Widget is a data type in virtual-dom
that allows you to get low level with the DOM
and either optimize your code or handle finely detailed concerns.
var createElement = require('virtual-dom/create-element.js');
var diff = require('virtual-dom/diff');
var patch = require('virtual-dom/patch');
var document = require('global/document');
module.exports = PureWrapperWidget;
A PureWrapperWidget wraps a vnode in a container.
It can do all kinds of DOM specific logic on the
container if you wanted to. Like handling
scroll and actual heights in the DOM.
function PureWrapperWidget(vnode) {
this.currVnode = vnode;
var proto = PureWrapperWidget.prototype;
proto.type = 'Widget';
proto.init = function init() {
var elem = createElement(this.currVnode);
var container = document.createElement('div');
return container;
proto.update = function update(prev, elem) {
var prevVnode = prev.currVnode;
var currVnode = this.currVnode;
var patches = diff(prevVnode, currVnode);
var rootNode = elem.childNodes[0];
var newNode = patch(rootNode, patches);
if (newNode !== elem.childNodes[0]) {
elem.replaceChild(newNode, elem.childNodes[0]);