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Laravel Events & Listeners
Vladimir Lelicanin - SAE Institute
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Vladimir Lelicanin - SAE Institute Belgrade

What are Laravel Events & Listeners?

  • Laravel provides a simple and robust way of implementing event-driven architecture.
  • Laravel's Event class provides methods for event registration, dispatching, and listening.
  • Laravel's Listener interface can be implemented to handle events.

Creating an Event

  • To create a new event class, use the php artisan event:generate command.
  • This will create a new app/Events folder and generate a skeleton event class.
  • Edit the $broadcastOn property to define the channel for broadcasting the event.
  • Add any additional data that should be passed with the event to the $data property.

Dispatching an Event

  • To dispatch an event, use the event() function, passing in an instance of the event class.
  • All listeners registered for the event will receive the event and can react accordingly.
  • Laravel will automatically broadcast any event that has a $broadcastOn property defined.

Creating a Listener

  • To create a new listener, use the php artisan make:listener command.
  • This will create a new app/Listeners folder and generate a skeleton listener class.
  • Implement the handle() method to define what should happen when the event is received.
  • Bind the listener to the event in the EventServiceProvider.

Binding a Listener

  • Add the listener to the $listen property on the EventServiceProvider.
  • The key should be the name of the event and the value should be an array of listeners.
  • If the listener is a class name, it should be specified as a string.
  • If the listener is a closure, it can be specified inline.

Variable Listener Subscriptions

  • It's possible to bind a listener with variables by passing them as arguments to the listen() method.
  • The variables will be passed as additional parameters to the listener's handle() method.
  • This can be useful for dynamic listener subscriptions.

Queued Listeners

  • Laravel also supports queued listeners.
  • To queue a listener, add the ShouldQueue interface to the listener class.
  • Laravel will handle the rest for you, queuing the listener and processing it when resources are available.

Events & Models

  • Laravel offers an easy way to link events to models through event broadcasting.
  • By default, Laravel will automatically broadcast events that implement the Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets trait.
  • This trait provides methods to define the channel and event name, and to broadcast data with the event.

Event Discovery

  • By default, Laravel will discover events within the app/Events folder and listeners within the app/Listeners folder.
  • To change this, modify the $discoveredEvents and $discoveredListeners properties in EventServiceProvider.php.
  • Alternatively, you can register events and listeners manually.

Manually Registering Events & Listeners

  • To register events and listeners manually, use the Event::listen() method.
  • The first argument is the name of the event.
  • The second argument is the listener or an array of listeners.
  • You can pass a function as the second argument to define the listeners inline.

Event Discovery & Manual Registration

  • You have the option to use event discovery and manual registration together.
  • In this case, Laravel will discover events automatically as well as those defined via Event::listen().
  • This allows for a high degree of flexibility.

Stopping Event Propagation

  • To stop an event from propagating to other listeners, call the stopPropagation() method on the event object.
  • This can be useful if a listener has taken care of an event and you want to ensure that other listeners don't take action as well.

Prioritizing Listeners

  • To define the order in which listeners should be invoked, use the priority() method.
  • The lower the number, the higher the priority.
  • Laravel will call the listeners in priority order.

Subscribing to Multiple Events

  • To subscribe a listener to multiple events, use the subscribe() method in the EventServiceProvider.
  • The subscriber class should implement the Subscriber interface.
  • All subscribed events and listeners should be defined within the subscribe() method.

Event Firing & Testing

  • When testing events, you can use Laravel's Event::fake() method to override event firing.
  • After calling fake(), events will be queued but not dispatched.
  • Use the Event::assertDispatched() and Event::assertNotDispatched() methods to test expected behavior.

Event Broadcasting

  • Event broadcasting is implemented using Laravel's WebSockets package.
  • To broadcast an event, implement the ShouldBroadcast interface in the event class.
  • Define the channel and payload that should be broadcast.

Event Broadcasting Example

class OrderShipped implements ShouldBroadcast
    use InteractsWithSockets;

    public function __construct($order)
        $this->order = $order;

    public function broadcastOn()
        return new PrivateChannel('orders.' . $this->order->user_id);

    public function broadcastWith()
        return ['id' => $this->order->id];

Laravel Events & Listeners Documentation
