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I am Principal Investigator at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), focussing on real-time graphics, parallel processing, point-based rendering, image-based rendering, radiance fields and novel-view synthesis. Before, I completed my PhD at Graz University of Technology in 2018. In 2019, I briefly joined Epic Games to work on Unreal Engine 5's Nanite. I started as a postdoc at TU Wien the same year, followed by another in 2022 with Inria in George Drettakis' GraphDeco group.
- Computer Graphics: real-time rendering, image synthesis, point-based graphics
- Parallel Processing: parallel algorithms and data structures, GPU architectures
- Image-Based Rendering: novel-view synthesis, radiance fields, differentiable rendering
- [Aug. 2023] This page has first gone online!
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