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Cloud Receptor Controller

The Cloud Receptor Controller is designed to receive work requests from internal clients and route the work requests to the target receptor node which runs in the customer's environment.


Receptor-Controller is composed of 3 parts:

  • Websocket gateway pod
  • Message switch pod
  • Redis

Architecture diagram

The Websocket gateway pod sits behind the 3scale gateway. The 3scale gateway is responsible for handling the certificate based authentication. Once a connection is received by the Websocket gateway, the Websocket gateway performs a receptor handshake and then registers the connection in a Redis instance. The connection registration process records the account number, node id and gateway pod name where the websocket connection lives.

Redis is responsible for maintaining a mapping of where the websocket connections live within the Websocket gateway pods.

The Message switch pod allows internal applications to send messages down to the clients that are connected over the websocket connection. When the switch pod receives a message to send to a connected client, the switch pod looks up the account number and destination node id in Redis. The result of this account number / destination node id lookup is the name of the pod where the websocket connection lives. The switch pod can now send the message to the correct gateway pod as the switch pod now knows on which gateway pod that the correct websocket connection lives.

Responses from the receptor workers are read from the websocket and written to kafka.

Submitting A Work Request

A work request can be submitted by sending a work request message to the /job endpoint.

  $ curl -v -X POST -d '{"account": "01", "recipient": "node-b", "payload": "fix_an_issue", "directive": "workername:action"}' -H "x-rh-identity:eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IHsiYWNjb3VudF9udW1iZXIiOiAiMDAwMDAwMSIsICJpbnRlcm5hbCI6IHsib3JnX2lkIjogIjAwMDAwMSJ9fX0=" http://localhost:9090/job

Work Request Message Format

    "account": <account number>,
    "recipient": <node id of the receptor node>,
    "payload": <work reqeust payload>,
    "directive": <work request directive (for example: "workername:action">

Work Request Response Message Format

    "id": <uuid for the work request>

Get a list of open connections

The list of open connections can be retrieved by sending a GET to the /connection endpoint.

  $ curl -H "x-rh-identity:eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IHsiYWNjb3VudF9udW1iZXIiOiAiMDAwMDAwMSIsICJpbnRlcm5hbCI6IHsib3JnX2lkIjogIjAwMDAwMSJ9fX0=" http://localhost:9090/connection

Connection List Response Message Format

    "connections": [
        "account": "0000001",
        "connections": [
        "account": "0000002",
        "connections": [

Checking the status of a connection

The status of a connection can be checked by sending a POST to the /connection/status endpoint.

  $ curl -v -X POST -d '{"account": "02", "node_id": "1234"}' -H "x-rh-identity:eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IHsiYWNjb3VudF9udW1iZXIiOiAiMDAwMDAwMSIsICJpbnRlcm5hbCI6IHsib3JnX2lkIjogIjAwMDAwMSJ9fX0=" http://localhost:9090/connection/status

Connection Status Request Message Format

    "account": <account number>,
    "node_id": <node id of the receptor node>,

Connection Status Response Message Format

    "status":"connected" or "disconnected"
    "capabilities": {
      "max_work_threads": 12,
      "worker_versions": {
        "receptor_http": "1.0.0"

Sending a ping

A ping request can be sent by sending a POST to the /connection/ping endpoint.

  $ curl -v -X POST -d '{"account": "02", "node_id": "1234"}' -H "x-rh-identity:eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IHsiYWNjb3VudF9udW1iZXIiOiAiMDAwMDAwMSIsICJpbnRlcm5hbCI6IHsib3JnX2lkIjogIjAwMDAwMSJ9fX0=" http://localhost:9090/connection/ping

Ping Request Message Format

    "account": <account number>,
    "node_id": <node id of the receptor node>,

Ping Response Message Format

The response from the ping is similar to the response that is put onto the kafka message queue:

    "status":"connected" or "disconnected"
        "account": <account number>,
        "sender": <node that send the response>
        "message_type": <message type from the receptor network, usually "response">
        "message_id": <uuid of the message from the receptor network>
        "payload":  <response payload from the receptor network>
        "code": 0,
        "in_response_to": <uuid of the message that this message is in response to>
        "serial": 1

If there is not a websocket connection to the node, then the status will be "disconnected" and the payload will be null.

Kafka Topics

The receptor controller will utilize two kafka topics:

  • Consume jobs from:
  • Produce job responses to: platform.receptor-controller.responses

The response will contain the following information:

  • response key: MessageID
  • response value: json containing Account, Sender, MessageID, MessageType, Payload, Code, and InResponseTo
  • example response from a ping: 426f674d-42d5-11ea-bea3-54e1ad81c0b2: {"account":"0000001","sender":"node-a","message_id":"b959e674-4a2d-48be-88e3-8bb44000f040","code": 0,"message_type": "response","payload":"{\"initial_time\": \"2020-01-29T20:23:49,811218829+00:00\", \"response_time\": \"2020-01-29 20:23:49.830491\", \"active_work\": []}", "in_response_to": "426f674d-42d5-11ea-bea3-54e1ad81c0b2"}

The key for the message on the kafka topic will be the message id that was returned by the receptor-controller when the original message was submitted. The message_id will be the message id as it is passed along from the receptor mesh network. The in_response_to will be the in_response_to value as it is passed along from the receptor mesh network. The key for the response message and the in_response_to value can be used to match the response to the original message.

The code and message_type field as passed as is from the receptor mesh network. The code can be used to determine if the message was able to be handed over to a plugin and processed successfully (code=0) or if the plugin failed to process the message (code=1). The message_type field can be either "response" or "eof". If the value is "response", then the plugin has not completed processing and more responses are expected. If the value is "eof", then the plugin has completed processing and no more responses are expected.

Connecting via Pre-Shared Key

Internal services (not going through 3scale) can authenticate via a pre-shared key by adding the following headers to a request:

  • x-rh-receptor-controller-client-id
  • x-rh-receptor-controller-account
  • x-rh-receptor-controller-psk

If your service is internal and will not be passing requests through 3scale a psk will be provided. This psk will be unique to your service.

Local testing example:

  $ export RECEPTOR_CONTROLLER_SERVICE_TO_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS='{"test_client_1": "12345", "test_client_2": "6789"}'

Example work request using token auth:

  $ curl -v -X POST -d '{"account": "01", "recipient": "node-b", "payload": "fix_an_issue", "directive": "workername:action"}' -H "x-rh-receptor-controller-client-id:test_client_1" -H "x-rh-receptor-controller-account:0001" -H "x-rh-receptor-controller-psk:12345" http://localhost:9090/job

Debugging with pprof

To view data gathered by pprof the /debug endpoint needs to be enabled. You can enable this endpoint by exporting the following variable:


The profiles can be viewed by going to localhost:9090/debug/pprof in a browser. Profiles can also be viewed interactively through the command line:

  • $ go tool pprof localhost:9090/debug/pprof/allocs (or a different profile)

The above command will open an interactive terminal that can be used to go through the stack traces.


Install the project dependencies:

  $ make deps


  $ make

Running locally

Start the server

  $ ./gateway

By default, the receptor gateway will attempt to connect to a kafka server listening on kafka:29092. The kafka server that the receptor gateway connects to can be configured using the RECEPTOR_CONTROLLER_KAFKA_BROKERS environment variable.

Running with Docker Compose

A docker compose file is provided that starts kafka and the receptor gateway:

  $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

When using the docker-compose approach, the receptor gateway process listens on port 8888 for websocket connections.

Receptor node configuration

Use the receptor's --peer option to configure a receptor node to connect to the platform receptor controller. The url used with the --peer option should look like ws://localhost:8080/wss/receptor-controller/gateway.

The following command can be used to connect a local receptor node to a local receptor controller:

  $ python -m receptor  --debug -d  /tmp/node-b --node-id=node-b node --peer=ws://localhost:8080/wss/receptor-controller/gateway --peer=receptor://localhost:8889/


Run the unit tests:

  $ make test

Verbose output from the tests:

  $ TEST_ARGS="-v" make test

Run specific tests:

  $ TEST_ARGS="-run TestReadMessage -v" make test

Test coverage:

  $ make coverage

Load the coverage.html file in your browser