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The model is described in the Ant intelligence notes.
Each turtle will have a seen
variable that will be a list.
turtles-own [ seen ]
Each patch will have a barrier?
variable that will be true or false
depending on whether the patch is a barrier.
patches-own [ barrier? ]
The “setup” button will run this procedure. First, the NetLogo
procedure clear-all
clears the screen. Then, the setup-patches
procedures (which we’ll create) are executed.
to setup
The patches will have colors or be black if they are blank space. The probability of being some color or black depends on sliders. All patches by default are not barriers.
to setup-patches
ask patches ;; make each patch do the following
[ set barrier? false ;; all start as non-barriers
ifelse random-float 1.0 < red-prob ;; possibly turn red
[ set pcolor red ]
[ ifelse random-float 1.0 < (red-prob + green-prob) ;; possibly turn green
[ set pcolor green ]
[ ifelse random-float 1.0 < (red-prob + green-prob + blue-prob) ;; possibly turn blue
[ set pcolor blue ]
[ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ;; otherwise, not red, green, or blue
Now we set up the turtles (ants):
to setup-turtles
create-turtles population ;; this is a slider variable
ask turtles
[ setxy 0 0 ;; put each turtle (ant) in the middle
set seen [] ;; set its "seen" list to the empty list
set color white ] ;; make it white
The “go” button moves each ant around the space, avoiding barriers (how to draw barriers is described below). An ant may choose to pickup or drop a colored object if appropriate. But first we “look” by updating the ant’s “seen” list.
to go
ask turtles
[ look
avoid-barrier ]
This is how the ant “looks” (note that the memory-size
variable is
set by a slider):
to look
if pcolor != black and memory-size > 0 ;; if the ant is on a color, and it has a memory
[ if length seen >= memory-size ;; if the seen list is full...
[ set seen but-last seen ] ;; drop the last item in the list
set seen fput pcolor seen ] ;; put the item seen now at the front of the list (fput)
The ant may choose to “pickup” an object. Picking up an object actually just turns the patch to black, and turns the ant to the color that it “picked up.”
to pickup
;; if the ant is white (not holding an object),
;; and the patch color (pcolor) is not black,
;; and the patch color is not white (which is a barrier)
if color = white and pcolor != black and pcolor != white
;; then let f be the value (number of items in 'seen' list matching this color)
;; divided by the size of seen list;
;; we use 'filter [? = pcolor] seen' to reduce the 'seen' list to only
;; those items that equal the patch color
[ let f (length (filter [? = pcolor] seen)) / (length seen)
;; now choose a random number, and see if it is less than
;; the value (K+ / (K+ + F))^2 where K+ is a constant set by a slider
if random-float 1.0 < (k-plus / (k-plus + f)) ^ 2
[ set color pcolor ;; set ant color to patch color
set pcolor black ] ] ;; set patch color to black
Dropping is the opposite:
to drop
;; if the ant is not white (i.e., if it is holding an object),
;; and the patch color is black
if color != white and pcolor = black
;; figure out how many seen objects have the same color as the ant
[ let f (length (filter [? = color] seen)) / (length seen)
;; calculate (F / (K- + F))^2 where K- is a constant set by a slider
if random-float 1.0 < (f / (k-minus + f)) ^ 2
[ set pcolor color ;; set patch color to color of ant
set color white ] ] ;; change ant color back to white
Now we just need to make the ant move:
to avoid-barrier
;; if there exists a patch ahead (in whatever direction the ant is facing)
;; and the patch ahead is not a barrier
;; (the code ([barrier?] of patch-ahead 1) gets the value of the barrier?
;; variable for the patch)
if (nobody != patch-ahead 1) and ([barrier?] of patch-ahead 1)
[right 90 + random 180] ;; then turn 90-degrees plus a random amount more
right random 40 ;; turn a random amount
forward 1 ;; move forward; note, we may have turned towards a different barrier; oh well
The “make-barrier” and “remove-barrier” buttons on the interface call
these two procedures. These procedures figure out where you click your
mouse and set the barrier?
variable to true/false on those patches
(and turn them white/black):
to make-barrier
if mouse-down? ;; continually ask if the mouse is being clicked
[ ask patches ;; for all patches that are under the mouse, ...
[ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 1) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 1)
[ set pcolor white ;; turn white
set barrier? true ] ] ] ;; and set barrier? to true
to remove-barrier
if mouse-down?
[ ask patches
[ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 1) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 1)
[ set pcolor black
set barrier? false ] ] ]