The main idea of the project is to practice with different technologies such as:
✅ React
✅ MobX
✅ Express
✅ MySQL queries
✅ Docker
🔲 Git-hub actions
First of all you need to download Docker on your desktop.
I also recommend you to install "Make", it is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.
Start docker services in development mode.
- Open http://localhost:8080 to view phpMyAdmin.
- Open http://localhost/swagger to view Swagger.
Start client in development mode.
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view client in the browser.
Client and api server will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Stops docker containers.
- email: [email protected]
- password: qwerqwer
- host: mysql_db
- name: root
- password: qwer
- Libs hooks, root store hooks
- Local state
- side effects
- functions, handlers
- sx={{}} if there is less then 6 lines of code
- Styles.module.scss if 6 and more lines of code
- theme folder to change all default styles throughout the project
- From libs
- Absolute path
- Relative paths
- Types: feat, fix, refactor, ci, docs, style, test
- Scope: {scope}-FE-{task-number}, {scope}-BE-{task-number}, {scope}-ROOT-{task-number}
- example: git checkout -b "fix-FE-33-edit-local-storage-hook"
- Types: feat, fix, refactor, ci, docs, style, test
- Scope: "{scope}(FE-{task-number})", "{scope}(BE-{task-number}):", "{scope}(ROOT-{task-number}):"
- example: git commit -m "fix(FE-33): edit local storage hook"