Telegram 機器人 與OpenAI 的 ChatGPT、DALL-E 和 Whisper API 集成,以提供答案。 只需極少的配置即可使用。
- 在答案中支援標記符
- 使用
指令重設對話 - 產生回覆時的打字指示器
- 可透過指定允許存取的使用者清單限制存取權限
- 支援 Docker 和代理
- 透過
指令使用 DALL-E 產生影像 - 使用 Whisper 轉錄音訊和視訊資訊(可能需要 ffmpeg
- 自動會話摘要,避免過度使用令牌
- 追蹤每個使用者的令牌使用情況 - 由 @AlexHTW 提供
- 透過"/stats "指令取得個人令牌使用統計資訊--作者:@AlexHTW
- 使用者預算與訪客預算 - 作者:@AlexHTW
- 支援流
- 支持 GPT-4
- 如果您可以存取 GPT-4 API,只需將
參數變更為 `gpt-4
- 如果您可以存取 GPT-4 API,只需將
- 本地化機器人語言
- 可用語言:巴西文: :中文: :芬蘭文: :德文: :印尼文: :伊朗文: 🇮🇹 :馬來文: 🇳🇱 🇵🇱 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 🇪🇸 🇹🇼 :tr: : 烏克蘭 : :英國: :烏茲別克: :越南:
- 改進了群組聊天和私聊的內嵌查詢支援 - 作者:@bugfloyd
- 若要使用此功能,請在 BotFather 中透過
command 為您的機器人啟用內聯查詢。
- 若要使用此功能,請在 BotFather 中透過
- 支援新機型 2023年6月13日發表
- 支援功能(外掛程式),透過第三方服務擴充機器人的功能
- 天氣、Spotify、網路搜尋、文字轉語音等。 可用插件清單請參閱[此處](#available-plugins)。
- 支援與 OpenAI 相容的非官方 API - 作者:@kristaller486
- [x](新功能!)支援GPT-4 Turbo 和DALL-E 3 [2023年11月6日宣布]( -at-devday) - 作者:@AlexHTW
- [x](新功能!)支援文字轉語音2023 年11 月6 日宣布 - 作者:[@gilcu3] (
- [x](新功能!)視覺支援2023 年11 月6 日宣布 - 作者:[@gilcu3](https://github .com/gilcu3)
如果您想提供協助,請查看 issues 部分並貢獻自己的力量! 如果您想協助翻譯,請查看 翻譯手冊
我們隨時歡迎您提交 PR!
- Python 3.9 以上版本
- 一個Telegram 機器人 及其令牌(參見[tutorial]( -bot-token)
- 一個 OpenAI 帳戶(請參閱 配置 部分)
複製 .env.example
並將其重新命名為 .env
Parameter | Description |
Your OpenAI API key, you can get it from here |
Your Telegram bot's token, obtained using BotFather (see tutorial) |
Telegram user IDs of admins. These users have access to special admin commands, information and no budget restrictions. Admin IDs don't have to be added to ALLOWED_TELEGRAM_USER_IDS . Note: by default, no admin (- ) |
A comma-separated list of Telegram user IDs that are allowed to interact with the bot (use getidsbot to find your user ID). Note: by default, everyone is allowed (* ) |
The following parameters are optional and can be set in the .env
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Determines the time frame all budgets are applied to. Available periods: daily (resets budget every day), monthly (resets budgets on the first of each month), all-time (never resets budget). See the Budget Manual for more information |
monthly |
A comma-separated list of $-amounts per user from list ALLOWED_TELEGRAM_USER_IDS to set custom usage limit of OpenAI API costs for each. For * - user lists the first USER_BUDGETS value is given to every user. Note: by default, no limits for any user (* ). See the Budget Manual for more information |
* |
$-amount as usage limit for all guest users. Guest users are users in group chats that are not in the ALLOWED_TELEGRAM_USER_IDS list. Value is ignored if no usage limits are set in user budgets (USER_BUDGETS =* ). See the Budget Manual for more information |
100.0 |
$-price per 1000 tokens used to compute cost information in usage statistics. Source: | 0.002 |
A comma-separated list with 3 elements of prices for the different image sizes: 256x256 , 512x512 and 1024x1024 . Source: |
0.016,0.018,0.02 |
USD-price for one minute of audio transcription. Source: | 0.006 |
USD-price per 1K tokens of image interpretation. Source: | 0.01 |
A comma-separated list with prices for the tts models: tts-1 , tts-1-hd . Source: |
0.015,0.030 |
Check out the Budget Manual for possible budget configurations.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Whether to enable message quoting in private chats | true |
Whether to enable image generation via the /image command |
true |
Whether to enable transcriptions of audio and video messages | true |
Whether to enable text to speech generation via the /tts |
true |
Whether to enable vision capabilities in supported models | true |
Proxy to be used for OpenAI and Telegram bot (e.g. http://localhost:8080 ) |
- |
Proxy to be used only for OpenAI (e.g. http://localhost:8080 ) |
- |
Proxy to be used only for Telegram bot (e.g. http://localhost:8080 ) |
- |
The OpenAI model to use for generating responses. You can find all available models here | gpt-3.5-turbo |
Endpoint URL for unofficial OpenAI-compatible APIs (e.g., LocalAI or text-generation-webui) | Default OpenAI API URL |
A system message that sets the tone and controls the behavior of the assistant | You are a helpful assistant. |
Whether to show OpenAI token usage information after each response | false |
Whether to stream responses. Note: incompatible, if enabled, with N_CHOICES higher than 1 |
true |
Upper bound on how many tokens the ChatGPT API will return | 1200 for GPT-3, 2400 for GPT-4 |
Upper bound on how many tokens vision models will return | 300 for gpt-4-vision-preview |
The Vision to Speech model to use. Allowed values: gpt-4-vision-preview |
gpt-4-vision-preview |
If true, once you send an image to the bot, it uses the configured VISION_MODEL until the conversation ends. Otherwise, it uses the OPENAI_MODEL to follow the conversation. Allowed values: true or false |
true |
Max number of messages to keep in memory, after which the conversation will be summarised to avoid excessive token usage | 15 |
Maximum number of minutes a conversation should live since the last message, after which the conversation will be reset | 180 |
Whether to answer to voice messages with the transcript only or with a ChatGPT response of the transcript | false |
A semicolon separated list of phrases (i.e. Hi bot;Hello chat ). If the transcript starts with any of them, it will be treated as a prompt even if VOICE_REPLY_WITH_TRANSCRIPT_ONLY is set to true |
- |
A phrase (i.e. What is in this image ). The vision models use it as prompt to interpret a given image. If there is caption in the image sent to the bot, that supersedes this parameter |
What is in this image |
Number of answers to generate for each input message. Note: setting this to a number higher than 1 will not work properly if STREAM is enabled |
1 |
Number between 0 and 2. Higher values will make the output more random | 1.0 |
Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far | 0.0 |
Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far | 0.0 |
The Telegram image receive mode. Allowed values: document or photo |
photo |
The DALL·E model to be used. Available models: dall-e-2 and dall-e-3 , find current available models here |
dall-e-2 |
Quality of DALL·E images, only available for dall-e-3 -model. Possible options: standard or hd , beware of pricing differences. |
standard |
Style for DALL·E image generation, only available for dall-e-3 -model. Possible options: vivid or natural . Check availbe styles here. |
vivid |
The DALL·E generated image size. Must be 256x256 , 512x512 , or 1024x1024 for dall-e-2. Must be 1024x1024 for dall-e-3 models. |
512x512 |
The detail parameter for vision models, explained Vision Guide. Allowed values: low or high |
auto |
If set, the bot in group chats will only respond to messages that start with this keyword | - |
If set to true, the bot will not process transcriptions in group chats | true |
If set to true, the bot will not process vision queries in group chats | true |
Language of general bot messages. Currently available: en , de , ru , tr , it , fi , es , id , nl , zh-cn , zh-tw , vi , fa , pt-br , uk , ms , uz , ar . Contribute with additional translations |
en |
To improve the accuracy of Whisper's transcription service, especially for specific names or terms, you can set up a custom message. Speech to text - Prompting | - |
The Text to Speech voice to use. Allowed values: alloy , echo , fable , onyx , nova , or shimmer |
alloy |
The Text to Speech model to use. Allowed values: tts-1 or tts-1-hd |
tts-1 |
Check out the official API reference for more details.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Whether to use functions (aka plugins). You can read more about functions here | true (if available for the model) |
Maximum number of back-to-back function calls to be made by the model in a single response, before displaying a user-facing message | 10 |
List of plugins to enable (see below for a full list), e.g: PLUGINS=wolfram,weather |
- |
Whether to show which plugins were used for a response | false |
Name | Description | Required environment variable(s) | Dependency |
weather |
Daily weather and 7-day forecast for any location (powered by Open-Meteo) | - | |
wolfram |
WolframAlpha queries (powered by WolframAlpha) | WOLFRAM_APP_ID |
wolframalpha |
ddg_web_search |
Web search (powered by DuckDuckGo) | - | duckduckgo_search |
ddg_translate |
Translate text to any language (powered by DuckDuckGo) | - | duckduckgo_search |
ddg_image_search |
Search image or GIF (powered by DuckDuckGo) | - | duckduckgo_search |
crypto |
Live cryptocurrencies rate (powered by CoinCap) - by @stumpyfr | - | |
spotify |
Spotify top tracks/artists, currently playing song and content search (powered by Spotify). Requires one-time authorization. | SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID , SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET , SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI |
spotipy |
worldtimeapi |
Get latest world time (powered by WorldTimeAPI) - by @noriellecruz | WORLDTIME_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE |
dice |
Send a dice in the chat! | - | |
youtube_audio_extractor |
Extract audio from YouTube videos | - | pytube |
deepl_translate |
Translate text to any language (powered by DeepL) - by @LedyBacer | DEEPL_API_KEY |
gtts_text_to_speech |
Text to speech (powered by Google Translate APIs) | - | gtts |
whois |
Query the whois domain database - by @jnaskali | - | whois |
webshot |
Screenshot a website from a given url or domain name - by @noriellecruz | - | |
auto_tts |
Text to speech using OpenAI APIs - by @Jipok | - |
Variable | Description | Default value |
Wolfram Alpha APP ID (required only for the wolfram plugin, you can get one here) |
- |
Spotify app Client ID (required only for the spotify plugin, you can find it on the dashboard) |
- |
Spotify app Client Secret (required only for the spotify plugin, you can find it on the dashboard) |
- |
Spotify app Redirect URI (required only for the spotify plugin, you can find it on the dashboard) |
- |
Default timezone to use, i.e. Europe/Rome (required only for the worldtimeapi plugin, you can get TZ Identifiers from here) |
- |
DuckDuckGo safe search (on , off or moderate ) (optional, applies to ddg_web_search and ddg_image_search ) |
moderate |
DeepL API key (required for the deepl plugin, you can get one here) |
- |
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone
cd chatgpt-telegram-bot
- Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
# For Linux or macOS:
source venv/bin/activate
# For Windows:
- Install the dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Use the following command to start the bot:
python bot/
Run the following command to build and run the Docker image:
docker compose up
You can also use the Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker pull n3d1117/chatgpt-telegram-bot:latest
docker run -it --env-file .env n3d1117/chatgpt-telegram-bot
or using the GitHub Container Registry:
docker pull
docker run -it --env-file .env
docker build -t chatgpt-telegram-bot .
docker run -it --env-file .env chatgpt-telegram-bot
This is a personal project and is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way.
This project is released under the terms of the GPL 2.0 license. For more information, see the LICENSE file included in the repository.