jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||
!pip install --upgrade numpy
!pip install --upgrade numba
!pip install --upgrade swifter
!pip install --upgrade scikit-learn
!pip install --upgrade scipy
!pip install --upgrade pandas
!pip install --upgrade uncertainties
!pip install --upgrade s3fs
!pip install --upgrade joblib
!pip install --upgrade jupytext
!pip install 'more_itertools'
!pip install git+https://github.com/gbolmier/funk-svd
!pip install tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from joblib import parallel_backend
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import swifter
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix
import time
from funk_svd import SVD
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors, KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from sklearn import random_projection
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from experiment_runner import run_experiments
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 150)
df_ratings = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, 'klascement_ratings_05_filtered10.csv'),
dtype = {
'res_cid': 'int32',
'user_cid': 'int32',
'eng_score': 'int8',
filenames = [ 'users_courses' , 'users_edutypes' ,
'resources_courses' , 'resources_edutypes' , 'resources_keywords' ]
dfs = {}
for df_name in filenames:
data_location = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, df_name)
dfs[df_name] = pd.read_csv( data_location + '.csv' , encoding='utf-8', dtype='int32')
users_courses_df = dfs['users_courses']
users_edutypes_df = dfs['users_edutypes']
resources_courses_df = dfs['resources_courses']
resources_edutypes_df = dfs['resources_edutypes']
resources_keywords_df = dfs['resources_keywords']
res_series = df_ratings['res_cid'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
print( max(res_series.values.tolist()) )
users_series = df_ratings['user_cid'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
print( max(users_series.values.tolist()) )
df_ratings_small = df_ratings.sample(n=500000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_med = df_ratings.sample(n=2000000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_large = df_ratings.sample(n=7000000).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
df_ratings_full = df_ratings.sample(frac = 1.0, random_state=4).reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True)
print('df_ratings_small = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_small.shape[0] ) ) ) )
print('df_ratings_med = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_med.shape[0] ) ) ) )
print('df_ratings_large = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_large.shape[0] ) ) ) )
print('df_ratings_full = {:,}'.format( int( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings.shape[0] ) ) ) )
poss_vals_probs = pd.DataFrame( {'prob': df_ratings.groupby('eng_score')['eng_score'].count()} ).reset_index(drop=False)
poss_vals_probs['prob'] /= df_ratings.shape[0]
eng_vals = poss_vals_probs['eng_score'].values.tolist()
eng_probs = poss_vals_probs['prob'].values.tolist()
df_ratings_fake = df_ratings.copy()
df_ratings_fake['eng_score'] = np.random.choice(a=eng_vals, size=df_ratings_fake.shape[0], replace=True, p=eng_probs)
def train_test_split_aug(df, test_size):
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=test_size)
train.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
test.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
assert(test.shape[0] >= 1 )
assert(train.shape[0] >= 1 )
return train, test
import experiment_runner
import importlib
from experiment_runner import run_experiments
def funk_algorithm(dataset, metrics_dict, learning_rate, regularization, n_epochs, n_factors, u_id='user_cid', i_id='res_cid', rating='eng_score', return_model=False, test_size=0.1 ):
rn_dataset_df = dataset.rename(columns = {u_id:'u_id', i_id:'i_id', rating:'rating' } )
if not return_model:
train_df, test_df = train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=test_size)
else :
_, test_df = train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=test_size)
train_df = rn_dataset_df
svd = SVD(learning_rate=learning_rate, regularization=regularization, n_epochs=n_epochs, n_factors=n_factors, min_rating=0, max_rating=5)
svd.fit(X=train_df, early_stopping=False, shuffle=False)
test_pred = svd.predict(test_df )
metrics_res = { metric_name : metric_fn(test_pred, test_df['rating']) for metric_name, metric_fn in metrics_dict.items() }
if return_model : return {'svd': svd, 'train_df': train_df.rename(columns = {'u_id':u_id, 'i_id':i_id, 'rating':rating } ), 'metrics_res': metrics_res}
else : return metrics_res
Run with "df_ratings_large" for results in 100 seconds on a 16 core machine, "df_ratings_full" takes about 6-10 minutes and "df_ratings_med" takes 15 seconds
# run_experiments( algo_dict ={ 'funk' : funk_algorithm } ,
# dataset_dict={ 'df_ratings_small' : df_ratings_small } ,
# metrics_dict={ 'mae' : mean_absolute_error } ,
# hyperp_dict ={ 'learning_rate' : [0.003, 0.006, 0.01] ,
# 'regularization' : [0.0, 0.01, 0.06] ,
# 'n_epochs' : [50, 100, 150, 200] ,
# 'n_factors' : [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 ] } ,
# rchoice_tot=8 ,
# rchoice_hparam=6 ,
# n_jobs=4 ,
# backend_name='loky'
# )
Mean regressor -- predicts the mean rating for each item, user, or a combination of the two
class MeanRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
"""Flexible mean regressor for dataframes with ['u_id', 'i_id', 'rating' ] columns"""
def __init__(self, regtype):
if not (regtype in ['g', 'u', 'i', 'ui'] ): raise ValueError(f'Bad regressor type: {regtype}; should be one of (g, u, i, ui)')
self._regtype = regtype
def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame):
X.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
if not (X.columns.values.tolist() == ['i_id', 'u_id', 'rating']): raise ValueError(f'Bad columns: {X.columns.values.tolist()}; should be [i_id, u_id, rating]')
self._meanval = X['rating'].mean()
if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']: self._item_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({'rating' : X.groupby('i_id')['rating'].mean()}).reset_index(drop=False)
if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']: self._user_mean_df = pd.DataFrame({'rating' : X.groupby('u_id')['rating'].mean()}).reset_index(drop=False)
if self._regtype == 'ui' :
#TODO: this code is wrong and produces a bad answer, but I dont know why:
bu = X[['u_id']].merge(self._user_mean_df, on='u_id', how='left')
bi = X[['i_id']].merge(self._item_mean_df, on='i_id', how='left')
rui_minus_bi = X['rating'] - bi['rating']
bu_minus_bi = bu['rating'] - bi['rating']
self._alpha = (rui_minus_bi*bu_minus_bi).sum() / (bu_minus_bi*bu_minus_bi).sum()
return self
def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame):
getattr(self, "_meanval")
if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']: getattr(self, "_item_mean_df")
if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']: getattr(self, "_user_mean_df")
if self._regtype == 'ui' : getattr(self, "_alpha")
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError("You must train the regressor before predicting data!")
if not (X.columns.values.tolist() == ['i_id', 'u_id']): raise ValueError(f'Bad columns: {X.columns.values.tolist()}; should be [i_id, u_id]')
if self._regtype in ['i', 'ui']: item_mean_preds = X.merge(self._item_mean_df, on='i_id', how='left').fillna(self._meanval)['rating']
if self._regtype in ['u', 'ui']: user_mean_preds = X.merge(self._user_mean_df, on='u_id', how='left').fillna(self._meanval)['rating']
if self._regtype=='g' : return( [self._meanval]*X.shape[0] )
if self._regtype=='i' : return( item_mean_preds.values.tolist() )
if self._regtype=='u' : return( user_mean_preds.values.tolist() )
#TODO: remove magic number 0.2 here and replace with a correct calculation of alpha
if self._regtype=='ui' : return( ( 0.2*user_mean_preds + (1-0.2)*item_mean_preds).values.tolist() )
def make_baseline_algo(Regressor, regtype):
''' Makes a baseline algorithm (no parameters) out of a regressor
def regressor_algo(dataset, metrics_dict):
rn_dataset_df = dataset.rename(columns = {'user_cid':'u_id', 'res_cid':'i_id', 'eng_score':'rating' } )
train_df, test_df = train_test_split_aug(rn_dataset_df, test_size=0.1)
iregressor = Regressor(regtype=regtype)
test_pred = iregressor.predict(test_df[['i_id', 'u_id']] )
return { metric_name : metric_fn(test_pred, test_df['rating']) for metric_name, metric_fn in metrics_dict.items() }
return regressor_algo
if search_paramspace:
res = run_experiments( algo_dict ={ 'funk' : funk_algorithm ,
'useritemmean' : make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='ui') ,
'itemmean' : make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='i') ,
'usermean' : make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='u') ,
'globalmean' : make_baseline_algo(MeanRegressor, regtype='g') } ,
dataset_dict={ 'df_ratings_full' : df_ratings_full } ,
metrics_dict={ 'mae' : mean_absolute_error } ,
hyperp_dict ={ 'learning_rate' : [0.003, 0.006, 0.01] ,
'regularization' : [0.0, 0.01, 0.06] ,
'n_epochs' : reversed([75, 125, 225]) ,
'n_factors' : reversed([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) } ,
rchoice_tot=-1 ,
rchoice_hparam=30 ,
n_jobs=11 ,
print("Search not executed since search_paramspace=False")
This code will augment the data with embedding dimensions from Funk svd, which can then be used in linear models.
def create_embedded_df(df_in, test_size=0.05 ):
learning_rate = 0.003
regularization = 0.0
n_epochs = 125
n_factors = 3
assert 0.0 < test_size < 1.0
df = df_in.copy()
# ------------------------------------
provisional_test_size = 1.1*test_size
df['initial_testset'] = np.random.choice([0,1], size=df.shape[0], p=[1.0 - provisional_test_size, provisional_test_size ]).astype('bool')
testtable_users_df = pd.DataFrame( {'can_test_user' : df.groupby('user_cid')['initial_testset'].agg(lambda x: not(all(x)) )} ).reset_index(drop=False)
testable_res_df = pd.DataFrame( {'can_test_res' : df.groupby('res_cid' )['initial_testset'].agg(lambda x: not(all(x)) )} ).reset_index(drop=False)
df = df.merge(testtable_users_df, on='user_cid', how='left').merge(testable_res_df, on='res_cid', how='left')
df['testset'] = df['initial_testset'] & df['can_test_user'] & df['can_test_res']
del df['initial_testset']
del df['can_test_user']
del df['can_test_res']
# ------------------------------------
mr_dic = funk_algorithm(dataset=df[df['testset'] == False] ,
metrics_dict={ 'mae' : mean_absolute_error } ,
learning_rate=learning_rate ,
regularization=regularization ,
n_epochs=n_epochs ,
n_factors=n_factors ,
return_model=True, )
metrics_res = mr_dic['metrics_res']
print(f'metric_result = {metrics_res}')
model = mr_dic['svd']
assert n_factors == model.pu.shape[1] == model.qi.shape[1]
users_emb_df = pd.DataFrame({**{'user_cid':list(model.user_dict.keys())} , **{'f_svd_user' + str(i) : model.pu[:,i].astype('float16') for i in range(n_factors) }, **{'f_user_bias': (model.bu).astype('float16')} })
items_emb_df = pd.DataFrame({**{'res_cid' :list(model.item_dict.keys())} , **{'f_svd_res' + str(i) : model.qi[:,i].astype('float16') for i in range(n_factors) }, **{'f_item_bias': (model.bi).astype('float16')} })
df = df.merge(users_emb_df, on='user_cid', how='left').merge(items_emb_df, on='res_cid', how='left')
for i in range(n_factors): df['f_svd_user'+str(i)+'_x_res'+str(i)] = df['f_svd_user'+str(i)]*df['f_svd_res'+str(i)]
df.set_index(['res_cid', 'user_cid'], drop=True, inplace=True)
df = (lambda d, cols_2_end : d.reindex(columns=[c for c in d.columns.tolist() if c not in cols_2_end] + cols_2_end)) (df, ['f_user_bias', 'f_item_bias', 'eng_score'])
return df
use_full_dataset_for_aug = False
if use_full_dataset_for_aug:
augmented_full_df = create_embedded_df(df_ratings_full)
augmented_full_df = create_embedded_df(df_ratings_small)
augmented_small_df = augmented_full_df.sample(frac=0.01)
augmented_med_df = augmented_full_df.sample(frac=0.1)
augmented_df = augmented_full_df
def train_linear_model(df):
train_df, test_df = ( lambda d: ( d[d['testset']==False] , d[d['testset']==True] ) )( augmented_df )
def feats(df): return df.filter(like='f_', axis=1)
def targ(df): return df['eng_score'].ravel()
train_df_X, train_y, test_df_X, test_y = (lambda tr, te: ( feats(tr) , targ(tr), feats(te) , targ(te) ) ) ( *( lambda d: ( d[d['testset']==False] , d[d['testset']==True] ) )( augmented_df ) )
ols.fit(X=train_df_X, y=train_y)
pred_y = ols.predict( test_df_X )
return { 'mean_absolute_error' : mean_absolute_error(pred_y, test_y) }
def make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, res_extra_d_df, verbose=False):
assert 'user_cid' in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
assert 'res_cid' in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
xd_name_1 = [c for c in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'user_cid' not in c][0]
xd_name_2 = [c for c in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'res_cid' not in c][0]
assert xd_name_1==xd_name_2
xd_name = xd_name_1
df1 = pd.merge(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, on='user_cid')
df2 = pd.merge(user_res_df, res_extra_d_df, on='res_cid')
df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
del df1
del df2
df_final = df3.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].agg(intersec='count', union='nunique').reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', 'intersec' : 'int16', 'union': 'int16' })
del df3
df_final['intersec'] -= df_final['union']
df_final.set_index(['res_cid', 'user_cid'], drop=True, inplace=True)
return df_final
# Expect Wall time: 2min 48s
ui_courses_df = make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df = df_ratings_full[['user_cid', 'res_cid']], user_extra_d_df = users_courses_df, res_extra_d_df = resources_courses_df , verbose=True)
# Expect Wall time: 5min 1s
ui_edutypes_df = make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df = df_ratings_full[['user_cid', 'res_cid']], user_extra_d_df = users_edutypes_df, res_extra_d_df = resources_edutypes_df , verbose=True)
ui_edutypes_df['f_IoU_edutype'] = (ui_edutypes_df['intersec']/ui_edutypes_df['union']).astype('float16')
def df_to_matix(df, col1, col2, value=1.0):
return coo_matrix( ([value]*df.shape[0], (df[col1], df[col2]) ) )
def make_svd_df(data_df, col1, col2, n_components):
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, n_iter=5, random_state=1)
data_matrix = df_to_matix(data_df, col1, col2)
users_courses_matrix = df_to_matix(users_courses_df, 'user_cid', 'course_id')
res_courses_matrix = df_to_matix(resources_courses_df, 'res_cid', 'course_id')
resources_keywords_matrix = df_to_matix( (lambda d, c, n: d[d[c] >= n]) (resources_keywords_df, 'keyword_count' , 300 ) , 'res_cid', 'keyword_id')
res_edutypes_matrix = df_to_matix(resources_edutypes_df, 'res_cid', 'edutype_id')
users_edutypes_matrix = df_to_matix(users_edutypes_df, 'edutype_id', 'user_cid')
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=4, n_iter=5, random_state=1)
print((svd.components_).shape[0] )
n_components = (svd.components_).shape[0]
pd.DataFrame( {'f_user_edu'+str(i) : svd.components_[i,:].astype('float16') for i in range( n_components ) } )
Augment the dataframe to contain information about the tags and subjects that learning resources are associated with
def df_to_sparse(df): return coo_matrix((df.rating, (df.u_id, df.i_id)))
def reduce_matrix_dimension_rproj(matrix_hidim, eps):
transformer = random_projection.SparseRandomProjection(n_components='auto', density='auto', eps=eps, dense_output=True, random_state=314)
matrix_lowdim = (transformer.fit_transform(matrix_hidim)).astype('float16')
return matrix_lowdim
sm_ratings = df_to_sparse(chosen_df)
( lambda m : m.getnnz() / np.prod(m.shape) ) ( sm_ratings )
red_m_ratings = reduce_matrix_dimension_rproj(sm_ratings, eps=0.2)
kd_red_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='l1', algorithm='kd_tree', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
red_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', algorithm='brute', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
# full_model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', algorithm='brute', n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1)
# full_model_knn.fit(sm_ratings)
def get_neighbors(row, model_knn, matrix, n_neighbors):
rowvector = matrix.getrow(row) if 'sparse' in str(type(matrix)) else matrix[[row]]
neighbors_data = model_knn.kneighbors( rowvector , n_neighbors=n_neighbors )
neighbors = neighbors_data[1][0][1:]
return neighbors
def nn_preds(row, model_knn, matrix, full_matrix, n_neighbors, n_preds=None):
neighbors = get_neighbors(row, model_knn, matrix, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
full_matrix_csr = full_matrix.tocsr()
neighbors_choices = [ full_matrix_csr.getrow(user) for user in neighbors]
sum_choices = sum(neighbors_choices).tocoo()
mean_choices = (sum_choices / n_neighbors).astype("float16")
scored_choices = sorted(zip(mean_choices.nonzero()[1] , mean_choices.data), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
if n_preds is None : return scored_choices
else : return scored_choices[:n_preds]
nn_preds(70000, red_model_knn, red_m_ratings, sm_ratings, n_neighbors=20, n_preds=10)
# import sklearn
# sorted(sklearn.neighbors.VALID_METRICS['kd_tree'])
assert False
neighbors = neighbors_data[1].tolist()[0][1:]
algo_dict = { 'plus': plusalgo ,
'times': timesalgo,
'minus': minusalgo }
dataset_dict = { 'smallnums' : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] *300000,
'mednums' : [11, 12, 13, 14] *300000,
'bignums' : [51, 62, 73, 85] *300000 }
hyperp_dict = { 'h' : [0.5, 0.1], 'g' : [3,6,9] }
metrics_dict = { 'p-met' : pmetr ,
'l-met' : lmetr }
def experiment_fn( setting ):
dataset, algorithm, hparams, metrics_dict = setting['dataset'], setting['algorithm'], setting['hparams'], setting['metrics_dict']
print(".", end="")
result = algorithm(dataset=dataset, **hparams)
return {n: m( result ) for n, m in metrics_dict.items() }
def run_experiments(algo_dict, dataset_dict, metrics_dict, hyperp_dict, experiment_fn , n_jobs=16, rchoice_hparam = -1, rchoice_tot = -1, verbose=True):
hyperp_settings_list = [ dict( zip( hyperp_dict.keys() , hparam_tuple ) ) for hparam_tuple in product(*hyperp_dict.values() ) ]
if 0 < rchoice_hparam < len(hyperp_settings_list) : hyperp_settings_list = random.sample(hyperp_settings_list, rchoice_hparam)
experi_names_list = [ dict( zip( ['dataset', 'algorithm', 'hparams'] , exp_tuple ) )
for exp_tuple in product( dataset_dict.keys(), algo_dict.keys(), hyperp_settings_list )
if 0 < rchoice_tot < len(experi_names_list) : experi_names_list = random.sample(experi_names_list, rchoice_tot)
if verbose: print( f"Running {len(experi_names_list)} experiments" )
experi_settings_list = [ { 'dataset' : dataset_dict[setting_n['dataset']] ,
'algorithm' : algo_dict[setting_n['algorithm']] ,
'hparams' : setting_n['hparams'] ,
'metrics_dict' : metrics_dict }
for setting_n in experi_names_list
start_t = time.time()
with parallel_backend('multiprocessing', n_jobs=n_jobs):
results = Parallel()(delayed(experiment_fn)(setting) for setting in experi_settings_list)
end_t = time.time()
if verbose: print("\n%.2f seconds elapsed \n" % (end_t - start_t) )
results_w_settings_list = [ {'setting': s, 'result' : r} for s, r in zip(experi_names_list, results) ]
return results_w_settings_list
run_experiments(algo_dict, dataset_dict, metrics_dict, hyperp_dict, experiment_fn, rchoice_tot = 16 )
# def make_union_intersect_df(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, res_extra_d_df, verbose=False):
# assert 'user_cid' in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
# assert 'res_cid' in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist()
# xd_name_1 = [c for c in user_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'user_cid' not in c][0]
# xd_name_2 = [c for c in res_extra_d_df.columns.tolist() if 'res_cid' not in c][0]
# assert xd_name_1==xd_name_2
# xd_name = xd_name_1
# df1 = pd.merge(user_res_df, user_extra_d_df, on='user_cid')
# df2 = pd.merge(user_res_df, res_extra_d_df, on='res_cid')
# if verbose: print('finished item merges')
# df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'], how='outer')
# df3['m'] = df3[xd_name+'_x'].eq(df3[xd_name+'_y']).astype('int16')
# df_intersect = df3.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])['m'].agg( intersec='sum' ).reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32'})
# del df3
# if verbose: print('finished intersection')
# df_s1 = df1.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].count().reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', xd_name : 'int16' })
# df_s2 = df2.groupby(['user_cid', 'res_cid'])[xd_name].count().reset_index().astype({'user_cid': 'int32', 'res_cid': 'int32', xd_name : 'int16' })
# del df1
# del df2
# df_sum = df_s1.merge(df_s2, on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'], how='inner')
# del df_s1
# del df_s2
# df_sum['sum'] = df_sum[xd_name+'_x'] + df_sum[xd_name+'_y']
# del df_sum[xd_name+'_x']
# del df_sum[xd_name+'_y']
# if verbose: print('finished sum')
# df_final = df_sum.merge(df_intersect, on=['user_cid', 'res_cid'])
# df_final['union'] = df_final['sum'] - df_final['intersec']
# del df_final['sum']
# if verbose: print('finished union')
# return df_final