Thanks for choosing to contribute to the Sitecore XM Cloud ASP.NET Core Starter Kit. This document is a set of guidelines to follow when contributing.
Please read the Code of Conduct before participating, all contributors are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
The XM Cloud ASP.NET Core Starter Kit is a template repository that can be used to create a new XM Cloud project. The repository contains a basic ASP.NET Core application that is configured to work with XM Cloud. The repository is intended to be used as a starting point for developers to build their own XM Cloud applications.
Sitecore has a "No commitment" approach to this repository. The required functionality of the Starter Kit and related XM Cloud features will be the driver for acceptance decisions. We are open to contributions from the community, but make no commitment to accept or incorporate changes.
Sitecore is open to contributions from the community, but make no commitment to incorporate these changes. All contributions must be submitted by the standard GitHub pull request flow, or by logging an issue to be resolved by Sitecore.
- All contributions must be submitted by the standard GitHub pull request flow.
- This project uses File Scoped Namespaces, please ensure any changes follow this pattern.
- This repository is configured to use
Squash Merges
for all accepted contributions. This decision has been made to keep the commit history clean and concise.