jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||
This notebook currently has a code path with Dask and a different code path with pandas. The Dask code path is currently crashing with a memoryerror, suspected reason is that dask is not getting access to enough HDD space, or the dask outer merge has to happen in main memory.
The Pandas code path requres the custom efficient_outer_merge function, which merges dataframes without the wasteful conversion to Float64 format which takes 8 bytes per entry as opposed to 1 byte with int8. Using Pandas, the datasets can be merged over about 5 minutes with 32GB or more of RAM.
To use Pandas, set compute_now = True in Cell 14 which will compute the Dask datafames into Pandas dataframes.
!pip install --upgrade scikit-learn
!pip install --upgrade "dask[dataframe]"
!pip install --upgrade dask
!pip install --upgrade s3fs
!pip install --upgrade pandas
!pip install --upgrade pympler
!pip install --upgrade fsspec
!pip install googletrans
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from functools import reduce
import copy
import re
import math
import random
import s3fs
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from scipy import sparse
import googletrans
from z_utilities import assert_nonan, assert_column_subset
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 300)
# print versions
print('The pandas version is {}.'.format(pd.__version__))
print('The dask version is {}.'.format(dask.__version__))
print('The s3fs version is {}.'.format(s3fs.__version__))
For users: ID, capacities ('capacities', e.g. student, teaching staff, member of organization), courses, levels of education, date of commencement of membership
For teaching resources: ID, type, subjects, levels of education, keywords, curated recommendations (curated recommendations), total number of days published, date of last review by moderator
Column 1: unique identifier of the learning resource
Column 2: unique ID of the user
Column 3: date
Visits on the detail page of a learning resource.
Downloads of attachments to a learning resource. If a learning resource has multiple attachments, each will count individually as a download. Downloads by the same user in a short timeframe are likely to be consolidated into one download.
Previews of attachments to a learning resource. Previews are possible for some file types (eg pdf, doc, ppt), but not for all attachments. For each preview, we also keep track of whether it led to a download of the attachment. Every download from the previews.csv is also included in downloads.csv. There is no direct link, the download time will be "shortly after" the preview. Conversely, not every download is preceded by a preview, even if the file has that capability.
Column 4: followed by a download (0 = no, 1 = yes)
Clicked external links on a learning resource. If a learning resource has multiple external links, each will count individually as a click through. This is the equivalent of downloads for externally hosted content.
"Use" of the learning resource. This means something different for different types of learning materials. For documents it is a download, for websites a click through, for audio or video "play" (with embeds this is undetectable, we use at least x seconds on the page as an indication that you probably played) ... It is a best effort to have a similar metric across the different types.
Learning resources that have been favorite by a user.
Learning resources that have been scored by a user.
Column 4: score given {score ∈ ℕ | 1 ≤ score ≤ 5}
subj_translations = pd.read_csv( 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'subject_translations.csv' ) , names = ["nl", "en"] )
subj_translations_dict = dict(zip(subj_translations.nl, subj_translations.en))
def norm_langstring(langstring):
langstring = langstring.lower().strip()
# science and sciences mean the same thing
langstring = re.sub("sciences", "science", langstring)
# expand and standardize ICT
if "information and communications technology" in langstring: langstring = "information and communication technology"
if "ict" == langstring: langstring = "information and communication technology"
# deal with some synonyms here
if( 'dutch' in langstring and ('second' in langstring or 'foreign' in langstring or 'alpha' in langstring)) \
or ('nt2' in langstring) :
langstring = 'dutch as a foreign language'
# deal with more some synonyms here
if 'music' in langstring: langstring = 'music'
if langstring == "visual arts - art": langstring = "visual arts"
langstring = langstring.lower().strip()
return langstring
def xml_to_df(xml_s3loc, id_colname, meaningful_colname, trans_dict = subj_translations_dict):
'''turns an XML schema of a particular type into a Pandas DF, including translating some parts to English
columns = [id_colname, meaningful_colname]
df_xml = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
translator = googletrans.Translator()
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
with fs.open(xml_s3loc) as f:
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for count, node in enumerate(root):
termIdentifier = None
langstring = None
nl_langstring = None
if("term" in node.tag):
for childnode in node:
if "termIdentifier" in childnode.tag:
termIdentifier = int(childnode.text)
elif "caption" in childnode.tag:
for gchild in childnode:
if gchild.text is not None:
# strip out text in brackets as it is often irrelevant for our purposes
stripped_text = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", gchild.text).lower().strip()
if gchild.attrib["language"] == "en":
langstring = stripped_text
elif gchild.attrib["language"] == "nl":
nl_langstring = stripped_text
# use google translate to translate subjects into English for easy reading!
if langstring is None and nl_langstring is not None :
if(nl_langstring in trans_dict.keys()) : langstring = trans_dict[nl_langstring]
else : langstring = nl_langstring
else: pass
langstring = norm_langstring(langstring)
df_xml = df_xml.append( pd.Series([termIdentifier, langstring], index=columns), ignore_index=True)
else: pass
df_xml = df_xml.sort_values(id_colname)
df_xml = df_xml.reset_index(drop=True)
return df_xml
def make_replacement_frame(df_in, colname_rep, id_col):
''' Makes a dataframe that shows which id's represent duplicates of each other based on the colname_rep value
unique_df = df_in.drop_duplicates(keep='first', subset=[colname_rep] ).reset_index(drop=True)
repl_df = pd.merge(df_in, unique_df, on=colname_rep, suffixes=('', '_rep') ).drop(columns=[colname_rep])
return repl_df
course_d_filename = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'courses.xml')
course_desc_incldups_df = xml_to_df(course_d_filename, 'course_id', 'course_name' ).sort_values(by=['course_id'])
course_id_rep_df = make_replacement_frame(course_desc_incldups_df, colname_rep='course_name', id_col='course_id')
course_desc_df = course_desc_incldups_df.drop_duplicates(keep='first', subset=[ 'course_name' ] ).reset_index(drop=True)
edu_d_filename = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'educationtypes.xml')
edu_desc_df = xml_to_df(edu_d_filename, 'edutype_id', 'education_type_name' )
def expand_col_df(df_in, col_toex, col_keep, sep, expand_to_int=True):
df_exp = pd.DataFrame(df_in[col_toex].str.split(sep).tolist(), index=df_in[col_keep]).stack()
df_exp = df_exp.reset_index()[[0, col_keep]]
df_exp.columns = [col_toex, col_keep]
df_exp = df_exp[[col_keep, col_toex]]
if expand_to_int: df_exp[col_toex] = pd.to_numeric(df_exp[col_toex])
return df_exp
users_filename = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'users.csv' )
users_df = pd.read_csv( users_filename , low_memory=False )
users_df = users_df.rename(columns={'courses': 'course_id',
'education_types': 'edutype_id',
# Drop users that either have no object type or no course_id
users_df = users_df.dropna(subset=['course_id', 'edutype_id'])
user_ids = sorted(list(set(users_df['user_id'].values.tolist())))
user_cids = list(range(len(user_ids)))
user_cids_df = pd.DataFrame( {'user_id': user_ids , 'user_cid': user_cids } )
users_courses_df = expand_col_df(users_df, col_toex='course_id', col_keep='user_id', sep='|' ) \
.merge(course_id_rep_df, on='course_id', how="inner" ) \
.drop(columns=['course_id']) \
.rename(columns={'course_id_rep': 'course_id' } ) \
assert_column_subset(users_courses_df, 'course_id', course_desc_df, 'course_id' )
users_edutypes_df = expand_col_df(users_df, col_toex="edutype_id", col_keep="user_id", sep='|' )\
.merge(edu_desc_df[['edutype_id']], on='edutype_id', how='inner')
assert_column_subset(users_edutypes_df, 'edutype_id', edu_desc_df, 'edutype_id' )
resource_colnames = ['res_id', 'type', 'course_id', 'edutype_id','keywords' , 'recommendations' ,
'num_days_old', 'date_last_review' ]
resource_filename = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'objects.csv' )
resources_df = pd.read_csv( resource_filename , low_memory=False )
resources_df = resources_df.rename(columns={'courses': 'course_id',
'education_types': 'edutype_id',
'object_id': 'res_id',
# Drop resources that either have no object type or no course_id
resources_df = resources_df.dropna(subset=['object_type_id', 'course_id'])
res_ids = sorted(list(set(resources_df['res_id'].values.tolist())))
res_cids = list(range(len(res_ids)))
res_cids_df = pd.DataFrame( {'res_id': res_ids , 'res_cid': res_cids } )
resources_status_df = resources_df[['res_id', 'status' ]].rename(columns={'status':'status_approved'})
resources_status_df['status_approved'] = resources_status_df['status_approved'].apply(lambda s : True if s=='approved' else False)
resources_title_df = resources_df[['res_id', 'title' ]]
resources_courses_df = expand_col_df(resources_df, col_toex="course_id", col_keep="res_id", sep='|' )\
.merge(course_id_rep_df, on='course_id', how="inner" ) \
.drop(columns=['course_id']) \
.rename(columns={'course_id_rep': 'course_id' } ) \
assert_column_subset(resources_courses_df, 'course_id', course_desc_df, 'course_id' )
resources_edutypes_df = expand_col_df(resources_df, col_toex="edutype_id", col_keep="res_id", sep='|' )\
.merge(edu_desc_df[['edutype_id']], on='edutype_id', how='inner')
assert_column_subset(resources_edutypes_df, 'edutype_id', edu_desc_df, 'edutype_id' )
resources_keywords_raw_df = expand_col_df(resources_df, col_toex="keywords", col_keep="res_id", sep='|', expand_to_int=False ).rename(columns={'keywords': 'keyword'}).astype({'keyword': 'str'})
keywords_desc_df = pd.DataFrame({'count' : resources_keywords_raw_df[['keyword']]['keyword'].value_counts()} )\
.reset_index(drop=False).rename(columns={'index': 'keyword'})\
.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False )\
.reset_index(drop=False).rename(columns={'index': 'keyword_id'})
resources_keywords_df = resources_keywords_raw_df.merge(keywords_desc_df, on='keyword', how='left' ).drop(columns=['keyword']).rename(columns={'count': 'keyword_count'})
save_ru_data = True
def add_cids_to(df, cids_df, id_colname):
cid_colname = [c for c in list(cids_df.columns.values) if ('_cid' in c)][0]
return cids_df.merge(df , on=id_colname, how='inner').sort_values(cid_colname).reset_index(drop=True).drop(columns=[id_colname])
if save_ru_data:
ru_dfs_dict = {
'course_desc' : course_desc_df ,
'educ_type_desc' : edu_desc_df ,
'user_cids' : user_cids_df,
'users_courses' : users_courses_df ,
'users_edutypes' : users_edutypes_df ,
'res_cids' : res_cids_df,
'resources_courses' : resources_courses_df ,
'resources_edutypes' : resources_edutypes_df ,
'keywords_desc' : keywords_desc_df ,
'resources_keywords' : resources_keywords_df ,
'resources_title' : resources_title_df ,
'resources_status' : resources_status_df
for df_name, df in ru_dfs_dict.items():
cids_df = None
if 'cids' not in df_name and 'desc' not in df_name :
if 'user' in df_name :
cids_df = user_cids_df
id_colname = 'user_id'
elif 'resources' in df_name :
cids_df = res_cids_df
id_colname = 'res_id'
if cids_df is not None: df = add_cids_to(df=df, cids_df=cids_df, id_colname=id_colname)
print('\nSaving: ' + df_name + '.csv' )
data_location = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, df_name)
df.to_csv(data_location + '.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
print("Nothing saved since save_ru_data = False ")
Warning: Joining the interaction data requires a machine with at least 32GB of RAM
Fetch_interaction_data = True
assert Fetch_interaction_data
data_standard_cols = ['res_id', 'user_id', 'date']
data_extra_cols = {'favourites' : [] ,
'scores' : ['score'] ,
'urls' : [] ,
'previews' : ['downloaded'] ,
'downloads' : [] ,
'used' : [] ,
'hits' : [] ,
readable_colnames = {'favourites' : 'favourited' ,
'scores' : 'gave_score' ,
'urls' : 'clicked_through' ,
'previews' : 'previewed' ,
'downloads' : 'downloaded' ,
'used' : 'used' ,
'hits' : 'visited_detail_pg',
data_names = list(data_extra_cols.keys())
data_cols = { k : data_standard_cols + v for (k,v) in data_extra_cols.items() }
do_all_datas = True
data_names_to_do = data_names if do_all_datas else data_names[:3]
dds_list = []
for data_name in data_names_to_do:
data_key = data_name + '.csv'
colnames = data_cols[data_name]
data_location = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, data_key)
this_dd = dd.read_csv(data_location, names=colnames )
if(data_name != 'scores' ):
this_dd[ 'event|' + readable_colnames[data_name] ] = 1
this_dd[ 'event|' + readable_colnames[data_name] ] = this_dd[ 'event|' + readable_colnames[data_name] ].astype( 'int8' )
if(data_name == 'scores' ):
this_dd[ data_extra_cols['scores'] ] = this_dd[ data_extra_cols['scores'] ].astype( 'int8' )
if(data_name == 'previews' ): del this_dd['downloaded']
this_dd['date'] = this_dd['date'].apply( lambda s: s[:10], meta=('date', 'str') )
this_dd = this_dd.rename(columns={'date': 'date|' + readable_colnames[data_name] })
this_dd = this_dd.loc[this_dd['user_id'] > 0]
this_dd = this_dd.loc[this_dd['res_id'] > 0]
this_dd['user_id'] = this_dd['user_id'].astype( 'int32' )
this_dd['res_id'] = this_dd['res_id'].astype( 'int32' )
this_dd = this_dd.reset_index( drop=True)
def remove_cols_starting(d, startword): return d.drop(d.columns[d.columns.str.startswith( startword )], axis=1)
dds_nodate_list = [ remove_cols_starting(d, 'date|' ) for d in dds_list ]
dds_noevent_list = [ remove_cols_starting(d, 'event|' ) for d in dds_list ]
def efficient_outer_merge(left, right, on, fillna = 0):
inner_merge = pd.merge(left, right, on=on , how='inner')
left_nonkey_cols = list(set(left.columns.tolist()) - set(on))
right_nonkey_cols = list(set(right.columns.tolist()) - set(on))
right_nonkey_dict = { col:dtype for col,dtype in right.dtypes.to_dict().items() if col in right_nonkey_cols }
left_nonkey_dict = { col:dtype for col,dtype in left.dtypes.to_dict().items() if col in left_nonkey_cols }
left_extension = pd.DataFrame( { n : pd.Series([fillna]*len(left.index), dtype=d) for n, d in right_nonkey_dict.items() } , index = left.index )
left_extended = pd.concat([left,left_extension], axis=1)
right_extension = pd.DataFrame( { n : pd.Series([fillna]*len(right.index), dtype=d) for n, d in left_nonkey_dict.items() } , index = right.index )
right_extended = pd.concat([right_extension, right ], axis=1)
merged = pd.concat([inner_merge, left_extended, right_extended ], axis=0)
merged.drop_duplicates(subset = on, keep = 'first', inplace = True, ignore_index = True )
merged = merged.reset_index( drop=True)
return merged
def merge_and_fix_list(frames_list ):
def merge_frames_pair(left, right, keycols = ['res_id', 'user_id']):
print(f'merging with {str(type(left))}')
if('dask' in str(type(left)) ) : merged_df = dd.merge(left,right,on=keycols, how='outer')
else : merged_df = efficient_outer_merge(left, right, on=keycols)
return merged_df
merge_accumulator_frame = frames_list[0]
for frame in frames_list[1:]:
merge_accumulator_frame = merge_frames_pair(merge_accumulator_frame, frame)
del frame
merge_accumulator_frame = merge_accumulator_frame.fillna(0)
smallint_col_names = ( lambda d : d.columns[ d.columns.str.startswith( "event|" ) | d.columns.str.startswith( "score" ) ].values.tolist() ) (merge_accumulator_frame)
merge_accumulator_frame[smallint_col_names] = merge_accumulator_frame[smallint_col_names].astype("int8")
merge_accumulator_frame = merge_accumulator_frame.reset_index(drop=True)
return merge_accumulator_frame
frame_list_to_process = dds_nodate_list
compute_now = True
if compute_now:
if('dask' in str(type(frame_list_to_process[0])) ):
with ProgressBar():
frame_list_to_process = [d.compute().reset_index(drop=True) for d in frame_list_to_process]
The following merge step will fail if you have less than about 32GB of RAM
merged_frame = merge_and_fix_list(frame_list_to_process)
if('dask' not in str(type(merged_frame)) ):
merged_frame = merged_frame.sort_values(by=['res_id','user_id'] , axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False, kind='quicksort', ignore_index=True)
merged_frame_filtered = merged_frame.merge(user_cids_df, on='user_id', how='inner').merge(res_cids_df, on='res_id', how='inner')
merged_frame_filtered = merged_frame_filtered[ ['res_cid', 'user_cid'] + [ col for col in merged_frame_filtered.columns if col not in ['user_cid', 'res_cid'] ] ]
merged_frame_filtered = merged_frame_filtered.drop(columns=['res_id', 'user_id'])
if('dask' not in str(type(merged_frame_filtered)) ):
merged_frame_filtered = merged_frame_filtered.sort_values(by=['res_cid','user_cid'] , axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False, kind='quicksort', ignore_index=True)
save_data = True
frame_to_save = merged_frame_filtered
if save_data:
filename = 'klascement_no_dates_sorted'
data_location = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, filename)
if('dask' in str(type(frame_to_save)) ):
with ProgressBar():
frame_to_save.to_csv(data_location, encoding='utf-8', index=False)
frame_to_save.to_csv(data_location + '.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
if('dask' in str(type(merged_frame)) ):
with ProgressBar():
df_to_display = frame_to_save.compute()
df_to_display = frame_to_save
Stop execution here
assert False
def memuse_per_row(df):
nrows = df.shape[0]
memuse = sum(df.memory_usage() )
bytes_per_row = memuse/nrows
return bytes_per_row
def memuse(df):
memuse = sum(df.memory_usage() )
return memuse
def summarize(df):
print( f'memuse = {np.round(memuse(df), -5):,}' )
print( f'rows = {np.round( df.shape[0], -5) :,}' )
print( f'memuse per row = {np.round(memuse_per_row(df), -0):,}' )