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File metadata and controls

626 lines (569 loc) · 18 KB


Example Source

    >>> from hrflow import Hrflow
    >>> client = Hrflow(api_secret="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.source.list(name='python', limit=1)
    >>> print(result)
        'code': 200,
        'data': [{
            'archive': None,
            'consent': False,
            'consent_url': None,
            'created_at': '2020-07-22T09:11:32+0000',
            'description': None,
            'id': id,
            'key': 'source_key',
            'members': ['[email protected]'],
            'name': 'sync-php',
            'notification': False,
            'private': False,
            'stats': {'size': '0'},
            'status': True,
            'subtype': 'php',
            'type': 'api',
            'updated_at': '2020-07-22T09:11:32+0000',
            'user': {
                'avatarUrl': '/images/user.png',
                'email': '[email protected]',
                'firstName': None,
                'id': id,
                'lastName': None,
                'locale': 'english',
                'phone': None,
                'position': None,
                'pseudo': None}},
            . ],
        'message': 'Source list',
        'meta': {'count': 11, 'maxPage': 1, 'page': 1, 'total': 11}}

Example Profile

    >>> from hrflow import Hrflow
    >>> client = Hrflow(api_secret="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.profile.searching.list(source_keys=["source_key"],
                                              page=1, limit=30,

    >>> print(result)
        'code': 200,
        'data': {'profiles': [{...},

Example Job

    >>> from hrflow import Hrflow
    >>> client = Hrflow(api_secret="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.job.searching.list(board_keys=["board_key"], page=1,
                                          limit=30, sort_by='created_at')
    >>> print(result)
        'code': 200,
        'data': {'jobs': [{...},


For any methods that needs key and reference you need to provide at least one of them but not necessarily both, keep in mind that reference overrides id.


📖 The Profile Object

JSON object with 5 required fields: key, reference, info, text_language and text. The JSON contains other optional fields that cannot be listed here. (See the examples above)

🧠 Parse a Resume in a Source

This endpoint allows you to parse a resume and make a profile object from it.

📘 Real-time parsing: To use the real-time parsing feature, you must have it enabled for the correponding source. In which case you just need to set sync_parsing to 1.

  • Open the file in binary mode and parse it using this method without reference
    >>> with open("path/2/file", "rb") as profile_file:
    ...     response = client.profile.parsing.add_file(
                tags=[{"name": "archive", "value": True}],
  • Or using a reference like this:
    >>> with open("path/2/file", "rb") as profile_file:
    ...     response = client.profile.parsing.add_file(
                tags=[{"name": "archive", "value": True}],

In both cases the output should look like this:

        "code": 201,
        "message": "Profile parsed successfully. Profile extraction finished : 8.00 seconds.",

🧠 Get a Resume Parsing from a Source

Retrieve Parsing information using source key and key/reference.

⚠️ Query parameters: reference and key cannot be null at the same time.

  • Retrieve parsing information using source key
    >>> response = client.profile.parsing.get(source_key="source_key", key="profile_key")
  • Retrieve parsing information using reference
    >>> response = client.profile.parsing.get(source_key="source_key", reference="my_resume")
  • The output should should look like this
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile parsing",

💾 Index a Profile in a Source

In order to add a Json profile you can index it using HrFlow search engine

  • Index a profile in a source using a JSON file profile_json
    >>> response = client.profile.indexing.add_json(
            source_key="source_key", profile_json=profile_json
  • The output should be of this form:
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile parsing",

💾 Edit a Profile indexed in a Source

This enables you to edit the JSON of a profile in a source

📘 JSON profile must include profile's key

  • Edit a profile in a source
    >>> response = client.profile.indexing.edit(
            source_key="source_key", key="profile_key", profile_json=profile_json
  • You should receive as output the following
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile edited",

💾 Get a Profile indexed in a Source

Allows retrieving the profile information using source key and key/reference.

  • Retrieve a profile object from a source this method
    >>> response = client.profile.indexing.get(source_key="source_key", key="profile_key")
  • The output should be
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile details",

💾 Get a profile's attachment list

  • Retrieve a profile's attachment list from a source
    >>> response = client.profile.attachment.list(source_key="source_key", key="profile_key")
  • You should receive as output
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile's attachment list",

🧠 Search Profiles indexed in Sources

This endpoint allows you to search profiles.

  • Search a profile using sources' keys
    >>> response = client.profile.searching.list(
  • The output should look like this
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Profile's searching results",

🧠 Score profiles indexed in sources for a Job

This endpoint allows you to Score Profiles for a job.

  • Score a profile using a list of source_key, a board_key, and ajob_key
    >>> response = client.profile.scoring.list(


📖 The Job Object

JSON object with 5 required fields: key, reference, name, location and sections . It contains other optional fields that cannot be listed here. Here is what a job JSON looks like:

        "name": "Data Engineer",
        "agent_key": "agent_key",
        "reference": "Job's reference abc",
        "url": "",
        "summary": "As an engineer for the Data Engineering Infrastructure team, you will design, build, scale, and evolve our data engineering  platform, services and tooling. Your work will have a critical  impact on all areas of business:supporting detailed internal analytics, calculating customer usage, securing our platform, and much more.",
        "location": {
                    "text": "Dampierre en Burly (45)",
                    "geopoint": {
                        "lat": 47.7667,
                        "lon": 2.5167
        "sections": [{
                        "name": "profile",
                        "title": "Searched Profile",
                        "description": "Bac+5"
        "skills": [{
                    "name": "python",
                    "value": None
                    "name": "spark",
                    "value": 0.9
        "languages": [{
                        "name": "english",
                        "value": 1
                        "name": "french",
                        "value": 1
        "tags": [{
                    "name": "archive",
                    "value": True
                    "name": "tag example",
                    "value": "tag"
        "ranges_date": [{
                        "name": "Dates",
                        "value_min": "2020-05-18T21:59",
                        "value_max": "2020-09-15T21:59"
        "ranges_float": [{
                        "name": "salary",
                        "value_min": 30,
                        "value_max": 40,
                        "unit": "eur"
        "metadatas": [{
                        "name": "metadata example",
                        "value": "metadata"

💾 Index a Job in a Board

This endpoint allows you to Index a Job object.

⚠️ Job Input: If your Job is an unstructured text, make sure to parse it first before indexing it. See how in 🧠 Parse a raw Text.

  • Index a job in a board. This action requires a board_key
    >>> response = client.job.indexing.add_json(board_key="board_key", job_json=job_json)
  • The output should look like this
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Job created",

💾 Edit a Job indexed in a Board

This endpoint allows you to edit the of JSON of Job.

  • Edit a job already indexed in a board. This action requires a job_key
    >>> response = client.job.indexing.edit(
            board_key="board_key", key="job_key", job_json=job_json
  • You should receive the following output
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Job edited",

💾 Get a Job indexed in a Board

This endpoint allows retriving the job object from a board using the corresponding keys

  • Retrieve a job indexed in a board
    >>> response = client.job.indexing.get(board_key="board_key", key="job_key")
  • The output
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Job details",

🧠 Search for Jobs indexed in Boards

This endpoint allows you to Search for Jobs.

  • Search for jobs among a list of boards
    >>> response = client.job.searching.list(
            board_keys=["board_key"], page=1, limit=30, sort_by="created_at", order_by=None
  • The output should be
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Job searching list",

🧠 Score Jobs indexed in Boards for a Profile

This endpoint allows you to Score Jobs for Profile.

  • Score a job for a certain profile
    >>> response = client.job.scoring.list(


🧠 Parse a raw Text

Allows extracting over 50 data point from any raw input text.

  • Parse a raw text given as argument
    >>> response ="Your text here")
  • It should return
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Parsing results,

🧠 Reveal missing skills in a Text

Predict likely missing skills in a text

  • Predict the skills using the method below
    >>> response ="hello")
  • The output should look like this:
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Revealing results,

🧠 Item embedding

This endpoint allows profile/job 's embedding, it returns embedding encoded as base64.

In order to retrieve Item embeddings, you must decode response's body, and reshape the output as shown in below example.

    >>> import base64
    >>> import numpy as np

    >>> dfloat32 = np.dtype(">f4")

    >>> response =
            item_type="profile", item=profile_json, return_sequences=True

    >>> embeddings_reponse = response.get("data")
    >>> embeddings_decoded = base64.b64decode(embeddings_reponse)
    >>> embeddings_as_np = np.frombuffer(embeddings_decoded, dtype=dfloat32)

    >>> embeddings = np.reshape(embeddings_as_np, (-1, 1024)).tolist()

🧠 Text Linking

    >>> response ="python", top_n=20)


📖 The Source Object

A JSON object with a key, a name, a description, a type and a subtype and other optional fields.

🔌 Find Sources in a Workspace

Retrieve all sources for a given team account

  • List sources using this method
    >>> response = client.source.list(name='async')
  • It should output something like this
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Source list",

🔌 Get a Source from a Workspace

Retrieve source's information with a source key

  • Get a source's information for a given key using
    >>> response = client.source.get(key=key)
  • The output should contain this message
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Source info",


📖 The Board Object

A JSON object representing a board containing many fields: a key, a name, ``description, a description`, a `type` and a `subtype`

🔌 Find Boards in a Workspace

Retrieve all boads for given team account

  • Get all boards for given team account using this method
    >>> response = client.board.list(name='compaign')
  • The output should be as follows:
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Board list",

🔌 Get a Board from a Workspace

Retrieve board's information for a given key.

  • Get the board's information using this method
    >>> response = client.board.get(key=key)
  • The output should be the same as below:
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Board info",


🔌 Webhook Check

Checks weither your webhook integration is enabled and works.

  • Check if it is enabled using a url and a type
    >>> response = client.webhooks.check("url","type")
  • The output should look like this
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Parsing results,

Set Handler

Add an handler of a webhook event

  • To set a handler, use the method below
    >>> response =  client.webhooks.setHandler(event_name, callback)

⚠️ event_name and callback are required.

Handler presence check

  • Check if a callback is bind to an event
    >>> response =  client.webhooks.isHandlerPresent(event_name)

⚠️ event_name and callback are required.

Remove a handler

Remove the handler for a webhook

  • To do so, use the method below
    >>> response =  client.webhooks.removeHandler(event_name)

⚠️ event_name and callback are required.

Start the handler

Start the handler for the given webhook request.

    >>> response =  client.webhooks.handle(request_headers, signature_header)

request_headers the headers of the webhook request while signature_header is the HTTP-hrflow-SIGNATURE header only, one of them is required.

event_name is required

Handle webhook requests

Here is an example on how to handle webhooks

    from hrflow import Hrflow

    def func_callback(event_name, webhook_data):
        print("{} {}".format(event_name, webhook_data))

        client = Hrflow(api_secret="YOUR_API_KEY", webhook_secret="webhook_key")

    # Set an handler for webhook event.
    callback = func_callback
    resp = client.webhooks.setHandler("profile.parsing.success", callback)

    # Get the header of the request sent by the webhook.
    encoded_header = {HTTP - hrflow - SIGNATURE: "some encoded datas"}

    # Handle the webhook


  • Here an example on how to get help:
   >>> from hrflow.profile.parsing import ProfileParsing
   >>> help(ProfileParsing.get)

   #Help on function get in module hrflow.profile.parsing:
   get(self, source_key=None, key=None, reference=None, email=None)
   #Retrieve Parsing information.
           source_key:             <string>
           key:                    <string>
           reference:              <string>
           email:                  <string>
           Get information