- [TASK] Add composer support - thanks to Daniel Herrmann
- [TASK] Don't create smallipop instances when selector is empty.
- [TASK] Divided scss into separate files so they can be included more easily.
- [TASK] Added package.json with correct dependencies for developing.
- [BUGFIX] Uppercase nodeName before checking if element is HTML - thanks to Christian Weiske
- [TASK] Added waffle.io badge
- [TASK] Added bower.json
- [BUGFIX] Hint class was wrong in readme
- [BUGFIX] Tests are running again
- Wrong position of arrow when scrolling and smallipop realigns itself
- Mouseout for trigger works again
- Done a lot of refactoring. Minified versions of js and css lost some KB.
- Tooltip arrows are now using :after and :before pseudo elements. Thanks to https://github.com/zalog for this patch. These arrows won't show up when using IE7 and earlier.
- All css classes are now using dashes. This simplifies a lot of things and makes the plugin more consistent. You should check your custom themes.
- The default inline hint class is now smallipop-hint instead of smallipopHint. But this is still available as option, so you can use your old smallipopHint class.