diff --git a/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.html b/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a368ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.html
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ {{#if param 'lovedToggle'}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{#if param 'viewToggle'}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{> searchResults}}
+ {{#if error}}
+ {{error}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{#with result}}
+ {{#each items}}
+ {{> searchResult}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/with}}
{{formatDuration contentDetails.duration}}
diff --git a/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.js b/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a276c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/searchbar/searchbar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// initialize active_tab
+Session.set('active_tab', 'songs');
+//Initialisation of searchbar component,
+// template example:
+// {{> searchBar lovedToggle=0 viewToggle=0 collection="Playlists" playlistId=this._id }}
+ Available parameters
+ collection (Collection) Name of the collection to add objects to, requires extra code in
+ the add function, or sh*t will hit the fan (default: Playlists)
+ playlistId (int) pointer to which playlist songs should be added (required)
+ viewToggle (boolean) show/hide the toggle view buttons (default: show)
+ lovedToggle (boolean) show/hide the add songs from loved songs button (default: show)
+Template.searchBar.created = function( template ) {
+ //debug purposes
+ var d = Template.currentData() || {}; //at least return an obj
+ this.collection = (typeof d.playlistId !== "undefined") ? window[d.collection] : window.Playlists;
+ this.playlistId = (typeof d.playlistId !== "undefined") ? d.playlistId : null;
+ this.lovedToggle = (typeof d.lovedToggle !== "undefined") ? d.lovedToggle : 1;
+ this.viewToggle = (typeof d.viewToggle !== "undefined") ? d.viewToggle : 1;
+ this.lovedToggleWidth = (this.lovedToggle === 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ this.viewToggleWidth = (this.viewToggle === 1) ? 2 : 0;
+ this.searchBarWidth = 12 - this.lovedToggleWidth - this.viewToggleWidth;
+ console.log(this);
+ isActiveTab: function(route) {
+ return Session.equals("active_tab", route) ? "active" : "";
+ },
+ lovedSongs: function() {
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ if (!user)
+ return;
+ return Songs.find({_id: {$in: user.profile.lovedSongs} });
+ },
+ //get local template parameters (non-reactive)
+ param: function(parameter) {
+ return Template.instance()[parameter] || "";
+ }
+Template.searchBar.events = {
+ 'click ul.playlist-tabs > li': function (e) {
+ var li = $(e.currentTarget);
+ var route = li.data('id');
+ Session.set("active_tab", route);
+ },
+ 'submit form.youtube-search': function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'input input.youtube-query': function (e) {
+ var input = $(e.currentTarget);
+ youtubeSearch(input.val());
+ },
+ //hide/show results window
+ 'focus input.youtube-query' : function(e) {
+ var results = $("#searchresults");
+ if(!results.is(":visible")) {
+ results.fadeIn('fast');
+ }
+ },
+ 'click button[data-toggle="clearResults"]': function(e) {
+ $("input.youtube-query").val("");
+ searchResults = null;
+ searchResultsDependency.changed();
+ $("input.youtube-query").focus();
+ },
+ //add search result to Meteor collection
+ 'click .youtube-result, click a.loved': function(e, template) {
+ var videoId = (this.id !== undefined) ? this.id : this._id;
+ //see if search bar is linked up to a collection
+ if (!template.collection) { console.warn("no collection defined"); return; }
+ if (!template.playlistId) { console.warn("no collection id defined"); return; }
+ console.log('queue video:', videoId, 'to playlist', template.playlistId);
+ $("input.youtube-query").focus();
+ var songObject = {
+ "added" : new Date(),
+ "author" : Meteor.userId(),
+ "songId" : videoId
+ };
+ template.collection.update(
+ { _id: template.playlistId},
+ { $push: { songs: songObject} }
+ );
+ },
+ //Loved a song!
+ 'click button#quickLove': function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ console.log("add "+this.snippet.title+" to loved songs");
+ var user = Meteor.users; //loved songs are stored in users profile
+ user.update(
+ { _id: Meteor.userId() },
+ { $addToSet : { 'profile.lovedSongs': this.id.videoId }}
+ );
+ },
+ 'click [data-action="show-list"]' : function() {
+ Session.set("songView","list");
+ },
+ 'click [data-action="show-grid"]' : function() {
+ Session.set("songView","grid");
+ }
+// Youtube search results
+var searchTimer;
+var searchDelay = 250; // ms
+function youtubeSearch(value) {
+ clearTimeout(searchTimer);
+ searchTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!value) {
+ SsearchResults = null;
+ searchError = 'Please search for something';
+ searchResultsDependency.changed();
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log('youtube search for:', value);
+ youtubeSearchQuery({
+ part: 'id,snippet',
+ type: 'video',
+ videoEmbeddable: 'true',
+ q: value
+ });
+ },searchDelay);
+var searchError;
+var searchResults;
+var searchResultsDependency = new Deps.Dependency();
+youtubeSearchQuery = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var currentSearchTimer = searchTimer;
+ Meteor.call('youtube_search', options, function(error, data) {
+ if (error) {
+ console.log('Youtube search API error:', error);
+ } else {
+ console.log('Youtube search API result:', data);
+ }
+ searchError = error;
+ searchResults = data; // TODO: search result data != videoQuery data
+ searchResultsDependency.changed();
+ if (currentSearchTimer != searchTimer) {
+ console.warn('cancel video query');
+ return;
+ }
+ // query for more details (needs optimization)
+ var ids = _.pluck(_.pluck(data.items, 'id'), 'videoId');
+ console.log('load more data for ', ids);
+ youtubeVideoQuery({
+ 'part': 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics',
+ 'id': ids,
+ });
+ });
+youtubeVideoQuery = function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ Meteor.call('youtube_videos_list', options, function(error, data) {
+ if (error) {
+ console.log('Youtube list API error:', error);
+ } else {
+ searchResults = data; // TODO: search result data != videoQuery data
+ searchResultsDependency.changed();
+ }
+ });
+Template.searchResults.result = function() {
+ Deps.depend(searchResultsDependency);
+ return searchResults;
+Template.searchBar.error = function() {
+ Deps.depend(searchResultsDependency);
+ return searchError;
diff --git a/client/views/playlists/playlist.html b/client/views/playlists/playlist.html
index 1ab5428..10d0175 100644
--- a/client/views/playlists/playlist.html
+++ b/client/views/playlists/playlist.html
@@ -79,13 +79,14 @@
- {{#if isOwner}}
- {{>ownerPanel}}
- {{/if}}
+ {{#if isOwner}}
+ {{>ownerPanel}}
+ {{/if}}
- {{> playlistTabs}}
+ {{> searchBar viewToggle=1 collection="Playlists" playlistId=this._id }}
+ {{> songs}}
@@ -114,109 +115,34 @@ Owner's panel
- {{> searchResults}}
- {{#if error}}
- {{error}}
- {{/if}}
- {{> songs}}
- {{#with result}}
- {{#each items}}
- {{> searchResult}}
- {{/each}}
- {{/with}}
{{formatDuration contentDetails.duration}}
{{#each songs}}
- {{#if sessionIs 'songView' 'list'}}
- {{> playlistEntry}}
- {{else}}
- {{> playlistGridEntry}}
- {{/if}}
+ {{#if sessionIs 'songView' 'list'}}
+ {{> playlistEntry}}
+ {{else}}
+ {{> playlistGridEntry}}
+ {{/if}}
({{formatDuration this.contentDetails.duration}})
- {{> playlistEntryControls}}
- {{>loveSong}}
({{formatDuration this.contentDetails.duration}})
+ {{> playlistEntryControls}}
+ {{>loveSong}}
- {{>loveSong}}
+ {{>loveSong}}
@@ -228,20 +154,20 @@
{{> userLink}}
Added by {{#with this.author}}{{> userLink}}{{/with}} {{this.addedFromNow}}
Added by {{#with this.author}}{{> userLink}}{{/with}} {{this.addedFromNow}}
- {{> playlistEntryControls}}
+ {{> playlistEntryControls}}
diff --git a/client/views/playlists/playlist.js b/client/views/playlists/playlist.js
index b320009..634ed40 100644
--- a/client/views/playlists/playlist.js
+++ b/client/views/playlists/playlist.js
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Template.playlist.totalDuration = function() {
return memo.add(duration);
}, moment.duration());
- return sum.humanize();
+ return sum.humanize();
Template.playlist.following = function () {
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Template.playlist.players = function () {
//This should probably not run on the client
Template.playlist.isOwner = function() {
- return this.owner == Meteor.userId();
+ return this.owner == Meteor.userId();
Template.playlist.owner = function () {
@@ -181,74 +181,6 @@ Template.updatePlaylistForm.editingDoc = function () {
return Playlists.findOne({_id: this._id});
-// initialize active_tab
-Session.set('active_tab', 'songs');
- isActiveTab: function(route) {
- return Session.equals("active_tab", route) ? "active" : "";
- },
-Template.playlistTabs.events = {
- 'click ul.playlist-tabs > li': function (e) {
- var li = $(e.currentTarget);
- var route = li.data('id');
- Session.set("active_tab", route);
- },
- 'submit form.youtube-search': function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- },
- 'input input.youtube-query': function (e) {
- var input = $(e.currentTarget);
- youtubeSearch(input.val());
- },
- //hide/show results window
- 'focus input.youtube-query' : function(e) {
- var results = $("#searchresults");
- if(!results.is(":visible")) {
- results.fadeIn('fast');
- }
- },
- 'click button[data-toggle="clearResults"]': function(e) {
- $("input.youtube-query").val("");
- searchResults = null;
- searchResultsDependency.changed();
- $("input.youtube-query").focus();
- },
- 'click .youtube-result, click a.loved': function (e, template) {
- var videoId = (this.id != undefined) ? this.id : this._id;
- var playlistId = template.data._id;
- console.log('queue video:', videoId, 'to playlist', playlistId);
- $("input.youtube-query").focus();
- var songObject = {
- "added" : new Date(),
- "author" : Meteor.userId(),
- "songId" : videoId
- };
- Playlists.update(
- { _id: playlistId},
- { $push: { songs: songObject} }
- );
- },
- //Loved a song!
- 'click button#quickLove': function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- console.log("add "+this.snippet.title+" to loved songs");
- var user = Meteor.users; //loved songs are stored in users profile
- user.update(
- { _id: Meteor.userId() },
- { $addToSet : { 'profile.lovedSongs': this.id.videoId }}
- );
- },
- 'click [data-action="show-list"]' : function() {
- Session.set("songView","list");
- },
- 'click [data-action="show-grid"]' : function() {
- Session.set("songView","grid");
- }
Template.songs.events = {
'click [data-action="play"]' : function(e, template) {
@@ -277,22 +209,21 @@ Template.songs.events = {
var index = $(e.delegateTarget).children('div.song').index(row);
console.log('removing song at index', index);
- var songrow = $(row[0]);
- //set styles
- songrow.css("box-shadow","0px 0px 15px rgba(155, 155, 155, 0.55)");
- songrow.css("left","125%");
- //animation takes 300 seconds
- setTimeout(function(){
- // removing a element at a position is impossible in mongodb,
- // so just set the shole array
- if (index >= 0) {
- var songs = _.clone(template.data.songs); // clone is important!!!
- songs.splice(index, 1); // remove 1 element at position index
- Playlists.update({_id: template.data._id}, { $set : {"songs": songs}});
- }
- },300);
+ var songrow = $(row[0]);
+ //set styles
+ songrow.css("box-shadow","0px 0px 15px rgba(155, 155, 155, 0.55)");
+ songrow.css("left","125%");
+ //animation takes 300 seconds
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // removing a element at a position is impossible in mongodb,
+ // so just set the shole array
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ var songs = _.clone(template.data.songs); // clone is important!!!
+ songs.splice(index, 1); // remove 1 element at position index
+ Playlists.update({_id: template.data._id}, { $set : {"songs": songs}});
+ }
+ }, 300);
'click [data-action="lovesong"]' : function(e) {
@@ -317,88 +248,6 @@ Template.songs.events = {
-// Youtube search results
-var searchTimer;
-var searchDelay = 250; // ms
-function youtubeSearch(value) {
- clearTimeout(searchTimer);
- searchTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- if (!value) {
- SsearchResults = null;
- searchError = 'Please search for something';
- searchResultsDependency.changed();
- return;
- }
- console.log('youtube search for:', value);
- youtubeSearchQuery({
- part: 'id,snippet',
- type: 'video',
- videoEmbeddable: 'true',
- q: value
- });
- },searchDelay);
-var searchError;
-var searchResults;
-var searchResultsDependency = new Deps.Dependency();
-youtubeSearchQuery = function(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var currentSearchTimer = searchTimer;
- Meteor.call('youtube_search', options, function(error, data) {
- if (error) {
- console.log('Youtube search API error:', error);
- } else {
- console.log('Youtube search API result:', data);
- }
- searchError = error;
- searchResults = data; // TODO: search result data != videoQuery data
- searchResultsDependency.changed();
- if (currentSearchTimer != searchTimer) {
- console.warn('cancel video query');
- return;
- }
- // query for more details (needs optimization)
- var ids = _.pluck(_.pluck(data.items, 'id'), 'videoId');
- console.log('load more data for ', ids);
- youtubeVideoQuery({
- 'part': 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics',
- 'id': ids,
- });
- });
-youtubeVideoQuery = function(options) {
- options = options || {};
- Meteor.call('youtube_videos_list', options, function(error, data) {
- if (error) {
- console.log('Youtube list API error:', error);
- } else {
- searchResults = data; // TODO: search result data != videoQuery data
- searchResultsDependency.changed();
- }
- });
-Template.searchResults.result = function() {
- Deps.depend(searchResultsDependency);
- return searchResults;
-Template.playlistTabs.error = function() {
- Deps.depend(searchResultsDependency);
- return searchError;
Template.songs.songs = function() {
if (!this.songs)
@@ -448,14 +297,6 @@ Template.songs.songs = function() {
return songs;
-Template.playlistTabs.lovedSongs = function() {
- var user = Meteor.user();
- if (!user)
- return;
- return Songs.find({_id: {$in: user.profile.lovedSongs} });
Template.songs.rendered = function() {
- Session.setDefault("songView","list");
+ Session.setDefault("songView","list");