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Python 3

Funk Experiments

!pip install --upgrade numpy
!pip install --upgrade numba  
!pip install --upgrade swifter
!pip install --upgrade scikit-learn
!pip install --upgrade scipy
!pip install --upgrade pandas
!pip install --upgrade uncertainties
!pip install --upgrade s3fs
!pip install --upgrade joblib
!pip install --upgrade jupytext
!pip install  'more_itertools'
!pip install git+
!pip install tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from joblib import parallel_backend

from itertools import  product

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import swifter

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix

import time

from funk_svd import SVD

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors, KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from sklearn import random_projection
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD

from experiment_runner import run_experiments
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 150)

Load data

df_ratings = pd.read_csv(          filepath_or_buffer = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'klascement_ratings_05_filtered10.csv'), 
                                              dtype  = {
                                                        'res_cid': 'int32', 
                                                        'user_cid': 'int32', 
                                                        'eng_score': 'int8', 
load noninteraction data
filenames =  [ 'users_courses' ,  'users_edutypes' ,    
               'resources_courses'  ,   'resources_edutypes'  ,   'resources_keywords'   ]  

dfs = {}

for df_name in filenames:

    data_location = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, df_name)
    dfs[df_name] = pd.read_csv( data_location + '.csv' ,  encoding='utf-8', dtype='int32') 

users_courses_df        =   dfs['users_courses']  
users_edutypes_df       =   dfs['users_edutypes']   
resources_courses_df    =   dfs['resources_courses']   
resources_edutypes_df   =   dfs['resources_edutypes'] 
resources_keywords_df   =   dfs['resources_keywords'] 
Define ways to augment dataframes:

res_series = df_ratings['res_cid'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
print( max(res_series.values.tolist())  )
users_series = df_ratings['user_cid'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
print(   max(users_series.values.tolist())   )

df_ratings_small = df_ratings.sample(n=500000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_med   = df_ratings.sample(n=2000000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_large = df_ratings.sample(n=7000000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_full  = df_ratings.sample(frac = 1.0, random_state=4).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)

print('df_ratings_small   = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_small.shape[0]  ) ) )   )
print('df_ratings_med     = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_med.shape[0]    ) ) )   )
print('df_ratings_large   = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_large.shape[0]  ) ) )   )
print('df_ratings_full    = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings.shape[0]        ) ) )   )
poss_vals_probs = pd.DataFrame( {'prob': df_ratings.groupby('eng_score')['eng_score'].count()} ).reset_index(drop=False)
poss_vals_probs['prob'] /= df_ratings.shape[0]
eng_vals  = poss_vals_probs['eng_score'].values.tolist()
eng_probs = poss_vals_probs['prob'].values.tolist()

df_ratings_fake = df_ratings.copy()
df_ratings_fake['eng_score'] = np.random.choice(a=eng_vals, size=df_ratings_fake.shape[0], replace=True, p=eng_probs)

Define train test split split function
def train_test_split_aug(df, test_size):
    train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=test_size)
    train.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    test.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    assert(test.shape[0] >= 1 )
    assert(train.shape[0] >= 1 )
    return train, test 

import experiment_runner
import importlib
from experiment_runner import run_experiments

Analyse with Funk

def funk_algorithm(dataset, metrics_dict, learning_rate, regularization, n_epochs, n_factors, u_id='user_cid', i_id='res_cid', rating='eng_score', return_model=False, test_size=0.1 ):
    rn_dataset_df = dataset.rename(columns = {u_id:'u_id', i_id:'i_id', rating:'rating' } )
    if not return_model: 
        train_df, test_df =  train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=test_size)
    else : 
        _, test_df        =  train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=test_size)
        train_df          =  rn_dataset_df
    svd = SVD(learning_rate=learning_rate, regularization=regularization, n_epochs=n_epochs, n_factors=n_factors, min_rating=0, max_rating=5),  early_stopping=False,  shuffle=False)
    test_pred = svd.predict(test_df )
    metrics_res = {  metric_name : metric_fn(test_pred, test_df['rating'])   for   metric_name, metric_fn in metrics_dict.items()  }  
    if return_model : return {'svd': svd, 'train_df': train_df.rename(columns = {'u_id':u_id, 'i_id':i_id, 'rating':rating } ),  'metrics_res': metrics_res}
    else            : return metrics_res          
Run with "df_ratings_large" for results in 100 seconds on a 16 core machine, "df_ratings_full" takes about 6-10 minutes and "df_ratings_med" takes 15 seconds
# run_experiments( algo_dict   ={   'funk'             :  funk_algorithm                                 }  ,
#                  dataset_dict={   'df_ratings_small' :  df_ratings_small                               }  , 
#                  metrics_dict={   'mae'              :  mean_absolute_error                            }  , 
#                  hyperp_dict ={   'learning_rate'    :  [0.003, 0.006, 0.01]                              ,      
#                                   'regularization'   :  [0.0, 0.01, 0.06]                                 ,
#                                   'n_epochs'         :  [50, 100, 150, 200]                               ,
#                                   'n_factors'        :  [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 ]                        }  , 
#                  rchoice_tot=8                                                                           , 
#                  rchoice_hparam=6                                                                        ,
#                  n_jobs=4                                                                                , 
#                  backend_name='loky' 
#               )

Get fast baseline Predictions

Mean regressor -- predicts the mean rating for each item, user, or a combination of the two

class MeanRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):  
    """Flexible mean regressor for dataframes with  ['u_id', 'i_id', 'rating' ] columns"""

    def __init__(self, regtype):
        if not (regtype in ['g', 'u', 'i', 'ui'] ): raise ValueError(f'Bad regressor type: {regtype}; should be one of  (g, u, i, ui)')
        self._regtype = regtype

    def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame):
        X.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        if not (X.columns.values.tolist() == ['i_id', 'u_id', 'rating']): raise ValueError(f'Bad columns: {X.columns.values.tolist()}; should be [i_id, u_id, rating]') 
        self._meanval = X['rating'].mean()
        if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']:  self._item_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({'rating' : X.groupby('i_id')['rating'].mean()}).reset_index(drop=False)
        if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']:  self._user_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({'rating' : X.groupby('u_id')['rating'].mean()}).reset_index(drop=False)    
        if self._regtype == 'ui'       :  
            #TODO: this code is wrong and produces a bad answer, but I dont know why:
            bu = X[['u_id']].merge(self._user_mean_df, on='u_id', how='left')
            bi = X[['i_id']].merge(self._item_mean_df, on='i_id', how='left')
            rui_minus_bi = X['rating'] - bi['rating']
            bu_minus_bi  = bu['rating'] - bi['rating']
            self._alpha  = (rui_minus_bi*bu_minus_bi).sum() / (bu_minus_bi*bu_minus_bi).sum()
        return self

    def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame):
            getattr(self, "_meanval")
            if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']: getattr(self, "_item_mean_df")
            if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']: getattr(self, "_user_mean_df")
            if self._regtype == 'ui'       : getattr(self, "_alpha")  
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError("You must train the regressor before predicting data!")

        if not (X.columns.values.tolist() == ['i_id', 'u_id']): raise ValueError(f'Bad columns: {X.columns.values.tolist()}; should be [i_id, u_id]')
        if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']: item_mean_preds =  X.merge(self._item_mean_df, on='i_id', how='left').fillna(self._meanval)['rating']
        if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']: user_mean_preds =  X.merge(self._user_mean_df, on='u_id', how='left').fillna(self._meanval)['rating']
        if self._regtype=='g'  :  return( [self._meanval]*X.shape[0]       ) 
        if self._regtype=='i'  :  return( item_mean_preds.values.tolist()  )
        if self._regtype=='u'  :  return( user_mean_preds.values.tolist()  )
        #TODO: remove magic number 0.2 here and replace with a correct calculation of alpha
        if self._regtype=='ui' :  return(    ( 0.2*user_mean_preds + (1-0.2)*item_mean_preds).values.tolist()     )
def make_baseline_algo(Regressor, regtype):
    ''' Makes a baseline algorithm (no parameters) out of a regressor
    def regressor_algo(dataset, metrics_dict):
        rn_dataset_df = dataset.rename(columns = {'user_cid':'u_id', 'res_cid':'i_id', 'eng_score':'rating' } )
        train_df, test_df =  train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=0.1)
        iregressor = Regressor(regtype=regtype)
        test_pred = iregressor.predict(test_df[['i_id', 'u_id']] )

        return {  metric_name : metric_fn(test_pred, test_df['rating'])   for   metric_name, metric_fn in metrics_dict.items()  } 
    return regressor_algo
if search_paramspace:
    res =     run_experiments( algo_dict   ={     'funk'             :  funk_algorithm                                    ,  
                                                  'useritemmean'     :  make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='ui')   ,                               
                                                  'itemmean'         :  make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='i')    ,
                                                  'usermean'         :  make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='u')    ,
                                                  'globalmean'       :  make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='g') }  ,
                                 dataset_dict={   'df_ratings_full'  :  df_ratings_full                                }  , 
                                 metrics_dict={   'mae'              :  mean_absolute_error                            }  , 
                                 hyperp_dict ={   'learning_rate'    :  [0.003, 0.006, 0.01]                              ,      
                                                  'regularization'   :  [0.0, 0.01, 0.06]                                 ,
                                                  'n_epochs'         :  reversed([75, 125, 225])                          ,
                                                  'n_factors'        :  reversed([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])                   }  , 
                                 rchoice_tot=-1                                                                           , 
                                 rchoice_hparam=30                                                                        ,
                                 n_jobs=11                                                                                , 

    print("Search not executed since search_paramspace=False")

Add embedding dimensions to data

This code will augment the data with embedding dimensions from Funk svd, which can then be used in linear models.
def create_embedded_df(df_in, test_size=0.05 ):
    learning_rate = 0.003   
    regularization = 0.0  
    n_epochs = 125   
    n_factors = 3   
    assert 0.0 < test_size < 1.0
    df = df_in.copy()
    #  ------------------------------------
    provisional_test_size = 1.1*test_size
    df['initial_testset'] = np.random.choice([0,1], size=df.shape[0], p=[1.0 - provisional_test_size, provisional_test_size ]).astype('bool')
    testtable_users_df = pd.DataFrame(  {'can_test_user'  :  df.groupby('user_cid')['initial_testset'].agg(lambda x: not(all(x)) )}   ).reset_index(drop=False)
    testable_res_df    = pd.DataFrame(  {'can_test_res'   :  df.groupby('res_cid' )['initial_testset'].agg(lambda x: not(all(x)) )}   ).reset_index(drop=False)
    df = df.merge(testtable_users_df, on='user_cid', how='left').merge(testable_res_df, on='res_cid', how='left')
    df['testset'] = df['initial_testset'] & df['can_test_user'] & df['can_test_res']
    del df['initial_testset'] 
    del df['can_test_user'] 
    del df['can_test_res'] 
    #  ------------------------------------
    mr_dic    =    funk_algorithm(dataset=df[df['testset'] == False]          ,
                                  metrics_dict={   'mae'  :  mean_absolute_error   }  ,
                                  learning_rate=learning_rate                         ,
                                  regularization=regularization                       , 
                                  n_epochs=n_epochs                                   ,
                                  n_factors=n_factors                                 , 
                                  return_model=True,                                  ) 

    metrics_res = mr_dic['metrics_res']
    print(f'metric_result = {metrics_res}')
    model = mr_dic['svd']
    assert n_factors == model.pu.shape[1] == model.qi.shape[1]
    users_emb_df = pd.DataFrame({**{'user_cid':list(model.user_dict.keys())} , **{'f_svd_user' + str(i) :  model.pu[:,i].astype('float16') for i in range(n_factors) },   **{'f_user_bias': (model.bu).astype('float16')} })
    items_emb_df = pd.DataFrame({**{'res_cid' :list(model.item_dict.keys())} , **{'f_svd_res' + str(i)  :  model.qi[:,i].astype('float16') for i in range(n_factors) },   **{'f_item_bias': ('float16')} })
    df = df.merge(users_emb_df, on='user_cid', how='left').merge(items_emb_df, on='res_cid', how='left')
    for i in range(n_factors): df['f_svd_user'+str(i)+'_x_res'+str(i)] = df['f_svd_user'+str(i)]*df['f_svd_res'+str(i)]
    df.set_index(['res_cid', 'user_cid'], drop=True, inplace=True)
    df = (lambda d, cols_2_end : d.reindex(columns=[c for c in d.columns.tolist() if c not in cols_2_end] + cols_2_end)) (df, ['f_user_bias', 'f_item_bias', 'eng_score'])
    return df
use_full_dataset_for_aug = False
if use_full_dataset_for_aug: 
    augmented_full_df = create_embedded_df(df_ratings_full)
    augmented_full_df = create_embedded_df(df_ratings_small)
Train a linear model on the embedding features
augmented_small_df = augmented_full_df.sample(frac=0.01)
augmented_med_df   = augmented_full_df.sample(frac=0.1)
augmented_df = augmented_full_df
def train_linear_model(df):
    train_df, test_df = ( lambda d: ( d[d['testset']==False] , d[d['testset']==True] ) )( augmented_df )
    def feats(df): return df.filter(like='f_', axis=1)
    def targ(df): return df['eng_score'].ravel()
    train_df_X, train_y, test_df_X, test_y =   (lambda tr, te:  (  feats(tr) , targ(tr), feats(te) , targ(te)  )   )    (    *( lambda d: ( d[d['testset']==False] , d[d['testset']==True] ) )( augmented_df )   )
    ols=linear_model.LinearRegression(n_jobs=-1), y=train_y)
    pred_y = ols.predict( test_df_X )
    return  {  'mean_absolute_error' : mean_absolute_error(pred_y, test_y)   }     

Analyse with augmented data

Create features based on number of shared courses
def make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, res_extra_d_df, verbose=False):
    assert 'user_cid' in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
    assert 'res_cid'  in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
    xd_name_1 = [c for c in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'user_cid' not in c][0]
    xd_name_2 = [c for c in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'res_cid' not in c][0]
    assert xd_name_1==xd_name_2
    xd_name = xd_name_1
    df1 = pd.merge(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, on='user_cid')
    df2 = pd.merge(user_res_df, res_extra_d_df, on='res_cid')
    df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
    del df1
    del df2

    df_final = df3.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].agg(intersec='count', union='nunique').reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', 'intersec' : 'int16', 'union': 'int16' })
    del df3
    df_final['intersec'] -= df_final['union']
    df_final.set_index(['res_cid', 'user_cid'], drop=True, inplace=True)
    return df_final
# Expect Wall time: 2min 48s
ui_courses_df = make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df = df_ratings_full[['user_cid', 'res_cid']], user_extra_d_df  = users_courses_df, res_extra_d_df  = resources_courses_df , verbose=True)
# Expect Wall time:  5min 1s
ui_edutypes_df = make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df = df_ratings_full[['user_cid', 'res_cid']], user_extra_d_df  = users_edutypes_df, res_extra_d_df  = resources_edutypes_df , verbose=True)
ui_edutypes_df['f_IoU_edutype'] = (ui_edutypes_df['intersec']/ui_edutypes_df['union']).astype('float16')
PCA breakdowns of the users/resources course spaces
def df_to_matix(df, col1, col2, value=1.0): 
    return coo_matrix( ([value]*df.shape[0], (df[col1], df[col2]) )  )
def make_svd_df(data_df, col1, col2, n_components):
    svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, n_iter=5, random_state=1)
    data_matrix = df_to_matix(data_df, col1, col2)
users_courses_matrix = df_to_matix(users_courses_df, 'user_cid', 'course_id')
res_courses_matrix = df_to_matix(resources_courses_df, 'res_cid', 'course_id')
resources_keywords_matrix = df_to_matix( (lambda d, c, n: d[d[c] >= n]) (resources_keywords_df, 'keyword_count' , 300 ) , 'res_cid', 'keyword_id')
res_edutypes_matrix = df_to_matix(resources_edutypes_df, 'res_cid', 'edutype_id')
users_edutypes_matrix = df_to_matix(users_edutypes_df, 'edutype_id', 'user_cid')
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=4, n_iter=5, random_state=1)
print((svd.components_).shape[0] )
n_components = (svd.components_).shape[0]

pd.DataFrame(  {'f_user_edu'+str(i) :  svd.components_[i,:].astype('float16') for i in range( n_components ) }    )

Augment the dataframe to contain information about the tags and subjects that learning resources are associated with

Analyse with scipy KNN and random projections

Use random projections to reduce the dimensionality of the space

def df_to_sparse(df): return coo_matrix((df.rating, (df.u_id, df.i_id)))  
def reduce_matrix_dimension_rproj(matrix_hidim, eps):
    transformer = random_projection.SparseRandomProjection(n_components='auto', density='auto', eps=eps, dense_output=True, random_state=314)
    matrix_lowdim = (transformer.fit_transform(matrix_hidim)).astype('float16')
    return matrix_lowdim
sm_ratings = df_to_sparse(chosen_df)
( lambda m : m.getnnz() /  ) ( sm_ratings )
red_m_ratings = reduce_matrix_dimension_rproj(sm_ratings, eps=0.2)
kd_red_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='l1', algorithm='kd_tree', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
red_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', algorithm='brute', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
# full_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', algorithm='brute', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
def get_neighbors(row, model_knn, matrix, n_neighbors):
    rowvector = matrix.getrow(row)  if 'sparse' in str(type(matrix)) else matrix[[row]]
    neighbors_data = model_knn.kneighbors( rowvector   , n_neighbors=n_neighbors  )
    neighbors = neighbors_data[1][0][1:]
    return neighbors
def nn_preds(row, model_knn, matrix, full_matrix, n_neighbors, n_preds=None): 
    neighbors = get_neighbors(row, model_knn, matrix, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
    full_matrix_csr = full_matrix.tocsr()


    neighbors_choices =  [ full_matrix_csr.getrow(user)  for user in neighbors]   
    sum_choices = sum(neighbors_choices).tocoo()
    mean_choices = (sum_choices / n_neighbors).astype("float16")
    scored_choices = sorted(zip(mean_choices.nonzero()[1] ,, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)  
    if n_preds is None : return scored_choices
    else               : return scored_choices[:n_preds]
nn_preds(70000, red_model_knn, red_m_ratings, sm_ratings, n_neighbors=20, n_preds=10)
# import sklearn
# sorted(sklearn.neighbors.VALID_METRICS['kd_tree'])
assert False
neighbors = neighbors_data[1].tolist()[0][1:]
algo_dict = {    'plus':  plusalgo ,
                 'times': timesalgo,
                 'minus': minusalgo     }
dataset_dict =  {    'smallnums' : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  *300000, 
                     'mednums' :   [11, 12, 13, 14] *300000, 
                     'bignums' :   [51, 62, 73, 85] *300000    }
hyperp_dict =  {  'h' : [0.5, 0.1],      'g' : [3,6,9]     }
metrics_dict = {    'p-met'   :   pmetr    ,
                    'l-met'   :   lmetr         }
def experiment_fn(  setting  ):
    dataset, algorithm, hparams, metrics_dict   =   setting['dataset'], setting['algorithm'], setting['hparams'], setting['metrics_dict']       
    print(".", end="")
    result = algorithm(dataset=dataset, **hparams)
    return {n: m( result ) for n, m in metrics_dict.items() }
def run_experiments(algo_dict, dataset_dict, metrics_dict, hyperp_dict, experiment_fn , n_jobs=16, rchoice_hparam = -1, rchoice_tot = -1, verbose=True):

    hyperp_settings_list = [   dict(  zip(  hyperp_dict.keys() ,  hparam_tuple  ) )  for    hparam_tuple  in  product(*hyperp_dict.values() )     ]
    if  0 < rchoice_hparam < len(hyperp_settings_list) :    hyperp_settings_list = random.sample(hyperp_settings_list, rchoice_hparam)
    experi_names_list =      [   dict(  zip(  ['dataset', 'algorithm', 'hparams'] ,  exp_tuple  ) )  
                                 for   exp_tuple  in  product( dataset_dict.keys(), algo_dict.keys(), hyperp_settings_list  )    
    if  0 < rchoice_tot < len(experi_names_list) :    experi_names_list = random.sample(experi_names_list, rchoice_tot)
    if verbose: print(    f"Running {len(experi_names_list)} experiments"    )
    experi_settings_list = [   { 'dataset'      :  dataset_dict[setting_n['dataset']]      ,   
                                 'algorithm'    :  algo_dict[setting_n['algorithm']]       , 
                                 'hparams'      :  setting_n['hparams']                    ,
                                 'metrics_dict' :  metrics_dict                                } 
                               for setting_n in experi_names_list
    start_t = time.time()
    with parallel_backend('multiprocessing', n_jobs=n_jobs):
        results = Parallel()(delayed(experiment_fn)(setting) for setting in experi_settings_list)

    end_t = time.time()
    if verbose: print("\n%.2f seconds elapsed \n" % (end_t - start_t) )
    results_w_settings_list = [  {'setting': s, 'result' : r} for s, r in zip(experi_names_list, results) ]
    return results_w_settings_list
run_experiments(algo_dict, dataset_dict, metrics_dict, hyperp_dict, experiment_fn, rchoice_tot = 16  )
# def make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, res_extra_d_df, verbose=False):
#     assert 'user_cid' in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
#     assert 'res_cid'  in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
#     xd_name_1 = [c for c in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'user_cid' not in c][0]
#     xd_name_2 = [c for c in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'res_cid' not in c][0]
#     assert xd_name_1==xd_name_2
#     xd_name = xd_name_1

#     df1 = pd.merge(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, on='user_cid')
#     df2 = pd.merge(user_res_df, res_extra_d_df, on='res_cid')
#     if verbose: print('finished item merges')
#     df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'], how='outer')
#     df3['m'] = df3[xd_name+'_x'].eq(df3[xd_name+'_y']).astype('int16')    
#     df_intersect = df3.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])['m'].agg(  intersec='sum' ).reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32'})
#     del df3
#     if verbose: print('finished intersection')
#     df_s1 = df1.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].count().reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', xd_name : 'int16' })
#     df_s2 = df2.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].count().reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', xd_name : 'int16' })
#     del df1
#     del df2
#     df_sum = df_s1.merge(df_s2, on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'], how='inner')
#     del df_s1
#     del df_s2
#     df_sum['sum'] = df_sum[xd_name+'_x'] + df_sum[xd_name+'_y']
#     del df_sum[xd_name+'_x']
#     del df_sum[xd_name+'_y']
#     if verbose: print('finished sum')
#     df_final = df_sum.merge(df_intersect,  on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'])
#     df_final['union'] = df_final['sum'] - df_final['intersec']
#     del df_final['sum']
#     if verbose: print('finished union')
#     return df_final