This file contains in one place all the required data of the GNOME Shell extension for website to make perfect control of them and keep it in every aspect the up-to-date extraction of main README document.
Icon 1
A GNOME Shell extension (GNOME Panel applet) to be able to generally control your available Docker containers.
----- USAGE -----
The following actions are available from the GNOME Panel menu per Docker container:
- START (Will start the container.)
- STOP (Will stop the container.)
- PAUSE (Will pause the container.)
- RESTART (Will restart the container.)
- EXEC (Will login to the running container interactively through your default terminal application.)
- LOGS (Will start the running container's Docker logs in your default terminal application.)
----- PREREQUISITE -----
1. Properly installed and already running Docker service.
2. Corresponding Linux user in `docker` Linux group for manage 'Docker' without `sudo` permission.
----- CREDITS -----
This extension is a fork of gpouilloux's great original 'Gnome Shell extension for Docker' work:
---- LICENSE -----
GNU - General Public License v3+:
----- MORE DETAILS -----
HighRes official GNOME Shell extension like puzzle in GNOME HIG color palette 'Green 5' color (#3d3846) with the extension's GNOME Panel icon in GNOME HIG color palette 'Dark 3' color (#3d3846) rendered in 256x256px with 16px margin. ↩