Basic analysis of KlasCement Data
!pip install - - upgrade scikit - learn
!pip install - - upgrade "dask[dataframe]"
!pip install - - upgrade dask
!pip install - - upgrade s3fs
!pip install - - upgrade pandas
!pip install - - upgrade swifter
!pip install - - upgrade seaborn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dask
import dask .dataframe as dd
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
from sklearn .preprocessing import StandardScaler
import seaborn as sns
from dask .diagnostics import ProgressBar
from IPython .display import display , HTML
import math
import s3fs
import swifter
from scipy import sparse
pd .set_option ('display.max_rows' , 1000 )
pd .set_option ('max_colwidth' , 150 )
print ('The pandas version is {}.' .format (pd .__version__ ))
print ('The dask version is {}.' .format (dask .__version__ ))
print ('The s3fs version is {}.' .format (s3fs .__version__ ))
bucket = '045879944372-sagemaker-ml-dev'
df_nodate = pd .read_csv ( filepath_or_buffer = 's3://{}/{}' .format (bucket , 'klascement_no_dates_sorted.csv' ),
dtype = {
'res_cid' : 'int32' ,
'user_cid' : 'int32' ,
'event|favourited' : 'int8' ,
'score' : 'int8' ,
'event|clicked_through' : 'int8' ,
'event|previewed' : 'int8' ,
'event|downloaded' : 'int8' ,
'event|used' : 'int8' ,
'event|visited_detail_pg' : 'int8'
display (df_nodate .head (n = 3 ))
print (df_nodate .shape )
def show_interaction_count (colname , color ):
interact_counts_df = pd .DataFrame ( {'interaction_count' : df_nodate .groupby (colname )[colname ].count ()} ).reset_index (drop = False ).sort_values (by = 'interaction_count' )
interact_counts_df ['log_interaction_count' ] = interact_counts_df ['interaction_count' ].swifter .apply (math .log10 )
display (interact_counts_df .head (n = 1 ))
interact_counts_df .hist (column = ['log_interaction_count' ], color = color , bins = 100 )
return interact_counts_df
res_interact_counts_df = show_interaction_count ('res_cid' , 'darkred' )
user_interact_counts_df = show_interaction_count ('user_cid' , 'blue' )
minimum_interactions_threshold = 10
users_gr_thr = user_interact_counts_df [user_interact_counts_df ['interaction_count' ] >= minimum_interactions_threshold ].reset_index (drop = True )[['user_cid' ]]
users_less_thr = user_interact_counts_df [user_interact_counts_df ['interaction_count' ] < minimum_interactions_threshold ].reset_index (drop = True )[['user_cid' ]]
display (users_less_thr .head (n = 2 ))
print (users_less_thr .shape [0 ])
res_gr_thr = res_interact_counts_df [res_interact_counts_df ['interaction_count' ] >= minimum_interactions_threshold ].reset_index (drop = True )[['res_cid' ]]
res_less_thr = res_interact_counts_df [res_interact_counts_df ['interaction_count' ] < minimum_interactions_threshold ].reset_index (drop = True )[['res_cid' ]]
display (res_less_thr .head (n = 2 ))
print (res_less_thr .shape [0 ])
Exclude all users or resources with less than 10 interactions
print (df_nodate .shape )
df_nodate = df_nodate .merge (res_gr_thr , on = 'res_cid' , how = 'inner' )
print (df_nodate .shape )
df_nodate = df_nodate .merge (users_gr_thr , on = 'user_cid' , how = 'inner' )
print (df_nodate .shape )
display (df_nodate .head (n = 3 ))
_ = show_interaction_count ('user_cid' , 'blue' )
df_nodate ['event|goodscore' ] = df_nodate ['score' ].swifter .apply (lambda x : 1 if x >= 4 else 0 ).astype ('int8' )
df_nodate ['event|badscore' ] = df_nodate ['score' ].swifter .apply (lambda x : 1 if x == 1 or x == 2 else 0 ).astype ('int8' )
# del df_nodate['event|used']
corr_fr = df_nodate [['event|favourited' ,'score' ,'event|clicked_through' ,'event|previewed' ,'event|downloaded' ,'event|used' ,'event|visited_detail_pg' ]].corr ()
def corrplot_of_corrdfr (corrdfr , cmap = sns .diverging_palette (20 , 220 , n = 256 )):
plt .figure (figsize = (12 , 12 ))
ax = sns .heatmap ( corrdfr , center = 0 , cmap = cmap , square = True , annot = True )
ax .set_xticklabels ( ax .get_xticklabels (), rotation = 45 , horizontalalignment = 'right' );
corrplot_of_corrdfr (corr_fr )
sums = df_nodate .loc [:,df_nodate .columns .str .startswith ("event|" )].astype (bool ).sum (axis = 0 ).astype ("int64" )
infos = sums / (np .max (df_nodate ['res_cid' ]).astype ("int64" )* np .max (df_nodate ['user_cid' ]).astype ("int64" ))
#TODO: there are some magic numbers in here
infos = infos .apply (lambda x : np .round (- 7 - math .log2 (x ), 1 ) )
infos ['event|badscore' ] = - 1 * infos ['event|badscore' ]
info_weight_dict = infos .to_dict ()
info_weight_dict .items ()
df_nodate ['eng_score' ] = df_nodate .swifter .apply (lambda x : sum ( [ w * x [c ] for c , w in info_weight_dict .items () ] ) , axis = 1 ).astype ('float16' )
df_nodate ['eng_score' ] = df_nodate ['eng_score' ].swifter .apply (lambda x : max (x , 0 ) ).astype ('float16' )
scaler = StandardScaler (with_mean = False )
df_nodate ['eng_score' ] = scaler .fit_transform ( df_nodate [['eng_score' ]] ).astype ('float16' )
df_nodate ['eng_score' ] = df_nodate ['eng_score' ].swifter .apply (lambda x : round (x , 0 ) ).astype ('int8' )
# Here we limit the score to 5 in oder to avoid a long tail of scores between 5 and 10
df_nodate ['eng_score' ] = df_nodate ['eng_score' ].swifter .apply (lambda x : min (x , 5 ) ).astype ('int8' )
df_nodate .hist (column = ['eng_score' ], bins = 20 )
n_resources = np .max (df_nodate ['res_cid' ]).astype ('int64' )
n_users = np .max (df_nodate ['user_cid' ]).astype ('int64' )
print ('n_resources ≈ {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % n_resources ) ) ) )
print ('n_users ≈ {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % n_users ) ) ) )
poss_interactions = n_resources * n_users
print ('poss_interactions ≈ {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % poss_interactions ) ) ) )
actual_interactions = df_nodate .shape [0 ]
print ('actual_interactions ≈ {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % actual_interactions ) ) ) )
df_rating = df_nodate [['res_cid' , 'user_cid' , 'eng_score' ]]
if save_rating_data :
filename = 'klascement_ratings_05_filtered10'
data_location = 's3://{}/{}' .format (bucket , filename )
df_rating .to_csv (data_location + '.csv' , encoding = 'utf-8' , index = False , float_format = '%.1f' )
else :
print ("nothing saved, since save_rating_data = False" )
# df_nodate['event|usednd'] = df_nodate.swifter.apply(lambda x: 1 if x['event|used'] == 1 and x['event|downloaded'] == 0 else 0 , axis=1 ).astype('int8')
# def memuse_per_row(frame):
# if('dask' in str(type(frame)) ):
# with ProgressBar():
# df = frame.compute()
# else:
# df = frame
# nrows = df.shape[0]
# memuse = sum(df.memory_usage() )
# bytes_per_row = memuse/nrows
# return bytes_per_row