A tool that adds a weekly build schedule to Bitbucket repositories associated with services listed in the Datadog Service Catalog that are not actively being developed (aka no changes in the last week).
An AWS CloudFormation template is included in this repository to facilitate the automation of this script's execution through the use of an AWS Lambda function.
Alongside Python 3.11+, the following packages must be installed to run this tool:
- boto3
- requests
- datadog-api-client
Additionally, you need to have both AWS CLI & AWS SAM CLI installed and configured. The following guides provide detailed instructions on how to do so:
Whether you plan to run the script locally or to deploy a Lambda function, you must do these four things:
- Clone this repository.
- Create app pass/keys with the following scopes:
- Bitbucket Pass: repository, pipeline:write
- Datadog Key: apm_service_catalog_read
- Set environment variables:
- Set values specific to your use case for the two global variables found at the top of weekly_build_scheduler.py.
- Install dependencies:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- In the same directory as the script, execute the provided command:
python -m weekly_build_scheduler
- Run script and process all services in the Datadog Service Catalog
python -m weekly_build_scheduler
- Run script and process all services in the Datadog Service Catalog , but ignore services with Bitbucket repositories
whose names begin with "media"
python -m weekly_build_scheduler --override media*
- Run script and process only dummy repos (i.e. dummy-tool, dummy-tool-2, dummy-tool-3)
python -m weekly_build_scheduler --repositories dummy-tool dummy-tool-2 dummy-tool-3
- Run script with more detailed logs
python -m weekly_build_scheduler --verbose
- Set a schedule in cron format as well as a description for the Lambda event in the template.yaml file.
- Build the .aws-sam directory:
sam build
- Deploy one of two versions of this Lambda:
- To deploy the dev version (unscheduled):
sam deploy --stack_name TEXT -- s3-bucket TEXT --s3-prefix TEXT --region TEXT --parameter-overrides "AppName=weekly-build-scheduler-dev EnvName=dev DryRun=true BBAPPPASS=$BB_APP_PASS BBUSERID=$BB_USER_ID DDAPIKEY=$DD_API_KEY DDAPPKEY=$DD_APP_KEY"
- To deploy the prod version (scheduled):
sam deploy --stack_name TEXT -- s3-bucket TEXT --s3-prefix TEXT --region TEXT --parameter-overrides "AppName=weekly-build-scheduler-prod EnvName=prod BBAPPPASS=$BB_APP_PASS BBUSERID=$BB_USER_ID DDAPIKEY=$DD_API_KEY DDAPPKEY=$DD_APP_KEY"
- To deploy the dev version (unscheduled):
- (Optional) Create an AWS SAM CLI config file to skip entering the arguments in the previous step every time you want to deploy. Learn more about that here.