diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/components/NovuProviderWrapper/NovuProviderWrapper.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/components/NovuProviderWrapper/NovuProviderWrapper.tsx
index 0edc801b0..7bee5dd6b 100644
--- a/packages/web-app/src/components/NovuProviderWrapper/NovuProviderWrapper.tsx
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/components/NovuProviderWrapper/NovuProviderWrapper.tsx
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ interface NovuProviderWrapperProps {
children: ReactElement
-const isNovuProviderEnabled = false
export const NovuProviderWrapper = observer(({ children }: NovuProviderWrapperProps): ReactElement | null => {
const store = getStore()
const { currentProfile } = store.profile
- if (currentProfile?.id && isNovuProviderEnabled) {
+ if (currentProfile?.id) {
return (
const isAuthenticated = store.auth.isAuthenticated
@@ -25,6 +26,12 @@ const mapStoreToProps = (store: RootStore): any => {
canBeRedeemed: store.balance.currentBalance >= store.rewards.selectedTargetReward?.price,
: null
+ const isNotificationsDrawerOpened = store.notifications.isNotificationsDrawerOpened
+ const notifications = {
+ isNotificationsDrawerOpened,
+ onOpenNotificationsDrawer: store.notifications.openNotificationsDrawer,
+ onCloseNotificationsDrawer: store.notifications.closeNotificationsDrawer,
+ }
const goToAccount = () => store.routing.push('/account/summary')
const goToSelectTargetRewardPage = () => store.routing.push('/store/select-target-reward')
@@ -74,7 +81,8 @@ const mapStoreToProps = (store: RootStore): any => {
startButtonToolTipError: startButton.toolTipError,
username: isAuthenticated ? store.profile.currentProfile?.username : undefined,
+ notifications,
-export const NavigationBarContainer = connect(mapStoreToProps, NavigationBar)
+export const NavigationBarContainer = connect(mapStoreToProps, NavigationBarWithNotifications)
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/home-views/components/NavigationBarWithNotifications.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/home-views/components/NavigationBarWithNotifications.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..386bfc218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/home-views/components/NavigationBarWithNotifications.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import { useNotifications } from '@novu/notification-center'
+import { NavigationBar, type NavigationBarProps } from '@saladtechnologies/garden-components'
+import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
+import { getConfiguredNovuBannerNotifications } from '../../notifications/utils'
+export const NavigationBarWithNotifications: FunctionComponent = (props) => {
+ const {
+ notifications: novuNotifications,
+ unseenCount,
+ markNotificationAsRead,
+ markAllNotificationsAsSeen,
+ } = useNotifications()
+ const unreadNovuNotifications = novuNotifications?.filter((notification) => !notification.read)
+ const bannerNotifications = getConfiguredNovuBannerNotifications(unreadNovuNotifications, (notificationId: string) =>
+ markNotificationAsRead(notificationId),
+ )
+ const newsNotifications = bannerNotifications.filter((notification) => notification?.variant === 'news')
+ const warningsNotifications = bannerNotifications.filter((notification) => notification?.variant === 'error')
+ const hasUnseenNotifications = unseenCount > 0
+ const handleOpenNotificationsDrawer = () => {
+ props.notifications.onOpenNotificationsDrawer()
+ if (hasUnseenNotifications) {
+ markAllNotificationsAsSeen()
+ }
+ }
+ const notifications = {
+ ...props.notifications,
+ news: newsNotifications,
+ warnings: warningsNotifications,
+ hasUnseenNotifications,
+ onOpenNotificationsDrawer: handleOpenNotificationsDrawer,
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.stories.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.stories.tsx
similarity index 96%
rename from packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.stories.tsx
rename to packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.stories.tsx
index 6833deef1..a9a3fa7a0 100644
--- a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.stories.tsx
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.stories.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'
-import { addStories } from '../../../../.storybook/addStories'
+import { addStories } from '../../../../../.storybook/addStories'
import { NotificationToast } from './NotificationToast'
const stories = [
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.tsx
similarity index 95%
rename from packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.tsx
rename to packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.tsx
index 292c296f6..010182187 100644
--- a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/components/NotificationToast.tsx
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/NotificationToast.tsx
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import type { ReactNode } from 'react'
import { Component } from 'react'
import type { WithStyles } from 'react-jss'
import withStyles from 'react-jss'
-import { P } from '../../../components'
-import type { SaladTheme } from '../../../SaladTheme'
+import { P } from '../../../../components'
+import type { SaladTheme } from '../../../../SaladTheme'
const styles = (theme: SaladTheme) => ({
container: {
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/index.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d01a8106f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NotificationToast/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from './NotificationToast'
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/NovuNotificationBanner.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/NovuNotificationBanner.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a5d4c481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/NovuNotificationBanner.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import { useNotifications } from '@novu/notification-center'
+import { NotificationBanner } from '@saladtechnologies/garden-components'
+import type { FC } from 'react'
+import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
+import type { WithStyles } from 'react-jss'
+import withStyles from 'react-jss'
+import { getConfiguredNovuBannerNotifications } from '../../../notifications/utils'
+const styles = () => ({
+ container: {
+ width: 560,
+ position: 'fixed',
+ zIndex: 99,
+ top: 85,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ margin: 'auto',
+ },
+interface NovuNotificationBannerRawProps extends WithStyles {}
+export const NovuNotificationBannerRaw: FC = ({ classes }) => {
+ const { notifications, markNotificationAsRead } = useNotifications()
+ const [isHidden, setisHidden] = useState(false)
+ const unreadNovuNotifications = notifications?.filter((notification) => !notification.read)
+ const bannerNotifications = getConfiguredNovuBannerNotifications(
+ unreadNovuNotifications,
+ (notificationId: string) => {
+ markNotificationAsRead(notificationId)
+ setisHidden(true)
+ },
+ )
+ const overlayNovuNotifications = bannerNotifications?.filter((notification) => notification.overlay)
+ const lastOverlayNovuNotification = overlayNovuNotifications[0]
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setisHidden(false)
+ }, [notifications, setisHidden])
+ if (!lastOverlayNovuNotification || isHidden) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return (
+ )
+export const NovuNotificationBanner = withStyles(styles)(NovuNotificationBannerRaw)
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/index.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..739b58636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/NovuNotificationBanner/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from './NovuNotificationBanner'
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/index.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d15a10965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications-views/components/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from './NotificationToast'
+export * from './NovuNotificationBanner'
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/NotificationStore.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/NotificationStore.tsx
index 27cac2c6c..2bc10f6d3 100644
--- a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/NotificationStore.tsx
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/NotificationStore.tsx
@@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
+import { action, observable } from 'mobx'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import type { RootStore } from '../../Store'
-import { NotificationToast } from './components/NotificationToast'
+import { NotificationToast } from '../notifications-views/components'
import type { NotificationMessage } from './models'
export class NotificationStore {
+ @observable
+ public isNotificationsDrawerOpened: boolean = false
constructor(private readonly store: RootStore) {}
+ @action.bound
+ openNotificationsDrawer = () => {
+ this.isNotificationsDrawerOpened = true
+ }
+ @action.bound
+ closeNotificationsDrawer = () => {
+ this.isNotificationsDrawerOpened = false
+ }
* Shows a notification to the user
* @param message The notification message
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/models/NotificationMessage.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/models/NotificationMessage.tsx
index 3113e6e39..6ff496254 100644
--- a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/models/NotificationMessage.tsx
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/models/NotificationMessage.tsx
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export enum NotificationMessageCategory {
ReferralCodeInvalid = 'Referral Code Invalid',
ReferralCodeDoesNotExist = 'Referral Code Does Not Exist',
ReferralCodeError = 'Referral Code Error',
+ NovuInfo = 'Novu Info',
+ NovuWarning = 'Novu Warning',
export interface NotificationMessage {
@@ -52,3 +54,63 @@ export interface NotificationMessage {
onClick?: () => void
+/** A resource that represents an action that acknowledges a notification. */
+export interface AcknowledgeNotificationAction {
+ /** The title. */
+ title: string
+/** A resource that represents an action that dismisses a notification. */
+export interface DismissNotificationAction {
+ /** The title. */
+ title: string
+/** A resource that represents an action that opens a link in the default browser. */
+export interface OpenLinkNotificationAction {
+ /** The title. */
+ title: string
+ /** The link. */
+ link: string
+/** A resource that represents an in-app notification action. */
+export interface NotificationAction {
+ action?:
+ | {
+ $case: 'acknowledge'
+ acknowledge: AcknowledgeNotificationAction
+ }
+ | {
+ $case: 'dismiss'
+ dismiss: DismissNotificationAction
+ }
+ | {
+ $case: 'openLink'
+ openLink: OpenLinkNotificationAction
+ }
+export interface Notification {
+ /** The Novu resource identifier. */
+ novuId: string
+ /** The title. */
+ title: string
+ /** The body. */
+ body: string
+ /** The date and time of the notification. */
+ createDate: Date | undefined
+ /** The list of actions. */
+ actions: NotificationAction[]
+ /** A value indicating whether the notification has been acknowledged. */
+ acknowledged: boolean
+ /** identifier used to track actions from this notification. */
+ trackId: string
+ /** A value indicating whether the notification is os type. */
+ osNotification: boolean
+ /** A value indicating whether the notification is overlay type. */
+ overlay: boolean
+ /** A value indicating whether the notification has been seen. */
+ seen: boolean
+ /** A value indicating whether the notification has been read. */
+ read: boolean
diff --git a/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/utils.tsx b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/utils.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e62afb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web-app/src/modules/notifications/utils.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+import type { IMessage } from '@novu/shared'
+import type { NotificationBannerProps as GardenNotificationBannerProps } from '@saladtechnologies/garden-components'
+import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
+import { NotificationMessageCategory, type Notification, type NotificationAction } from './models'
+interface NovuTemplateCta {
+ acknowledgeLabel: string
+ linkCTA: {
+ linkLabel: string
+ url: string
+ }
+type NovuTemplateCtaContent = NovuTemplateCta['acknowledgeLabel'] | NovuTemplateCta['linkCTA']
+type NotificationBannerProps = GardenNotificationBannerProps & {
+ overlay: boolean
+const getNormalizedNotificationAction = (
+ ctaKey: string,
+ ctaContent: NovuTemplateCtaContent,
+): NotificationAction['action'] => {
+ switch (ctaKey) {
+ case 'linkCTA': {
+ return {
+ $case: 'openLink',
+ openLink: {
+ link: (ctaContent as NovuTemplateCta['linkCTA']).url,
+ title: (ctaContent as NovuTemplateCta['linkCTA']).linkLabel,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ case 'acknowledgeLabel':
+ default: {
+ return {
+ $case: 'acknowledge',
+ acknowledge: {
+ title: ctaContent as NovuTemplateCta['acknowledgeLabel'],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export interface IMessageWithId extends IMessage {
+ id: string
+export const getNormalizedNovuNotification = (novuNotification: IMessage): Notification | null => {
+ try {
+ const { v1, osNotification, overlay } = JSON.parse(novuNotification.content as string)
+ const { cta } = v1
+ const actions: NotificationAction[] = Object.keys(cta).map((key: string) => {
+ return { action: getNormalizedNotificationAction(key, cta[key]) }
+ })
+ const trackId = v1.type === 'info' ? NotificationMessageCategory.NovuInfo : NotificationMessageCategory.NovuWarning
+ return {
+ trackId,
+ novuId: novuNotification._id,
+ title: v1.title,
+ body: v1.body,
+ read: novuNotification.read,
+ seen: novuNotification.seen,
+ createDate: new Date(novuNotification.createdAt),
+ acknowledged: novuNotification.read,
+ actions,
+ overlay,
+ osNotification,
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return null
+ }
+interface NotificationActionPayload {
+ label: string
+ onClick: () => void
+const getReceivedAtDisplay = (
+ createDate: Date,
+): { value: number; unit: 'year' | 'month' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' } => {
+ const createDateLuxon = DateTime.fromJSDate(createDate)
+ const duration = DateTime.now().diff(createDateLuxon)
+ const interval = duration.shiftTo('years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds').toObject()
+ if (interval.years !== undefined && interval.years >= 1) {
+ return { value: interval.years, unit: 'year' }
+ }
+ if (interval.months !== undefined && interval.months >= 1) {
+ return { value: interval.months, unit: 'month' }
+ }
+ if (interval.days !== undefined && interval.days >= 1) {
+ return { value: interval.days, unit: 'day' }
+ }
+ if (interval.hours !== undefined && interval.hours >= 1) {
+ return { value: interval.hours, unit: 'hour' }
+ }
+ if (interval.minutes !== undefined && interval.minutes >= 1) {
+ return { value: Math.ceil(interval.minutes), unit: 'minute' }
+ }
+ return { value: interval.seconds ? Math.ceil(interval.seconds) : 0, unit: 'second' }
+const getNotificationBannerAction = (
+ notification: Notification,
+ onReadNovuNotification: (notificationId: string) => void,
+ action?: NotificationAction,
+): NotificationActionPayload => {
+ switch (action?.action?.$case) {
+ case 'acknowledge': {
+ return {
+ label: action.action.acknowledge.title,
+ onClick: () => onReadNovuNotification(notification.novuId),
+ }
+ }
+ case 'dismiss': {
+ return {
+ label: action.action.dismiss.title,
+ onClick: () => onReadNovuNotification(notification.novuId),
+ }
+ }
+ case 'openLink': {
+ const openLink = action.action.openLink
+ return {
+ label: openLink.title,
+ onClick: () => {
+ window.open(openLink.link, '_blank')
+ onReadNovuNotification(notification.novuId)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ return {
+ label: '',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
+ onClick: () => {},
+ }
+ }
+export const getConfiguredNovuBannerNotifications = (
+ novuNotifications: IMessage[] | undefined,
+ onReadNovuNotification: (notificationId: string) => void,
+): NotificationBannerProps[] => {
+ if (!novuNotifications) {
+ return []
+ }
+ const configuredNovuBannerNotifications: (NotificationBannerProps | null)[] = novuNotifications.map(
+ (notification) => {
+ const normalizedNotification = getNormalizedNovuNotification(notification)
+ if (!normalizedNotification) {
+ return null
+ }
+ const { createDate, title, body, overlay, trackId, actions, novuId } = normalizedNotification
+ const firstNotificationAction = actions[0]
+ const secondNotificationAction = actions[1]
+ const variant = trackId === NotificationMessageCategory.NovuInfo ? 'news' : 'error'
+ return {
+ action1: getNotificationBannerAction(normalizedNotification, onReadNovuNotification, firstNotificationAction),
+ action2: getNotificationBannerAction(normalizedNotification, onReadNovuNotification, secondNotificationAction),
+ message: body,
+ onClose: () => onReadNovuNotification(novuId),
+ receivedAt: createDate ? getReceivedAtDisplay(createDate) : { value: 1, unit: 'minute' },
+ title,
+ variant,
+ overlay,
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ return configuredNovuBannerNotifications.filter((notification) => notification !== null) as NotificationBannerProps[]
diff --git a/packages/web-app/yarn.lock b/packages/web-app/yarn.lock
index 4d8fac26c..325668f23 100644
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+++ b/packages/web-app/yarn.lock
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