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AMQ Broker Demo

The purpose of this demo is to:

  • Deploy AMQ Broker in OpenShift
  • Prove the AMQ Broker failover
  • Deploy a simple Quote application which leverages AMQ Broker for asynchronous backend interactions

AMQ Broker installation

Install the AMQ Broker Operator through the OperatorHub

Create a project:

oc new-project amq-broker

Deploy the broker:

oc apply -f k8s/01-ActiveMQArtemis-CRD.yaml

AMQ Broker failover test

Launch the producer pod:

oc run producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- \
    /opt/amq/bin/artemis producer --user admin --password redhat1! --url "tcp://amq-broker-acceptor-std-0-svc:5672?failoverAttempts=10&useTopologyForLoadBalancing=true" --message-count 10000 --sleep 100 --verbose

In another terminal launch the consumer pod:

oc run producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- \
    /opt/amq/bin/artemis consumer --user admin --password redhat1! --url "tcp://amq-broker-acceptor-std-0-svc:5672?failoverAttempts=10&useTopologyForLoadBalancing=true" --message-count 10000 --verbose

Open another terminal and check where the producer and consumer are connected:

oc rsh amq-broker-ss-0

Inside the container issue the following commands to check the first instance and repeat for others:

amq-broker/bin/artemis queue stat --url tcp://amq-broker-acceptor-std-0-svc:5672

From the outcoming table, you should spot an active consumer.

Kill broker with the attached consumer, e.g.:

oc delete pod amq-broker-ss-0

You should notice that both consumer and producer stop for a couple of seconds and then continue (failback) on the other broker.

Quarkus Quote Demo

This application is based on a Quarkus sample available at Check there detailed information about the application which use the AMQP 1.0 protocol. It was introduced a small enhancement in the backend service to simulate a varying response time leading to unordered replies:

Start the application in dev mode

In a first terminal, run:

mvn -f quote-producer quarkus:dev

In a second terminal, run:

mvn -f quote-processor quarkus:dev -DdebugPort=5006

Then, open your browser to http://localhost:8080/, and click on the "Request Quote" button.

Build the application in JVM mode

To build the applications, run:

mvn -f quote-producer package
mvn -f quote-processor package

Because we are running in prod mode, we need to provide an AMQP 1.0 broker. The docker-compose.yml file starts the broker and your application.

Start the broker and the applications using:

docker compose up --build

Then, open your browser to http://localhost:8080/, and click on the "Request Quote" button.

Alternatively, you can use podman:

  1. Build the images:

    podman build quote-processor -f quote-processor/src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t quarkus-quickstarts/quote-processor:1.0-jvm
    podman build quote-producer -f quote-producer/src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t quarkus-quickstarts/quote-producer:1.0-jvm
  2. Run all the containers:

    podman kube play quote-kube.yaml

Finally, to launch a container at a time:

podman network create amq-broker
podman run -d --rm --name artemis --net=amq-broker -e AMQ_USER=quarkus -e AMQ_PASSWORD=quarkus -e AMQ_EXTRA_ARGS="--relax-jolokia"
podman run -d --rm --name processor --net=amq-broker -e AMQP_HOST=artemis -e AMQP_PORT=5672 quote-processor:1.0-jvm
podman run -d --rm --name producer --net=amq-broker -e AMQP_HOST=artemis -e AMQP_PORT=5672 -p 8080:8080 quote-producer:1.0-jvm

Build the application in native mode

To build the applications into native executables, run:

mvn -f quote-producer package -Pnative  -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
mvn -f quote-processor package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true

The -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true instructs Quarkus to build Linux 64bits native executables, who can run inside containers.

Then, start the system using:

export QUARKUS_MODE=native
docker compose up

Then, open your browser to http://localhost:8080/, and click on the "Request Quote" button.

Openshift Deployment

Deploy the processor:

./mvnw -f quote-processor package -DskipTests -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true

Deploy the producer:

./mvnw -f quote-producer package -DskipTests -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true