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The main idea of the project is to practice with different technologies.

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NoName app

The main idea of the project is to practice with different technologies such as:
✅ React
✅ MobX
✅ Express
✅ MySQL queries
✅ Docker
🔲 Git-hub actions

How to start

First of all you need to download Docker on your desktop.
I also recommend you to install "Make", it is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.


In the project root folder (/NoName) run make run or docker compose up --build

Start docker services in development mode.

In the client folder (/NoName/client) run yarn start

Start client in development mode.

Client and api server will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

make down or docker compose down --remove-orphans -t 0

Stops docker containers.

Client credentials:

Php my admin credentials:

  • host: mysql_db
  • name: root
  • password: qwer



Style guide

Order in .jsx file

  1. Libs hooks, root store hooks
  2. Local state
  3. side effects
  4. functions, handlers

CSS styles

  • sx={{}} if there is less then 6 lines of code
  • Styles.module.scss if 6 and more lines of code
  • theme folder to change all default styles throughout the project

Import order

  1. From libs
  2. Absolute path
  3. Relative paths

Branch name

  • Types: feat, fix, refactor, ci, docs, style, test
  • Scope: {scope}-FE-{task-number}, {scope}-BE-{task-number}, {scope}-ROOT-{task-number}
  • example: git checkout -b "fix-FE-33-edit-local-storage-hook"

Commit message

  • Types: feat, fix, refactor, ci, docs, style, test
  • Scope: "{scope}(FE-{task-number})", "{scope}(BE-{task-number}):", "{scope}(ROOT-{task-number}):"
  • example: git commit -m "fix(FE-33): edit local storage hook"