PFM stands for Portable FloatMap Image Format, as specified by PHM is the half-float variant as used by intel open image denoise library.
This software is a minimalist (563 C++/ispc lines) desktop app made with Nana++ GUI library.
It makes use of auto-vectorizing compiler ispc to exploit superscalar AVX512 instructions for tone/exposure updates.
It is built with subsystem:console on windows so it can accept piped data to stdin.
one argument for file name (or optionally - (dash) to indicate stdin) If no arguments: it will probe for stdin pending data, or open a filebox dialog picker if no pending data on stdin.
Use that snippet to output (usually linear space) 16bits-float-RGB (half3) images from your software:
// export to PHM:
std::ofstream f{"hdrimg.phm", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary};
f << "PH\n"; // capital H = 3 channels of halfs
f << resolutionX << " " << resolutionY << "\n";
f << "-1.0\n"; // scale and endian (neg=little)
f.write((const char*)rowmajorHalfRgbImageData, resolutionX * resolutionY * 3 * 2);
magic legend:
- install ispc (version 1.18.0 was used for dev)
if you have a different version (or unorthodox install path), tune the CMakeLists.txt to adjust the fallback path
set (ISPC_EXECUTABLE "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/ISPC/ispc-v1.18.0-windows/bin/ispc.exe")
to your version and actual installation path. - install cmake 3.15 or newer
- Download from and put ninja.exe in a PATH accessible folder.
- decompress the in place, so that you have a "nana" folder which immediately contains the .hpp. The release .lib for visual studio toolset 142 is included in the zip
- open a "x64 visual studio tool console" (or execute vcvars64.bat)
then call
- cd to build/
- call ninja
You should have PfmViewer.exe
ready to go
If you want to build in debug mode,
Go to get the 1.7.4 version, build it yourself using your prefered project system.
Copy the .lib produced to nana/BIN
edit cmake_suggestion_ninja_cl.bat
and change -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release