styles in Alpaca are separated:
-* Components styles inside `theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components` to work with components directly.
-Those styles are also imported inside the theme in `theme-frontend-alpaca/styles/` directory
-* For Magento we need to create 3 main `.scss` files inside child theme:
- * `styles.scss` in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/styles/styles.scss` where components and theme styles are imported. And where child theme variable are imported after Alpaca variables
- * `critical.scss` in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/styles/critical.scss` to load basic critical styles for page loading.
- * `critical-checkout.scss` in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/styles/critical-checkout.scss` to load basic critical styles for checkout page loading.
- * `gallery-styles.scss` in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/styles/gallery-styles.scss` to load styles for fotorama gallery.
- * `checkout.scss` in `app/design/frontend/VENDOR_NAME/CHILD_THEME_NAME/Magento_Checkout/styles/checkout.scss` where components and checkout styles are imported
-* During styles compilation for theme, following directories are ignored:
-It should be added in `themes.json` in [frontools config](#https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools/blob/master/config/themes.json.sample) as ignores files
-## JS
-* JS files from components are not imported in theme, they are only demonstrative. For theme we need to build JS files using RequireJS.
-* If you use ES6 in theme's js files, you should use babel support, just add `.babel` in file name before `.js` extension, example: [script for tabs](../Magento_Theme/web/js/tab.babel.js) and run `yarn babel` with frontools
-## Images
-### Responsive images
-* to display responsive image for banners and slider items, we use:
-* template `picture.phtml`: `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Magento_Theme/templates/html/picture.phtml` you can adjust it for your needs in the child theme.
-* usage of phtml in cms block/page:
-{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/picture.phtml" img480="" img768="" img960="" img1024="" img1328="" img_full="" picture_class="image" picture_alt="" }}
-* by default you can use different image for media query breakpoints, you can also implement images with different device-pixel-ratio, check the template's code for details
-* `picture_class` is a required attribute
-## Lazyloading images
-We use [lazysizes](https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes) in project, so when you implement images with `` tag (ex. in CMS content), use:
-* placeholder in `src` attribute: ``
-* image url in `data-src` attribute
-* `lazyload` class on `` tag
-This solution is already implemented on responsive solution in `picture.phtml` template
-## Preventing images from jumping on load
-* to prevent jumping we need aspect ratio of image which we can calculate with formula: $aspectRatio = (imgHeight / imgWidth) * 100
-* usage for single image (with lazyloading):
-* usage for images added with picture.phtml. To work we need set `img_ratio_width` and `img_ratio_height`:
-{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/picture.phtml" img_default="cms/home/banners/my-file.jpg" picture_class="image" img_ratio_width="656" img_ratio_height="264"}}
-* aspect ratio for responsive images implemented using `picture.phtml`:
-If responsive images - images for different viewports - have different aspect ratio than the default image, we should implement each of them: either in picture content type (if blackbird contentmanager is used), or in picture.phtml template. We need to add a unique `id` and `picture_class` attribute, which is required to make it works.
-Use additional attributes for responsive aspect ratio:
- `img_ratio_width_480` -> for image max-width 480px
- `img_ratio_width_768` -> for image max-width 768px
- `img_ratio_width_1024` -> for image max-width 1024px
- `img_ratio_width_1328` -> for image min-width 1025px
-usage example:
-{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/picture.phtml" img_768="" img_1024="" img_full="" img_default="" picture_class="image" picture_alt="" img_ratio_width="1200" img_ratio_height="600" img_ratio_width_768="768" img_ratio_height_768="500" img_ratio_width_1024="472" img_ratio_height_1024="376" img_ratio_width_1328="1328" img_ratio_height_1328="1200" id=""}}
-!Important Note:
-If responsive image aspect ratio is added, additional styles inline are generated, so use it ONLY if needed (if aspect ratio for responsive image is different that for default image) to keep your code as clean as possible.
-## SVG icons
-* {{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/svg-icon.phtml" icon="" icon_class="icon" title="" role="presentation" focusable="false"}}
-* as `icon` value use icon id (Alpaca components)
-* as `title` use accessible title that describe the icon image
-* base class for icon is `icon` you can add, adjust class according to your needs
-* a11y - use role="presentation" and focusable="false" if an icon is only decorative to hide in a11y API tree
-## Sliders
-Sliders in Alpaca re build with `blackbird/contentmanager` extension
-* There is one template for all sliders. You can find it in [Magento_Theme/templates/html/slider.phtml](../Magento_Theme/templates/html/slider.phtml). It is based on [slick slider](https://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/).
-How to use:
-1. If possible define block in xml:
- //required option with uniq name
- some_slider_name
- //required option for sliders using content type `pictures` as slides
- some_picture_block_name
- // optional option used to define slider variant
- some_class_name
- // optional option used to define classes for slider title
- heading heading--first-level margin-0
- // required block with name parameter same as defined in slider_block argument
-if not use:
-$sliderBlock = $this->getLayout()
- ->createBlock("Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template")
- ->setTemplate("Magento_Theme::html/slider.phtml");
-2. Initialize "before-slides" block in .phtml file
-getSliderBlock(); //
-$sliderBlockBefore->setData(['slider_html'=>'before-slides', ...]);
-= $sliderBlockBefore->toHtml(); ?>
-"..." - additional config options:
- 'slider_html' => 'before-slides', //required option
- 'slider_class' => '', //optional slider class name
- 'wrapper_class' => '', //optional slider wrapper class name
- 'display_title' => '', //optional bool value
- 'slider_title' => '', //optional slider title
- 'title_class' => '', //optional slider title class name
- 'content_before' => '', //optional content before slides
- 'arrows' => '', //optional bool value
- 'is_ajax' => '', //bool value - set to true when slides are loaded with ajax
- //below options are optional and described in: [https://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/#settings]
- 'infinite' => '', //default true
- 'mobile_first' => '', //default true
- 'center_mode' => '', //default false
- 'dots' => '', //default true
- 'autoplay' => '', //default false
- 'autoplay_speed' => '', //default 3000
- 'pause_on_focus' => '', //default true
- 'pause_on_hover' => '', //default true
- 'slides_to_show' => '', //default 1
- 'slides_to_scroll' => '', //default 1
- 'responsive_config' => '', //default false
-3. Render html for slides
- $item) : ?>
- ...
-4. Initialize "after-slides" block in .phtml file
-setData(['slider_html'=>'after-slides', ...]);
-= $sliderBlockAfter->toHtml(); ?>
-5. Sliders created using Advanced Content Manager can be placed in any CMS content using Content Manager Content List widget.
-Click on "Insert Widget..." button when editing CMS content with wysiwyg editor. Select "Content Manager Content List" as Widget Type. Set options:
-"Content Type" -> "Sliders"
-"Number of Contents to Display" -> 1
-"Template" -> "Slider Content List Template"
-"Condition" -> Slider ID is "your-slider-id"
-"Attributes to show" -> not required
-Click on "Insert Widget"
-6. Full width variant
-To display slider full width, just add class `slider--full-with`, by extending block `home-slider` with argument `slider_class` in `cms_index_index.xml`.
-## Header and Footer
- * To display and customise content in header or footer we use CMS block ([read more](https://docs.magento.com/user-guide/cms/blocks.html))
- * See default structure - `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml`.
-## Homepage
- * To display homepage content we use static blocks.
- * See default structure - `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Magento_Cms/layout/cms_index_index.xml`
-## Working with Snowdog Modules
- Snowdog Modules is a set of open source modules used with Alpaca Theme installed via [Magento 2 Alpaca Packages](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-alpaca-packages). You can find list of installed modules in [README description](../README.md#description) section.
- ### Magento2 menu - snowdog/magento2-menu
- * Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2.
- * Displays desktop menu, mobile menu or footer links menu
- * You can use Alpaca styles implementation to use different configuration of menu items, by adding classes to nodes, check Alpaca components for details to build menu's adjusted to your project's needs, for example: to create a column, create node "wrapper" with Node CSS Classes: list__column list__column--hidden
- * Example data can be imported [with alpaca db queries](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/create-alpaca-theme/blob/master/templates/database/queries.sql)).
- * See [Magento 2 menu details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-menu).
- ### Shipping latency - snowdog/module-shipping-latency
- * It is an extension allowing to display additional informations about shipping time
- * Extension work on catalog and product detail page, to customise it you need to set attribute (dropdown) option and create cms block for popup content
- * See [Shipping latency module details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-shipping-latency).
- * [Theme implementation for catalog](../Magento_Catalog/templates/product/list.phtml)
- * [Theme implementation for PDP](../Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/shipping-latency.phtml)
- ### Bullet points - snowdog/module-bullet-points
- * Extension is used to display product attributes listed on product list item on catalog page
- * See [Bullet points module details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-bullet-points).
- ### Category attributes - snowdog/module-category-attributes
- * This extension adds a field for additional content on the bottom of catalog page
- * See [Category attributes module details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-category-attributes).
- ### Product attribute description - snowdog/module-product-attribute-description
- * This extension allows to add additional description for attribute, implemented from admin level
- * See [Product attribute description module details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-product-attribute-description).
- * [theme implementation on catalog level as an additional tooltip](../Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalog/templates/layer/filter/attribute.phtml)
- * [theme implementation in swatches](../Magento_Swatches/templates/product/layered/renderer.phtml)
- * [theme implementation in range filter](../Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalog/templates/layer/filter/slider.phtml)
- ### Wishlist unlocker - snowdog/module-wishlist-unlocker
- * This extension allows to show more than 3 items in sidebar wishlist (M2 default is 3)
- * Limit value can be set in admin: `Store -> Configuration -> Customer -> Wish List -> General Option -> Items Limit`
- * See [Wishlist unlocker description module details](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-wishlist-unlocker).
-## Blog
-* we use Blackbird Content Manager `blackbird/contentmanager` for blog
-## Magepack
-for Magento version < 2.3.6, mixins.js module patch is required/ [Patch provided and explained here](https://github.com/magento/baler/issues/23)
-Magepack is already integrated with [Frontools](https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools)
-### Generate magepack config
-To start using magepack we need to generate magepack config.
-Before start:
-* clear Magento cache
-* compile assest for production mode (in `/tools` directory):
-yarn styles --prod && yarn babel --prod && yarn svg
-* generate config with command (with appropriate path for each site):
-yarn magepackGenerate --cms-url="https://baseUrl/" --category-url="https://baseUrl/categoryPage" --product-url="https://baseUrl/productPage"
-Magepack config will be generated in `/tools` as `magepack.config.js` (which is a symlink to vendor/snowdog/frontools/magepack.config.js).
-You can move this file to main repo or to other location, add this to `.gitignore` and commit changes.
-With commited magepack config, during deployment, after assets compilation, run magepack bundling:
-yarn magepackBundle --config
-### Add assets
-* If you added fonts or external assets that can be load with `preload`, add them in:
-`vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Magento_Theme/templates/root.phtml` with `preload` attribute.
-* if assets come from external module which is not always enable, add preload assets in following way:
-in module folder inside theme:
- * using xml layout add block in `head.additional` and in custom template add assets:
- ```
- ```
- an example can be found here: `vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Amasty_GdprCookie`
-### Test magepack locally
-To test magepack locally:
-* clear and enable cache,
-* enable merging, minifying and magepack budnling in your db:
-bin/magento config:set dev/js/enable_magepack_js_bundling 1
-bin/magento config:set dev/js/merge_files 1
-bin/magento config:set dev/js/minify_files 1
-bin/magento config:set dev/css/minify_files 1
-bin/magento config:set dev/css/merge_css_files 1
-* run tools compilation for production:
-yarn styles --prod && yarn babel --prod && yarn svg
-* generate magepack config:
-yarn magepackGenerate ..
-* switch to production mode:
-bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
-* bundle magepack
-in `/tools`
-yarn magepackBundle --config
-* clear cache
-* check results in browser
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