BetterDiscordPanel v2.5.0
BetterDiscordPanel v2.5.0 is now out! This version contains lots of new features to the panel, a new language translation and other minor changes!
Web Panel
- View Last messages received from your discord bot
A log of all messages received from all servers, channels and DMs are recorded so you can monitor messages. - Update Notifications
BetterDiscordPanel now informs you when a new update is available on both the settings panel and web panel. - Leave Server
This feature has been added to the Tool Box located in Server Info. - Bot Status
- Bot Avatar Picture
Settings Panel
- #11 - New Hungarian translation by @GabiK65
- Automatic Update checker
BetterDiscordPanel will now automatically update when you open the panel via the settings panel.
- Other Minor changes to JS, CSS and Powershell Scripts
- Changes to web panel locales