An R package for the Google Kubernetes Engine API. Note: This package is in a very early stage of development and not recommended for use in production.
A big thank you to Mark Edmondson for the googleAuthR
package which is used extensively in this project.
- projects.locations.clusters.get
- projects.locations.getServerConfig
- projects.zones.clusters.list
- projects.zones.clusters.create
- projects.zones.clusters.delete
- projects.zones.clusters.addons
- projects.zones.clusters.locations
# Create and download your OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google Cloud Platform
k8s_auth(json = "client_secret.json")
# If making many API calls, create your own OAuth client credentials from the Google Cloud console and provide them here as options to googleAuthR
options(googleAuthR.client_id = "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
googleAuthR.client_secret = "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET")
# Authenticate
# Create a 3 node, n1-standard-1, 100Gb disk, cluster with the default name 'r-cluster'
# Cluster comes configured with recommended scopes and
createCluster(projectId = "myProject", "europe-west1-d")
# Create 5 node, n1-highmem-2, 500Gb disk, cluster with read/write access to Google Cloud Storage
# Define the cluster spec
clusterSpec <- list(
name = "my-cluster",
initialNodeCount = 5,
nodeConfig = list(
machineType = "n1-highmem-2",
diskSizeGb = 500,
oauthScopes = c("",
# Create the cluster
createCluster(projectId = "myProject",
zone = "europe-west1-d",
clusterSpec = clusterSpec)
# List all clusters in a project
listClusters(projectId = "myProject")
# List all clusters in a specific zone
listClusters(projectId = "myProject", zone = "europe-west1-d")
See the AddonsConfig documentation for details on how to specify the addonsConfig argument
# Define the addons configuration
addonsConfig <- list(
httpLoadBalancing = list(disabled = TRUE)
# Disable the HTTP Load Balancing addon
setAddons(projectId = "myProject",
projectLocation = "europe-west1-d",
clusterId = "my-cluster",
addonsConfig = addonsConfig)
deleteCluster(projectId = "myProject", zone = "europe-west1-d", clusterId = "my-cluster")