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Try to reuse partial hashconsing for definition bodies
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SkySkimmer committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent dc34899 commit 501546a
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Showing 11 changed files with 171 additions and 67 deletions.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions kernel/
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Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ let infer_parameter ~sec_univs env entry =

let infer_definition ~sec_univs env entry =
let env, usubst, _, univs = process_universes env entry.definition_entry_universes in
let j = Typeops.infer env entry.definition_entry_body in
let hbody = HConstr.of_constr env entry.definition_entry_body in
let j = Typeops.infer_hconstr env hbody in
let typ = match entry.definition_entry_type with
| None ->
Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_type
Expand All @@ -224,9 +225,10 @@ let infer_definition ~sec_univs env entry =
Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst tj.utj_val
let body = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_val in
let hbody = if body == j.uj_val then Some hbody else None in
let def = Def body in
let hyps = used_section_variables env entry.definition_entry_secctx (Some body) typ in
hbody, {
const_hyps = hyps;
const_univ_hyps = make_univ_hyps sec_univs;
const_body = def;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,7 +277,8 @@ let check_delayed (type a) (handle : a effect_handler) tyenv (body : a proof_out
(* Note: non-trivial trusted side-effects only in monomorphic case *)
let body,env,ectx = skip_trusted_seff valid_signatures body env in
let j = Typeops.infer env body in
let hbody = HConstr.of_constr env body in
let j = Typeops.infer_hconstr env hbody in
let j = unzip ectx j in
let _ = Typeops.judge_of_cast env j DEFAULTcast tyj in
let declared =
Expand All @@ -285,7 +288,8 @@ let check_delayed (type a) (handle : a effect_handler) tyenv (body : a proof_out
let () = assert (Id.Set.equal declared declared') in
(* Note: non-trivial usubst only in polymorphic case *)
let def = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_val in
def, univs
let hbody = if def == j.uj_val && List.is_empty ectx then Some hbody else None in
hbody, def, univs

(*s Global and local constant declaration. *)

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions kernel/constant_typing.mli
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Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ val infer_parameter :

val infer_definition :
sec_univs:UVars.Instance.t option -> env -> definition_entry ->
('a, unit) pconstant_body
HConstr.t option * ('a, unit) pconstant_body

val infer_opaque :
sec_univs:UVars.Instance.t option -> env -> 'a opaque_entry ->
(unit, unit) pconstant_body * typing_context

val check_delayed : 'a effect_handler -> typing_context -> 'a proof_output -> (Constr.t * Univ.ContextSet.t Opaqueproof.delayed_universes)
val check_delayed : 'a effect_handler -> typing_context -> 'a proof_output ->
HConstr.t option * Constr.t * Univ.ContextSet.t Opaqueproof.delayed_universes
116 changes: 82 additions & 34 deletions kernel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -460,6 +460,10 @@ let destRef c = let open GlobRef in match kind c with
| Construct (c,u) -> ConstructRef c, u
| _ -> raise DestKO

let destArray c = match kind c with
| Array (u,ar,def,ty) -> u,ar,def,ty
| _ -> raise DestKO

(* Flattening and unflattening of embedded applications and casts *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1322,6 +1326,25 @@ module Hannot = Hashcons.Make(Hannotinfo)

let hcons_annot = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hannot.generate Hannot.hcons Name.hcons

let dbg = CDebug.create ~name:"hcons" ()

module GenHCons(C:sig
type t
val kind : t -> (t, t, Sorts.t, Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term
val self : t -> constr
val refcount : t -> int

val via_hconstr : bool

module Tbl : sig
val find_opt : t -> (constr * int) option
val add : t -> constr * int -> unit
end) = struct
open C

let steps = ref 0

let rec hash_term (t : t) =
match kind t with
| Var i ->
Expand All @@ -1346,12 +1369,11 @@ let rec hash_term (t : t) =
let c, hc = sh_rec c in
(LetIn (hcons_annot na, b, t, c), combinesmall 6 (combine4 (hash_annot Name.hash na) hb ht hc))
| App (c,l) ->
let _, cl = destApp (self t) in
let c, hc = sh_rec c in
let l, hl = hash_term_array l in
let l, hl = hash_term_array cl l in
(App (c,l), combinesmall 7 (combine hl hc))
| Evar (e,l) ->
let l, hl = hash_list_array l in
(Evar (e,l), combinesmall 8 (combine (Evar.hash e) hl))
| Evar _ -> assert false
| Const (c,u) ->
let c' = hcons_con c in
let u', hu = Instance.share u in
Expand All @@ -1374,9 +1396,10 @@ let rec hash_term (t : t) =
(lna, c), combine hna hc
let u, hu = Instance.share u in
let pms,hpms = hash_term_array pms in
let _,_,cpms,_,civ,_,_ = destCase (self t) in
let pms,hpms = hash_term_array cpms pms in
let p, hp = hcons_ctx p in
let iv, hiv = sh_invert iv in
let iv, hiv = sh_invert civ iv in
let c, hc = sh_rec c in
let fold accu c =
let c, h = hcons_ctx c in
Expand All @@ -1386,16 +1409,18 @@ let rec hash_term (t : t) =
let hbl = combine (combine hc (combine hiv (combine hpms (combine hu hp)))) hbl in
(Case (hcons_caseinfo ci, u, pms, (p,r), iv, c, bl), combinesmall 12 hbl)
| Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let bl,hbl = hash_term_array bl in
let tl,htl = hash_term_array tl in
let _, (_,ctl,cbl) = destFix (self t) in
let bl,hbl = hash_term_array cbl bl in
let tl,htl = hash_term_array ctl tl in
let () = Array.iteri (fun i x -> Array.unsafe_set lna i (hcons_annot x)) lna in
let fold accu na = combine (hash_annot Name.hash na) accu in
let hna = Array.fold_left fold 0 lna in
let h = combine3 hna hbl htl in
(Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)), combinesmall 13 h)
| CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let bl,hbl = hash_term_array bl in
let tl,htl = hash_term_array tl in
let _, (_,ctl,cbl) = destCoFix (self t) in
let bl,hbl = hash_term_array cbl bl in
let tl,htl = hash_term_array ctl tl in
let () = Array.iteri (fun i x -> Array.unsafe_set lna i (hcons_annot x)) lna in
let fold accu na = combine (hash_annot Name.hash na) accu in
let hna = Array.fold_left fold 0 lna in
Expand All @@ -1414,65 +1439,88 @@ let rec hash_term (t : t) =
(t, combinesmall 18 (combine h l))
| Float f as t -> (t, combinesmall 19 (Float64.hash f))
| String s as t -> (t, combinesmall 20 (Pstring.hash s))
| Array (u,t,def,ty) ->
| Array (u,ar,def,ty) ->
let _,car,_,_ = destArray (self t) in
let u, hu = Instance.share u in
let t, ht = hash_term_array t in
let t, ht = hash_term_array car ar in
let def, hdef = sh_rec def in
let ty, hty = sh_rec ty in
let h = combine4 hu ht hdef hty in
(Array(u,t,def,ty), combinesmall 21 h)

and sh_invert = function
| NoInvert -> NoInvert, 0
| CaseInvert {indices;} ->
let indices, ha = hash_term_array indices in
and sh_invert civ iv = match civ, iv with
| NoInvert, NoInvert -> NoInvert, 0
| CaseInvert {indices=cindices}, CaseInvert {indices;} ->
let indices, ha = hash_term_array cindices indices in
CaseInvert {indices;}, combinesmall 1 ha
| (NoInvert | CaseInvert _), _ -> assert false

and sh_rec t =
and sh_rec_main t =
let (y, h) = hash_term t in
(HashsetTerm.repr h (T y) term_table, h)

and sh_rec t =
incr steps;
if refcount t = 1 then sh_rec_main t
else match Tbl.find_opt t with
| Some res -> res
| None ->
let res = sh_rec_main t in
Tbl.add t res;

(* Note : During hash-cons of arrays, we modify them *in place* *)

and hash_term_array t =
and hash_term_array ct t =
let accu = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to Array.length t - 1 do
let x, h = sh_rec (Array.unsafe_get t i) in
accu := combine !accu h;
Array.unsafe_set t i x
Array.unsafe_set ct i x
let h = !accu in
(HashsetTermArray.repr h t term_array_table, h)

and hash_list_array l =
let fold accu c =
let c, h = sh_rec c in
(combine accu h, c)
let h, l = SList.Smart.fold_left_map fold 0 l in
(l, h)

(* Make sure our statically allocated Rels (1 to 16) are considered
as canonical, and hence hash-consed to themselves *)
let () = ignore (hash_term_array rels)
(HashsetTermArray.repr h ct term_array_table, h)

let hcons t = NewProfile.profile "Constr.hcons" (fun () -> fst (sh_rec t)) ()

let dbg = CDebug.create ~name:"hcons" ()

let hcons t =
steps := 0;
let t = hcons t in
dbg Pp.(fun () ->
let open Hashset in
let stats = HashsetTerm.stats term_table in
v 0 (
str "via hconstr = " ++ bool via_hconstr ++ spc() ++
str "steps = " ++ int !steps ++ spc() ++
str "num_bindings = " ++ int stats.num_bindings ++ spc() ++
str "num_buckets = " ++ int stats.num_buckets ++ spc() ++
str "max_bucket_length = " ++ int stats.max_bucket_length


module HCons = GenHCons(struct
type t = constr
let kind = kind
let self x = x
let refcount _ = 1

let via_hconstr = false

module Tbl = struct
let find_opt _ = None
let add _ _ : unit = assert false

(* Make sure our statically allocated Rels (1 to 16) are considered
as canonical, and hence hash-consed to themselves *)
let () = ignore (HCons.hash_term_array rels rels)

let hcons = HCons.hcons

(* let hcons_types = hcons_constr *)

type rel_declaration = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance)
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions kernel/constr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -628,6 +628,23 @@ val case_info_hash : case_info -> int


module GenHCons(C:sig
type t
val kind : t -> (t, t, Sorts.t, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term
val self : t -> constr
val refcount : t -> int

val via_hconstr : bool

module Tbl : sig
val find_opt : t -> (constr * int) option
val add : t -> constr * int -> unit
end) : sig
val hcons : C.t -> constr

val hcons : constr -> constr

val hasheq_kind : (_ kind_of_term as 'k) -> 'k -> bool
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions kernel/
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Expand Up @@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ let hcons_rel_decl =

let hcons_rel_context l = hcons_rel_decl l

let hcons_const_def = function
let hcons_const_def ?(hbody=Constr.hcons) = function
| Undef inl -> Undef inl
| Primitive p -> Primitive p
| Symbol r -> Symbol r
| Def l_constr ->
Def (Constr.hcons l_constr)
Def (hbody l_constr)
| OpaqueDef _ as x -> x (* hashconsed when turned indirect *)

let hcons_universes cbu =
Expand All @@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ let hcons_universes cbu =
| Polymorphic ctx ->
Polymorphic (UVars.hcons_abstract_universe_context ctx)

let hcons_const_body cb =
let hcons_const_body ?hbody cb =
{ cb with
const_body = hcons_const_def cb.const_body;
const_body = hcons_const_def ?hbody cb.const_body;
const_type = Constr.hcons cb.const_type;
const_universes = hcons_universes cb.const_universes;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion kernel/declareops.mli
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Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ val safe_flags : -> typing_flags
of the structure, but simply hash-cons all inner constr
and other known elements *)

val hcons_const_body : ('a, 'b) pconstant_body -> ('a, 'b) pconstant_body
val hcons_const_body : ?hbody:(Constr.t -> Constr.t) ->
('a, 'b) pconstant_body -> ('a, 'b) pconstant_body
val hcons_mind : mutual_inductive_body -> mutual_inductive_body
val hcons_module_body : module_body -> module_body
val hcons_module_type : module_type_body -> module_type_body
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions kernel/
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Expand Up @@ -384,3 +384,18 @@ let of_constr env c =
let of_constr env c = NewProfile.profile "HConstr.of_constr" (fun () -> of_constr env c) ()

let kind x = x.kind

let hcons x =
let tbl = Tbl.create 47 in
let module HCons = GenHCons(struct
type nonrec t = t
let kind = kind
let self = self
let refcount = refcount
let via_hconstr = true
module Tbl = struct
let find_opt x = Tbl.find_opt tbl x
let add x y = Tbl.add tbl x y
end) in
HCons.hcons x
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions kernel/hConstr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,3 +57,5 @@ module Tbl : sig

val create : int -> 'a t

val hcons : t -> Constr.t

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