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Smart Pointers Implementation Using Raw Pointers and Usage

We have implemented smart pointers using raw pointers. Below is a starter code that mimics a smart pointer. I will explain everything written in the following code blocks. This would help you to have a basic understanding of how a smart pointer works

The template class for smart pointer

template<typename T>
class smartPointer{
        T *ptr; // raw pointer

        // constructor
        explicit smartPointer(T* p=nullptr):ptr(p) {
            cout<<"smartPointer instance created, Contructor is called!!\n";
        // destructor
            cout<<"smartPointer deleted, Destructor is called!!\n";
            delete ptr;

        // overloading dereference operator to access, note: the return type is 'T&'
        T& operator*() const {
            cout<<"overloading dereference operator\n";
            return *ptr;

        // overloading arrow oprator to access the object's members, note: the return type is 'T*'
        T* operator->() const {
            cout<<"overloading arrow oprator\n";
            return ptr;

A sample class whose object we would be pointing to using our smart pointer

class MyClass {
    MyClass() {
        std::cout << "MyClass Constructor is called\n";

    ~MyClass() {
        std::cout << "MyClass is going out of scope!!!! Destructor is called\n" ;

    void show() const {
        std::cout << "MyClass instance function!\n" ;


int main()
    // create a smart pointer to manage MyClass instance
    smartPointer<MyClass>sp1(new MyClass()); // sp1 is a smart pointer to an object of MyClass

    // accessing the memeber function show via smart pointer
    sp1->show(); // using arrow operator
    (*sp1).show(); // using dereference operator

    return 0;


Let us start from the main. An object of smartPointer class is created with name sp1 that points to an object of class MyClass created using new. Before we go to the next lines, lets first have a look at the smartPointer class structure.

1. Why Use explicit Before Constructor?

The explicit keyword in C++ is used to prevent implicit conversions and copy-initialization that could occur with single-argument constructors. When a constructor is marked as explicit, it can only be invoked through direct initialization, and not through copy initialization.


Without explicit, the following implicit conversion is allowed:

class SmartPointer {
    SmartPointer(int* p) {}  // No explicit

SmartPointer sp = 10;  // Implicit conversion from int to SmartPointer

Here, SmartPointer sp = 10; would be valid, even though it doesn’t make sense.

If you mark the constructor as explicit:

class SmartPointer {
    explicit SmartPointer(int* p) {}

SmartPointer sp = 10;  // Error! No implicit conversion

Now the compiler throws an error, preventing implicit conversion. You would need to explicitly call the constructor like this:

SmartPointer sp(new int(10));

Thus, explicit helps avoid unintentional and incorrect conversions.

2. Constructor with Default Argument

explicit SmartPointer(T* p = nullptr) : ptr(p) {}

This constructor allows the user to pass a pointer during initialization, or if they don’t provide a pointer, nullptr is assigned by default. This is useful in smart pointers because you may want to initialize them to nullptr to indicate they are not yet managing any resource.

Alternatively, you could write the constructor as:

explicit SmartPointer() : ptr(nullptr) {}

However, this constructor doesn't allow the user to pass in a pointer, which removes flexibility. The first version is preferred because it gives you the option to pass a pointer or let it default to nullptr.

Key Difference:

  • The version with the default argument gives more flexibility, allowing both cases where a pointer is passed or not.
  • The version without the argument forces the user to explicitly set the pointer later.

3. Dereference Operator (operator*)

T& operator*() const {
    return *ptr;

Breaking it down:

  • Return Type (T&): This function returns a reference (&) to an object of type T.

    • T& means the return value is a reference to the object the smart pointer is managing, allowing you to directly access and modify the original object.
  • Function Name (operator*()): This is the dereference operator. It allows you to dereference the smart pointer, just like you would with a raw pointer (*ptr).

  • Body (return *ptr;):

    • ptr is the raw pointer inside the smart pointer.
    • *ptr dereferences the pointer to give access to the object it points to.
    • Returning *ptr as T& means you're giving a reference to the original object.

Why Return by Reference?

Returning by reference avoids making a copy of the object. In smart pointers, you typically want to work with the original object, not a copy, to avoid unnecessary overhead and ensure any changes are made to the actual object being managed.

4. Arrow Operator (operator->)

T* operator->() const {
    return ptr;

Breaking it down:

  • Return Type (T*): This function returns a pointer (T*) to the object being managed by the smart pointer.

    • The return type is the raw pointer itself (ptr), allowing you to access the object’s members directly.
  • Function Name (operator->()): This is the arrow operator. It allows you to use the smart pointer as if it were a raw pointer to access members of the object it points to.

  • Body (return ptr;):

    • ptr is the raw pointer.
    • Returning ptr gives access to the object's members.

Why Return a Pointer in operator->()?

The arrow operator needs to return a pointer because C++ expects the -> operator to be followed by member access (sp->member). By returning the raw pointer, the smart pointer can provide direct access to the object's members in a natural and efficient way.

5. Difference Between operator*() and operator->()


  • Returns a reference (T&) to the object.
  • Used when you want direct access to the object itself.


  • Returns a pointer (T*) to the object.
  • Used to access the members of the object.

In most cases, the operator->() is simply a wrapper that returns the internal raw pointer, while operator*() provides direct access to the underlying object.


SmartPointer<MyClass> sp(new MyClass());

// Using the dereference operator (*)
(*sp).someMethod();  // Dereferences the smart pointer, then accesses the object

// Using the arrow operator (->)
sp->someMethod();    // Directly accesses the object’s members via the pointer
  • (*sp).someMethod(): First dereferences the smart pointer, then calls someMethod() on the object.
  • sp->someMethod(): Uses the arrow operator to directly call someMethod() on the object via the pointer.

Now lets come back to the next two lines of main

// Using the arrow operator (->)
sp1->smartPointer();    // Directly accesses the object’s members via the pointer
// Using the dereference operator (*)
(*sp1).samrtPointer();  // Dereferences the smart pointer, then accesses the object

Following the explanation above we can see how the smartPointer object sp1 is handled:

  • to access the data members of MyClass object directly using -> operator as we would do in case of any raw pointer
  • to access the MyClass object directly using dereference operator __* and then *.* to access its members

The final output is :

MyClass Constructor is called
smartPointer instance created, Contructor is called!!
overloading arrow oprator
MyClass instance function!
overloading dereference operator
MyClass instance function!
smartPointer deleted, Destructor is called!!
MyClass is going out of scope!!!! Destructor is called

Unique Pointer Implementation in C++

This project demonstrates how to implement a basic UniquePointer in C++, which mimics the behavior of std::unique_ptr. It includes move semantics, preventing copying, and managing ownership of a dynamically allocated object.


A UniquePointer is a smart pointer that:

  • Ensures unique ownership of a resource (like a dynamically allocated object).
  • Implements move semantics to transfer ownership between pointers efficiently.
  • Prevents copying to maintain unique ownership.

Key Features

  • Move Constructor: Transfers ownership of the managed object.
  • Move Assignment Operator: Transfers ownership while preventing resource leaks.
  • No Copying: Copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted.
  • Custom Destructor: Automatically deletes the managed resource when the UniquePointer goes out of scope.

The code file is uniquePointer.cpp at root.

Code Implementation

template<typename T>
class UniquePointer {
    T* ptr;

    // Constructor
    explicit UniquePointer(T* p = nullptr) : ptr(p) {}

    // Destructor
    ~UniquePointer() {
        delete ptr;

    // Delete copy constructor and assignment to prevent copying
    UniquePointer(const UniquePointer&) = delete;
    UniquePointer& operator=(const UniquePointer&) = delete;

    // Move constructor: transfers ownership from another UniquePointer
    UniquePointer(UniquePointer&& other) noexcept : ptr(other.ptr) {
        other.ptr = nullptr;  // Set the other pointer to nullptr after the move

    // Move assignment: transfers ownership from another UniquePointer
    UniquePointer& operator=(UniquePointer&& other) noexcept {
        if (this != &other) {
            delete ptr;          // Free the current resource
            ptr = other.ptr;     // Transfer ownership
            other.ptr = nullptr; // Set the other pointer to nullptr
        return *this;

    // Overloading dereference operator to access the object
    T& operator*() const {
        return *ptr;

    // Overloading arrow operator to access the object's members
    T* operator->() const {
        return ptr;

    // Release function: releases ownership of the pointer
    T* release() {
        T* oldPtr = ptr;
        ptr = nullptr;
        return oldPtr;

    // Utility function to reset the pointer with a new one
    void reset(T* p = nullptr) {
        delete ptr;  // Free the current resource
        ptr = p;     // Take ownership of the new pointer


Deleting Copy Constructor

UniquePointer(const UniquePointer&) = delete; // copy constructor deleted

The copy constructor allows an object to be copied, i.e., creating a new object as a copy of an existing object. For a smart pointer, if you allowed copying, you could end up with two pointers managing the same resource, which could lead to problems like double deletion.

By writing = delete, you are telling the compiler to forbid copying of UniquePointer objects. If any code tries to copy a UniquePointer object, the compiler will throw an error.

UniquePointer<int> uptr1(new int(10));
UniquePointer<int> uptr2 = uptr1;  // ERROR: Copy constructor is deleted

This ensures that there is always a single owner of the resource at any point in time.

Deleting Copy Assignment Operator

UniquePointer& operator=(const UniquePointer&) = delete; // copy assignment operator deleted

The copy assignment operator is used when you assign one object to another after both have been created. For instance, you might want to assign the contents of one UniquePointer to another :

UniquePointer<int> uptr1(new int(10));
UniquePointer<int> uptr2;
uptr2 = uptr1;  // ERROR: Copy assignment operator is deleted

But this is also forbidden in UniquePointer because it would mean both smart pointers now point to the same resource, leading to similar problems like double deletion.

If you don’t delete the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator

  1. Copying will be allowed, and you might end up with multiple UniquePointer objects pointing to the same resource.
  2. Both copies would attempt to delete the same resource when they go out of scope, leading to undefined behavior like double free errors.

Move Constructor

UniquePointer(UniquePointer&& other) noexcept : ptr(other.ptr) {
    other.ptr = nullptr;  // Set the other pointer to nullptr after the move

Purpose : This constructor is called when an object is moved (i.e., ownership is transferred) rather than copied. For example, if you do

UniquePointer uptr2 = std::move(uptr1);

the move constructor will be invoked.

What happens :

  • ptr (the raw pointer of the current object) is assigned the value of other.ptr (the raw pointer from the other UniquePointer).
  • other.ptr is then set to nullptr, meaning the original object (other) no longer holds ownership of the resource.

Result : Ownership is transferred from other to the current object, and the original object (other) is left empty (pointing to nullptr).

noexcept : Ensures that this move operation won’t throw exceptions. This is important for performance optimization in certain situations like in standard containers (e.g., std::vector).

Move Assignment operator

UniquePointer& operator=(UniquePointer&& other) noexcept {
    if (this != &other) {  // Prevent self-assignment
        delete ptr;          // Free the current resource
        ptr = other.ptr;     // Transfer ownership
        other.ptr = nullptr; // Set the other pointer to nullptr
    return *this;

Purpose : This operator is called when an already existing UniquePointer needs to take ownership of the resource from another UniquePointer. For example,

uptr2 = std::move(uptr1);

What happens :

  • Self-assignment check : if (this != &other) ensures that if you're assigning the object to itself (e.g., uptr1 = std::move(uptr1);), nothing happens to avoid errors.
  • Free current resource : If the current object (this) already holds a resource, it is deleted with delete ptr to avoid memory leaks.
  • Transfer ownership : The raw pointer from other is assigned to this->ptr, transferring ownership of the resource.
  • Reset other.ptr : other.ptr is set to nullptr so the other object no longer holds the resource.

Result : Ownership is transferred from other to the current object, and the original object (other) is left empty (pointing to nullptr).

Finally, move semantics :

  1. Avoid unnecessary copying : Instead of creating a deep copy of the resource, the resource's ownership is simply transferred, which is more efficient.
  2. Prevent double deletion : After the move, the original UniquePointer no longer owns the resource (since its pointer is set to nullptr), so it won't attempt to delete the resource when it goes out of scope.

Understanding & and && Operators

Lvalue (&, locator value): Refers to an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory. Essentially, it's anything you can take the address of. For example, variables like int x = 10; where x is an lvalue because it has a memory location.

Rvalue (&&, right-hand value): Refers to a temporary object or a literal value that does not persist beyond the expression that uses it. For example, the number 10 in int x = 10; is an rvalue because it's a temporary value.

  1. Lvalue Reference (&) : Typically used when you want to refer to an existing object that will persist in memory.
    • Can only bind to lvalues.
    • Example: int& x = var; (where var is a variable).
  2. Rvalue Reference (&&) : Used to implement move semantics, allowing efficient resource management by transferring ownership of temporary objects instead of copying them.
    • Can only bind to rvalues (temporary values).
    • Example: int&& y = 10; (binds to the temporary 10).

Release() vs Move()

T* release() {
        T* oldPtr = ptr;
        ptr = nullptr;
        return oldPtr;

When you use the release() function, you manually release the ownership of the raw pointer from the UniquePointer, which returns the raw pointer but does not delete the pointer or free the resource. You then have to explicitly assign this raw pointer to another UniquePointer (or manage it yourself). After calling release(), the original UniquePointer is left with nullptr.

UniquePointer<int> uptr1(new int(10));
int* rawPtr = uptr1.release();  // release gives the raw pointer, uptr1 becomes nullptr
UniquePointer<int> uptr2(rawPtr); // now uptr2 takes ownership of the raw pointer

Move() Semantics :

  • Automatic: Transfer of ownership is handled automatically by the move constructor/assignment operator.
  • After the move, the original UniquePointer is safely set to nullptr.
  • No need to manually manage the raw pointer.

Release() Function :

  • Manual: You manually release the raw pointer and then reassign it to another UniquePointer (or manage it yourself).
  • You need to ensure that the raw pointer is handled correctly to avoid memory leaks.
  • After calling release(), you are responsible for assigning the raw pointer to a new owner (e.g., another UniquePointer).