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Commands Quick Reference |
#### SD2E Commands
Usage: sd2e <command>
sd2e commands Display SD2E, Agave, and Abaco command summaries
sd2e info Display SD2E version info
sd2e status Check for newer versions of SD2E CLI
sd2e upgrade Upgrade current SD2E installation
#### Agave Commands with Short Descriptions
Apps Commands:
apps-addupdate Create a new or or modify an existing app
apps-clone Make a private copy of an existing app
apps-delete Delete an existing app
apps-disable Make an app unavailable
apps-enable Make an app available
apps-erase Erase an app completely (admin only)
apps-history Show history of events for an app
apps-list List all available apps
apps-pems-delete Delete app access permissions
apps-pems-list List app access permissions
apps-pems-update Modify app access permissions
apps-publish Make a private app public (admin only)
apps-search Search for apps based on attributes
Auth Commands:
auth-check Check status of current OAuth bearer token
auth-switch Switch cached auth credentials
auth-tokens-create Obtain a new bearer token
auth-tokens-refresh Retrieve a new bearer token
auth-tokens-revoke Revoke an existing bearer token
Clients Commands:
clients-create Create a new API client application and API keys
clients-delete Delete a client application and API keys
clients-list List API clients registered to the user
clients-subscriptions-list List all APIs to which client is subscribed
clients-subscriptions-update Subscribe a client to an API
Files Commands:
files-copy Copy a file or folder
files-delete Delete a file or folder
files-get Download a file or folder
files-history Show history of events for a file
files-import Import a file with remote URI
files-index Force re-indexing of a file or folder
files-list List files on a remote system
files-mkdir Create a folder on a remote system
files-move Move a file or folder
files-pems-delete Delete file access permissions
files-pems-list List file access permissions
files-pems-update Modify file access permissions
files-publish Upload a file or folder and generate PostIt
files-rename Rename a file or folder
files-upload Upload a file or folder
Jobs Commands:
jobs-delete Delete an existing job
jobs-history Show history of events for a job
jobs-history-search Search through jobs history
jobs-kick Roll a job back to previous state
jobs-list List past, current, or a specific job
jobs-output-get Download data from jobs output
jobs-output-list Retrieve listing of job output
jobs-pems-list List job output access permissions
jobs-pems-update Modify job output access permissions
jobs-restore Restore a job from a deleted state
jobs-resubmit Resubmit a job
jobs-run-this Run a specific executable in the cloud
jobs-search Search for jobs based on attributes
jobs-status Retrieve status of job
jobs-stop Stop an existing job
jobs-submit Submit a new job
jobs-tail Tail the file transfer progress of a job
jobs-template Generate job template file
Metadata Commands:
metadata-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing metadata record
metadata-delete Delete an existing metadata record
metadata-list List all available metadata records
metadata-pems-addupdate Modify metadata record access permissions
metadata-pems-list List metadata record access permissions
metadata-schema-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing metadata schema
metadata-schema-delete Delete an existing metadata schema
metadata-schema-list List all available metadata schema
metadata-schema-pems-addupdate Modify metadata schema access permissions
metadata-schema-pems-list List metadata schema access permissions
Monitors Commands:
monitors-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing monitor
monitors-checks-list List checks for a given monitor
monitors-delete Delete an existing monitor
monitors-disable Disable an existing monitor
monitors-enable Enable an existing monitor
monitors-fire Force a monitor to run
monitors-history Show history of events for a monitor
monitors-list List all available monitors
monitors-search Search for monitors based on attributes
Notifications Commands:
notifications-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing notification
notifications-delete Delete an existing notification
notifications-fire Force a notification to run
notifications-list List all active notifications
notifications-list-failures List failed notification delivery attempts
notifications-search Search for notifications based on attributes
Postits Commands:
postits-create Create a new postit
postits-delete Delete an existing postit
postits-list List all active postits
Profiles Commands:
profiles-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing user account (admin only)
profiles-delete Delete an existing user account (admin only)
profiles-list List API user profiles
profiles-search Search for API user profiles
profiles-users-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing internal user
profiles-users-delete Delete an existing internal user
profiles-users-list List all internal users
Requestbin Commands:
requestbin-create Create a new requestbin instance
requestbin-requests-list List all requests made to a requestbin
Systems Commands:
systems-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing system
systems-clone Create a copy of an existing system
systems-credentials-addupdate Add or update user credentials on a system
systems-credentials-delete Delete user credentials on a system
systems-credentials-list List all users with credentials on a system
systems-delete Delete an existing system
systems-disable Make a system unavailable
systems-enable Make a system available
systems-erase Erase a system completely (admin only)
systems-history Show history of events for a system
systems-list List all existing systems
systems-publish Make a private system public (admin only)
systems-queues-addupdate Add or update batch queues on a system
systems-queues-delete Delete batch queues on a system
systems-queues-list List all batch queues on a system
systems-roles-addupdate Add or update user roles on a system
systems-roles-delete Delete user roles on a system
systems-roles-list List all user roles on a system
systems-search Search for systems based on attributes
systems-setdefault Set a given system as the user default
systems-unpublish Hide a public system (admin only)
systems-unsetdefault Unset a given system as the user default
Tags Commands:
tags-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing tag
tags-associations-addupdate Create a new or modify an existing tag association
tags-associations-delete Delete an existing tag association
tags-delete Delete an existing tag
tags-list List all available tags
tags-search Search for tags based on attributes
Tenants Commands:
tenants-init Configure the cli for a tenant
tenants-list List all available tenants
#### Abaco Commands with Short Descriptions
Usage: abaco <command>
list, ls, actors, images list actors
create, make, register create new actor
delete, remove, rm remove actor
update, change update base Docker image
permissions, share list and update actor permissions
workers, worker view and add workers
submit, run run actor
executions view actor executions
logs view execution logs
init create a new actor project
deploy build and deploy an actor
#### TACC Lab Commands with Short Descriptions
Usage: tacclab <command>
login Log in to a Gitlab
logout Log out from Gitlab
projects Manage Gitlab projects
groups Manage Gitlab groups
keys Manage SSH keys
version Display CLI and Gitlab versions
license Display license and usage policy
help Show usage information
#### TACC Reg Commands with Short Descriptions
Usage: taccreg <command>
login Log in to Docker Hub
logout Log out from Docker Hub
license Display license and usage policy
help Show usage information
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