# ideal interface:
# - select cells with where() and friends
# - select columns by dplyr-style interface, maybe including unquoted syntax... perhaps via vars()
# to avoid guessing argument semantics from position?
# - allow selecting of rows/cols by standard methods too
# - skip arguments to select everything...
# how about a single 3 argument form, with the 2 argument form created by a default:
set_xxx(ht, spec, value)
# where spec is implemented via matrix subsetting could be:
rows(1:3) # implies all columns
rows(c(T, F, F)) # logical vectors
rows(a:b) # could row names be useful for e.g. huxreg?
rows(matches("foo")) # select helpers
cols(2:4) # implies all rows
cols(c(F, T, T)) # logical vectors
cols(a, b, c:d) # select
cols(matches("foo")) # select helpers
rc(1:3, 4:6) # standard subsetting
rc(1:3, a, b, c:f, -e) # select arguments allowed after first argument? i.e. by default only first arg is rows
rc(row_a, row_b, cols = col_a, col_d:col_e) # sneakily divide arguments up by position of cols?
where(ht == "blah") # as now
where(. > 1) # . replaced by first argument, allows use in %>% chains
where(row(.) > col(.)) # . replacement works generally
text_is("blah") # like where(. == "blah")
text_matches("blah") # like where(grepl("blah", .)) except that wouldn't work
# matching by one or more properties:
properties(font = "Times", text_color = "red")
all_rows(where(ht == "blah")) # any row matching the inner spec
all_cols(text_matches("blah")) # any col, ditto
# all these things return a set of cells (ie a 2 col matrix); they could be anded and or-ed if you defined a
# class; or if they simply returned a nrow x ncol logical matrix, you could use & and | directly;
# then spec could call `which(arr.ind=T)` on the result.
# could the same interface be used to set things by value (e.g. red/orange/grey for p < 0.01/0.05/other)?
# requires a general interface where you can have vector values for the property;
# these are then applied to different subsets of the selected cells, which
# might be picked out by column or row, as now, or by something else