Welcome to my JavaScript learning repository! This repository contains code and notes organized by topic to document my journey of learning JavaScript.
- /01_basics
- /02_controlflow
- 01_one.js
- 02_switch.js
- 03_truthyfalsy.js
- /03_iteration
- 01_floop.js
- 02_whileloop.js
- 03_arryLoop.js
- 04_map_reduce.js
- /04_dom
- 01_one.html
- 02_two.html
- 03_three.html
- 04_four.html
- /05_projects
-project.md(it contains all about the flow
and description)
- 01_project1
- 02_project2
- 03_project3
- 04_project4
- 05_project5
- /06_events
- /07_oops
it contains md file which will descibe
all the flow of folder with description.