This configuration includes following software:
- PHP 5.4.19
- MySQL 5.5.32
- Apache 2.2.22
- Vim
- MC (Midnight commander)
- Curl
- Composer
First you need to create vagrant VM
$ cd vagrant
$ vagrant up
While waiting for Vagrant to start up, you should add an entry into /etc/hosts file on the host machine.
From now you should be able to access your Sylius project at
Using Symfony2 inside Vagrant can be slow due to synchronisation delay incurred by NFS. To avoid this, both locations have been moved to a shared memory segment under /dev/shm/sylius
To view the application logs, run the following commands:
$ tail -f /dev/shm/sylius/app/logs/prod.log
$ tail -f /dev/shm/sylius/app/logs/dev.log