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Code for reproducibility of the Interactive Atlas Dataset

This repository contains all the code needed to generate the intermediate dataset (Interactive Atlas Dataset) used in the Interactive Atlas. For simplicity, the full workflow is split up in four main scripts which undertake independent tasks. In a nutshell:

  • 01_index_calculation.R computes a number of climate indices (see the table included in the own script) from CMIP5 (and/or CMIP6) model outputs. Due to the particularities of some of the indices available, two more companion scripts are also delivered: 01_index_calculation_SPI.R and 01_index_calculation_bias_corrected.R. Whereas the former is thought for SPI-6, the latter is used for those indices which are based on absolute thresholds (Frost Days, TX35 and TX40).
  • 02_interpolation.R interpolates the outputs (NetCDF files) produced by 01_index_calculation.R using Conservative Remapping (the approach used in EURO-CORDEX for CORDEX data). The folder called bash-interpolation-scripts contains some bash scripts which are required by 02_interpolation.R.
  • 03_ensemble_building.R creates a multi-model ensemble building on the interpolated information generated by 02_interpolation.R, returning NcML files.
  • 04_map_figures.R generates the final figures (maps) from the NcMLs returned by 03_ensemble_building.R.

Please be aware that these four scripts must be run in the above order. All of them build upon the climate4R framework.

Script list