Releases: SafetyCulture/safetyculture-sdk-python
Support number field conditions, support dates prior to 1900
Update file handler for new virus scanning function
Adjusted the exporter to handle outputs introduced by our new virus scanning functionality.
Add logging to csvExporter
This patch adds logging to the csvExporter to catch a rare exception that has been reported. This also allows the csvExporter to continue without exiting when encountering the error.
Update Actions exports
Merge pull request #63 from SafetyCulture/ACT-1981 [ACT-1981] updated
Update to new Report Functions
Updated SDK to use new reporting end points.
PDF and WORD will now be generated in the new format and you are now able to use your new preferences with them too.
Data Processing Fixes
This patch includes the following fixes to the CSV export process:
- make sure it will not error out for very old inspections that do not include the template metadata name field.
- include the response data to a temperature field
SafetyCulture Python SDK extended to support 'Sites' data.
Python SDK and tools have been extended to support 'Sites' audit data within the CSV exporter.
SafetyCulture Python SDK extended to support Python 3 and Actions exporting
Python SDK and tools have been extended to support both Python 2 and 3. Previously, only Python 2 was supported.
Actions exporting is now supported.
Error handling and README updates
Improved error handling when running
iauditor_exporter --setup
Added clarity to instructions in README.
Installation and usage simplified. See updated README
This project has been uploaded PyPi so it can be installed with the following command:
$ pip install safetyculture-sdk-python
We've added a setup script to make getting started easy. The setup script automatically creates a config file which is required to run the exporter tool. The setup script can be run with the following command:
$ iauditor_exporter --setup
The setup script will ask for SafetyCulture credentials which are used to generate an API token. The API token is saved to a basic config file in a folder named iauditor_exports_folder
. Navigate to that folder to start running the exporter tool.
Since pip installs the export tool as a script that can be run directly from command line without specifying Python or navigating to the scripts location. Simply run the command:
$ iauditor_exporter
straight from the command line.