diff --git a/modules/hands-on/_posts/2024-09-05-hands-on.md b/modules/hands-on/_posts/2024-09-05-hands-on.md
index e268034..32f8152 100644
--- a/modules/hands-on/_posts/2024-09-05-hands-on.md
+++ b/modules/hands-on/_posts/2024-09-05-hands-on.md
@@ -43,16 +43,17 @@ The Unix CLI plays a pivotal role in bioinformatics, offering you a powerful and
* Linux is Open Source and has attracted many different contributors.
* Implemented in over 90% of supercomputers allowing for improved scalability.
#### Navigating the Unix File System
Navigating the Unix file system is essential for efficiently managing files and directories within the operating system. As shown in **Figure 2**, he Unix file system sits within the Unix operating system (OS) and is structured as a hierarchical tree, starting from the root directory and branching out into subdirectories. Basic commands like `cd` (change directory), `ls` (list files) and `pwd` (print working directory) allow users to move through this structure, view contents and identify their current location. Understanding file paths (both absolute and relative) is crucial for accessing files accurately for a variety of analyses. Mastering these navigation skills streamlines data analyses and workflow development by laying the groundwork for utilising powerful bioinformatics tools.
**Figure 2:** The Unix File system (Nugrahanto, 2018) -