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File metadata and controls

129 lines (110 loc) · 5.78 KB

Metadata Ingestion


  1. Before running any metadata ingestion job, you should make sure that DataHub backend services are all running. Easiest way to do that is through Docker images.
  2. You also need to build the mxe-schemas module as below.
    ./gradlew :metadata-events:mxe-schemas:build
    This is needed to generate MetadataChangeEvent.avsc which is the schema for MetadataChangeEvent Kafka topic.
  3. All the scripts are written using Python 3 and most likely won't work with Python 2.x interpreters. You can verify the version of your Python using the following command.
    python --version
    We recommend using pyenv to install and manage your Python environment.
  4. Before launching each ETL ingestion pipeline, you can install/verify the library versions as below.
    pip install --user -r requirements.txt

MCE Producer/Consumer CLI script provides a convenient way to produce a list of MCEs from a data file. Every MCE in the data file should be in a single line. It also supports consuming from MetadataChangeEvent topic.

Tested & confirmed platforms:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.6 (Maipo) w/Python 3.6.8
  • MacOS 10.15.5 (19F101) Darwin 19.5.0 w/Python 3.7.3
➜  python --help
                  [-d DATA_FILE] [-l SCHEMA_RECORD]

Client for producing/consuming MetadataChangeEvent

positional arguments:
  {produce,consume}     Execution mode (produce | consume)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS  Kafka broker(s) (localhost[:port])
  -s SCHEMA_REGISTRY    Schema Registry (http(s)://localhost[:port]
  -l SCHEMA_RECORD      Avro schema record; required if running 'producer' mode
  -d DATA_FILE          MCE data file; required if running 'producer' mode

Bootstrapping DataHub

  • Apply the step 1 & 2 from prerequisites.
  • [Optional] Open a new terminal to consume the events:
➜  python3 metadata-ingestion/mce-cli/ consume -l metadata-events/mxe-schemas/src/renamed/avro/com/linkedin/mxe/MetadataChangeEvent.avsc
  • Run the mce-cli to quickly ingest lots of sample data and test DataHub in action, you can run below command:
➜  python3 metadata-ingestion/mce-cli/ produce -l metadata-events/mxe-schemas/src/renamed/avro/com/linkedin/mxe/MetadataChangeEvent.avsc -d metadata-ingestion/mce-cli/bootstrap_mce.dat
Producing MetadataChangeEvent records to topic MetadataChangeEvent. ^c to exit.
  MCE1: {"auditHeader": None, "proposedSnapshot": ("com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.CorpUserSnapshot", {"urn": "urn:li:corpuser:foo", "aspects": [{"active": True,"email": "[email protected]"}]}), "proposedDelta": None}
  MCE2: {"auditHeader": None, "proposedSnapshot": ("com.linkedin.pegasus2avro.metadata.snapshot.CorpUserSnapshot", {"urn": "urn:li:corpuser:bar", "aspects": [{"active": False,"email": "[email protected]"}]}), "proposedDelta": None}
Flushing records...

This will bootstrap DataHub with sample datasets and sample users.

Note There is a known issue with the Python Avro serialization library that can lead to unexpected result when it comes to union of types. Always use the tuple notation to avoid encountering these difficult-to-debug issues.

Ingest metadata from LDAP to DataHub

The ldap_etl provides you ETL channel to communicate with your LDAP server.

➜  Config your LDAP server environmental variable in the file.
    LDAPSERVER    # Your server host.
    BASEDN        # Base dn as a container location.
    LDAPUSER      # Your credential.
    LDAPPASSWORD  # Your password.
    PAGESIZE      # Pagination size.
    ATTRLIST      # Return attributes relate to your model.
    SEARCHFILTER  # Filter to build the search query.
➜  Config your Kafka broker environmental variable in the file.
    AVROLOADPATH   # Your model event in avro format.
    KAFKATOPIC     # Your event topic.
    BOOTSTRAP      # Kafka bootstrap server.
    SCHEMAREGISTRY # Kafka schema registry host.

➜  python

This will bootstrap DataHub with your metadata in the LDAP server as an user entity.

Ingest metadata from Kafka to DataHub

The kafka_etl provides you ETL channel to communicate with your kafka.

➜  Config your kafka environmental variable in the file.
    ZOOKEEPER      # Your zookeeper host.
➜  Config your Kafka broker environmental variable in the file.
    AVROLOADPATH   # Your model event in avro format.
    KAFKATOPIC     # Your event topic.
    BOOTSTRAP      # Kafka bootstrap server.
    SCHEMAREGISTRY # Kafka schema registry host.

➜  python

This will bootstrap DataHub with your metadata in the kafka as a dataset entity.

Ingest metadata from MySQL to DataHub

The mysql_etl provides you ETL channel to communicate with your MySQL.

➜  Config your MySQL environmental variable in the file.
    HOST           # Your server host.
    DATABASE       # Target database.
    USER           # Your user account.
    PASSWORD       # Your password.
➜  Config your kafka broker environmental variable in the file.
    AVROLOADPATH   # Your model event in avro format.
    KAFKATOPIC     # Your event topic.
    BOOTSTRAP      # Kafka bootstrap server.
    SCHEMAREGISTRY # Kafka schema registry host.

➜  python

This will bootstrap DataHub with your metadata in the MySQL as a dataset entity.

Ingest metadata from SQL-based data systems to DataHub

See sql-etl for more details.