NOT WORKING proof of concept to control a LEDStrip with WS2912b-LEDs with a Devboard called FRDM_K64F. Super fast, spibased PoC for using LEDStrips with WS2812b. Only using CPU for initialisation.
Sending out Data through a PIN with SPI and changing Pinstate with different alternate Pinfunctions. That way a Signal can be genrated, that is compatible with WS2812b.
between SPI-Datapackats there are short gaps. Because of this the SPI-signal desyncs with the pinchanges.
- replace SPI with I2S
- trying to find a SPI-configuration (config gap and clock) that is compatible. (Part of the output that is a gap can maybe be hidden in a different Pinstate)
- That Project uses Kinetis SDK (should be replaced somewhere in the future)
- Project uses Kvasir (will be maybe replaced with alloy-hal
- Some Explanations can be found on a presentation