- Update it translations [lucabel]
- Add patch for blocksRetriever. [eikichi18]
- Enable blocks linkintegrity on Site Root too. [cekk]
- Add patch for SlateBlockslinkRetriever. [eikichi18]
- Add linkintegrity check also for count_down block. [cekk]
- Add linkintegrity indexers for some custom blocks. [cekk]
- Refactored AdvancedQuery part in @search endpoint to be more extendable. [cekk]
- Remove dependency with collective.volto.cookieconsent. [cekk]
- Add more block indexers for SearchableText. [cekk]
- Avoid acquisition in find-broken-links view when checking blocks. [cekk]
- Fix typo in filename generation in "find-broken-links" view. [cekk]
- Add view "find-broken-links" that return a csv file with a list of contents with broken links in blocks. [cekk]
- Fix SummarySerializer for collection exporting Links [lucabel]
- remove newsitem template override, use default dexterity view for newsitem in backend [mamico]
- Customize @@display-file to allow to download files with proper filename. [cekk]
- Add "type" to EXCLUDE_KEYS in blocks serializer/deserializer to not convert this slate attribute. [cekk]
- Allow to select which image miniature use in RSS [lucabel]
- Fixed limit event occurrences to 100. [eikichi18]
- Add dependency with collective.volto.sitesettings. [cekk]
- Limit event occurrences to 100. [mamico]
- Customize INameChooser adapter to check also alias ids and disallow to create contents that could override aliases. [cekk]
- Customize also copy and move endpoints to raise BadRequest if that action will override some aliases. [cekk]
- Add flag in controlpanel to enable/disable INameChooser customization. [cekk]
- Exclude bg_color from transformed fields in deserializer. [cekk]
- Uninstall collective.volto.cookieconsent (deprecated). Will be removed from dependencies in next releases. [cekk]
- Add dependency to collective.volto.gdprcookie and install it by default. [cekk]
- Do not try to convert strings in internal paths for form blocks.
- Handle None values in link integrity blocks adapter.
- Patch in @querystring-search that avoid to search through all the site if there is an absolutePath criteria with non existing UID and b_size==1. See #99 for more details. [cekk]
- Add adapter handler for event in rss feed to export start date instead of publication date [lucabel]
- Added check if value is a dict before using get method. [eikichi18]
- Update plone.restapi requirement to 9.6.0 version [folix-01]
- Removed monkeypatch for plone.restartpi.serializer.utils.RESOLVEUID_RE [folix-01]
- Add adapters for link integrity for content-types with BlocksField fields. [cekk]
- Fix: occurrences indexing [mamico]
- Upgrade step to remove all custom Googlebot rules from robots.txt [mamico]
- Fix: add range_start to function for calculate recurrences in the right way [eikichi18]
- Fix deserializer for relationfield, add lstrip to path object calculation [eikichi18]
- Fix deserializer for relationfield, use UID instead of @id [eikichi18]
- Isort [folix-01]
- Add monkeypatch to fix @scadeziario-day endpoint [eikichi18]
- Return error instead of raise Excpetion for BadRequest in querystringsearch [mamico]
- Add upgrade step and setuphandler to fix robots.txt original rules adding 'Allow: /?expand' [lucabel]
- Fix: the 'fix-link' view has a bug that corrupts links by replacing the current external URL with a URL that is always relative to the site, even when requesting replacement with a link from a different website. [lucabel].
- plone.app.redirector.FourOhFourView.search_for_similar patch to enable conditionally the search for similar [folix-01]
- Set search/querystring-search limit patch only for anonymous users. Auth users can need to perform an higher query (in contents view for example). [cekk]
- Re-apply context UID filter in querystringsearch service (as it is in plone.restapi). [cekk]
- Fix the issue in the @translation GET endpoint: If this endpoint is invoked, possibly by a bot, and plone.app.multilingual is not installed, the call will result in an empty search query on the catalog. [lucabel]
- backport plone/Products.CMFPlone#3845 fix: avoid searching all users when many_users is flagged [mamico]
- Max search limit became configurable by env var 'REDTURTLE_VOLTO_MAX_LIMIT_SEARCH', 500 by default. [folix-01]
- Fix RESOLVEUID_RE regexp. [cekk]
- Use plone.volto uid_to_url method to convert resolveuid links in summary. [cekk]
- Patch plone.restapi RESOLVEUID_RE regexp to catch more urls. [cekk]
- Ignore non-existing indexes in custom ranking. [cekk]
- Add catalog and search patches to limit results. [cekk]
- set authorization bearer header from auth_token cookie [mamico]
- Remove Patch to avoid auto-closed tags in portal transforms: plone/Products.PortalTransforms#43 [mamico]
- Remove Patch for folderish types migration plone/plone.volto#86 [mamico]
- Custom portal url in @@fix-links [mamico]
- Remove unused default text in homepage. [cekk]
- Plone 6.0 support
- Handle custom search ranking with AdvancedQuery. [mamico]
- Add controlpanel for redturtle.volto settings. [cekk]
- sitemap.xml.gz customization. [mamico]
- Customized voltobackendwarning viewlet because is broken in plone 5.2. [cekk]
- Upgrade-step to remove etags list from p.a.caching terseCaching (in old Plone sites). [cekk]
- Add new utility view @@find-blocks. [cekk]
- Patch for plone.volto upgrade-step (plone/plone.volto#86). [cekk]
- Fix upgrade-step. [cekk]
- Allow add Document into News Item and Event. [cekk]
- Remove content-types customizations to be aligned with plone.volto configs. [cekk]
- Add query to ignored keys in blocks deserializer. This avoid blocks with querystringsearch widget to be parsed (for example the search one). [cekk]
- Add string interp for volto_parent_url. [eikichi18]
- Add new metadata for Events dates. [cekk]
- Add stringinterp adapter to replace {volto_url} with the current frontend url (backend url without "/api"). [cekk]
- Add Table block serializer/deserializer for internal links. [cekk]
- Add view for fix internal links. [cekk]
- Fix remoteUrl serialization in summary. [cekk]
- Refs serialization in blocks now uses brains instead adapted objects because brain has all catalog metadata and can get the fullobject. [cekk]
- Allow to select custom miniature for RSS template [lucabel]
- Better serialize refs in blocks: now we don't serialize the full object, but only the summary (with all metadata) to decrease (A LOT) the size of the response. [cekk]
- Fix null dates in summary serialization (now we handle differente use-cases). [cekk]
- Return remoteUrl metadata when serializing a brain for backward compatibility with non-brain serializers. [cekk]
- Handle non-path values in blocks deserializer when trying to extract UIDs. [cekk]
- Return null value in summary serialization for dates not set (because metadata are set with dates in the future or past for better filtering/sorting). [cekk]
- Customized json summary serializer to expose image scales when requested _all metadata_fields without waking up the object. [cekk]
- Upgrade-step to add default blocks in pages that don't have them. [cekk]
- Customized ZCTextIndexQueryParser for plone/plone.restapi#1209. [cekk]
- Upgrade-step to reindex SearchableText for all contents with a table block (change in plone.restapi 8.16.1). [cekk]
- Remove enabled_vocabularies implementation because in recent plone.restapi (>8.15.2) there is a standard way. [cekk]
- Bypass plone.volto serialization for blocks right now (in monkeypatch.py). [cekk]
- Fix upgrade-step for plone.volto. [cekk]
- Add plone.volto dependency [cekk]
- p.a.caching rules for rest api services [mamico]
- Fix tests. [cekk]
- Disable ramcache from tersecaching (to fix the problem with cache invalidation for balanced instances..see README). [cekk]
- Better handle events searches. [cekk]
- Index text from some common blocks. [cekk]
- Fix date timezones in fields. [cekk]
- Customize serializer/deserializer for DateTime fields to correctly set effective and expires with right timezone delta. [cekk]
- Enable Anonymous to access Plone vocabularies with restapi. @vocabularies endpoint has been customized to limit the vocabularies that anonymous can actually access. [cekk]
- Remove customized @workflow endpoint. Is now merged in plone.restapi >= 8.7.1. [cekk]
- Customize @workflow endpoint for plone.restapi #1184 and #1190 pr. [cekk]
- Remove default cache proxy address on install. [cekk]
- Fix b_size conversion in upgrade-step for Volto 13. [cekk]
- Fix also linkMore in volto13 migration. [cekk]
- Handle contents with old Richtext values in volto13 migration. [cekk]
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Volto 13 support. The upgrade-step will update listing blocks data. [cekk]
- review caching profile [mamico]
- Provided basic setup for caching policies in control panel. [daniele]
- Additional fix in start and end values handling in querystring-search. [cekk]
- Fix start and end values handling in querystring-search. [cekk]
- Compatibility with changes in plone.restapi 7.3.2. [cekk]
- Handle also limit in querystringsearch patch. [cekk]
- Handle sort order in querystringsearch patch. [cekk]
- Remove @events-search endpoint and customize @querystring-search one to handle Events like @events-search. [cekk]
- Monkeypatch to respect locally allowed types also on content paste. [cekk]
- Customize translation for remoteUrl field description only for restapi call. [cekk]
- added block type 'searchEvents' to EXCLUDE_TYPES [giuliaghisini]
- Added upgrade step to import p.a.c. profile. [daniele]
- Monkeypatch for Events recurrences. [cekk]
- Fix profile name in upgrade-steps. [cekk]
- New endpoint to search Events: @events-search.
- Better handle serialization for recursion problems: now only serialize with ISerializeToJsonSummary if the referred item is the current context. [cekk]
- Expand uids with ISerializeToJsonSummary and not with fullobject to gain space and avoid maximum recursion depth it a block has an internal reference to the current context. [cekk]
- Handle unauthorized in blocks serializer. [cekk]
- Fix typo. [cekk]
- Do not run dependencies when upgrading plone.app.registry. [cekk]
- Disallow Plone site indexing: add noindex in <head> [cekk]
- Revert robots.txt customization because is in conflict to noindex directive. [cekk]
- Custom @search endpoint to fix bug with Access inactive portal content permission (plone/plone.restapi#1066) [cekk]
- Customize robots.txt to disallow /api entry. [cekk]
- Patched Products.PortalTransforms (plone/Products.PortalTransforms#43). [cekk]
- Re-add remoteUrl field serializer. [cekk]
- [new] Add here from modena the RSS.pt template override [lucabel]
- Remove text block serializer that is already merged into plone.restapi. [cekk]
- Register generic serializer also for site root. [cekk]
- Add exclude_from_nav as Collection criteria (used also in Volto's listing blocks). [cekk]
- Add custom TextLine adapter to return the proper widget for remoteUrl field. [cekk]
- Allow Products.PloneHotfix20200121 versions greater than 1.0. [pnicolli]
- Fix generic serializer/deserializer. [cekk]
- Skip also "calendar" when check for url deserializing blocks [lucabel]
- Fix document template. [cekk]
- Remove resolveuid serializer/deserializer for blocks: now they are integrated in plone.restapi. [cekk]
- Add custom transformers for blocks to handle link in generic blocks. [cekk]
- Enable Editor and Contributor to access Plone vocabularies with restapi. [cekk]
- Add @sitemap-settings endpoint. [cekk]
- Add keywords vocabulary patch. [cekk]
- Added default homepages [nzambello]
- Added blocks behavior to LRF [nzambello]
- Made editable and viewable Plone Site with blocks behavior [nzambello]
- Remove richtext behavior from News Items, Events and Documents. [cekk]
- News Item and Event are folderish and can only contain Links, Images and Files. [cekk]
- Revert to Event and News Item default behaviors. [cekk]
- Install also collective.volto.cookieconsent. [cekk]
- Initial release. [cekk]