Ruby Sudoku puzzle solver at the speed of light.
- Solves a given Sudoku puzzle. A Box-map file is taken into account when solving, if provided.
Within the sudokuru folder:
$ ruby sudokuru.rb <path to puzzle file> <path to optional box map file>
To see every single solving step:
$ env DEBUG=yes ruby sudokuru.rb <path> <path>
To change the allowed solving time (default is 60 seconds):
$ env RUNTIME=42 ruby sudokuru.rb <path> <path>
In the absence of a file path provided, sudokuru will default to:
$ ruby sudokuru.rb ./puzzles/sample_input.txt
To run the specs:
$ rake test
Input puzzles should be common file types (.txt, .rb, etc.), one row per line, formatted:
1-3- 1_3_ 1 3 1 3-
-14- _14_ 14 -14_
24-3 or 24_3 or 24 3 or 24-3
--2- __2_ 2 _ 2-
dashes underscores spaces mixed
With digits 1-9 and the blank characters "-", "_", and spaces allowed only.
Errors will be returned if the data is not properly formatted, with directions to fix:
ERROR: Row 7 (-324-9--3) contains duplicate values. Please fix and rerun.
Box map files should also be common file types (.txt, .rb, etc.), one row per line, formatted:
Capitalized Alphabet
No wildcard box values allowed. Only capitalized alphabet characters.
Errors will be returned if the data is not properly formatted, or if there are duplicates:
Error details:
AAA------ -28------
AAA------ -16------
A-------- ---------
AA------- 13-------
--------- ---------
--------- ---------
--------- ---------
--------- ---------
--------- ---------
ERROR: Box A (-28-16-13) contains duplicate values. Please fix and rerun.
If formatting is correct, puzzle will be processed until sucessful, or will error-out if solution is not found within RUNTIME value (default is 60 seconds).
SUCCESS! Solution found in: 0.015643 seconds.
- A default input.txt file at the app's location should be present.
- User can provide a specific file path as part of execution.
Input (diagnostic checks on validity and formatting):
- Same number of "rows" in txt file as number of "columns" (characters).
- Only digits 1-9 and allowed "blank" characters are present, none larger than the puzzle size.
- No duplicate digits are already present in puzzle rows/columns.
- No duplicate digits in 9x9 puzzle sub-boxes.
- Tests for each input check.
- Find starting row/column by calculating which one has the greatest number of pre-filled items.
- Find starting index (via the most filled complementary slice relative to the prime slice).
- Attempt to fill a given cell, and solve the puzzle. Backtrack when solution is not found and retry new values.
Scaling Solutions:
- 2x2 puzzles.
- ...
- 9x9 puzzles.
Stretch Goals:
- Use mirror file with box map (A-I) characters to determine boxes.
- Add a variable for determining when the puzzle finder will time out (currently hardcoded to 60 seconds).
- Rails app.
- Ability to use photo of sudoku puzzle, and OCR loads the data for solving.
- Smartphone app.