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Temporary memory

Raul edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

System offers an cached allocator (a pool allocator) as defined in [1]. Allocations using this allocator will be cached so that if the same number of bytes is requested/freed several times only the first request will result in an actual cudaMalloc and only the last free will result in an actual cudaFree.


System provides two aliases for convenience:

template<class T>
using System::allocator<T> = polymorphic_allocator<T, pool_memory_resource_adaptor<device_memory_resource>>;
template<class T>
using System::allocator_thrust<T> = polymorphic_allocator<T, pool_memory_resource_adaptor<device_memory_resource>, thrust::cuda::pointer<T>>;

If UAMMD_DEBUG is defined then System will use managed_memory_resource, which makes memory allocated with System::allocator be seamlessly accessible from the CPU and GPU.
Both do the same thing as described, but the second one provides thrust::pointers instead of regular pointers, so that it can be used with thrust::device_vector like this:

template<class T>
using cached_vector<T> = thrust::device_vector<T, System::allocator_thrust<T>>;
int main(){
cached_vector<int> vec(100); //Results in a cudaMalloc of 100*sizeof(int) bytes
vec.clear(); //Does not result in a cudaFree
cached_vector<int> vec1(100); //Requests 100*sizeof(int) bytes and gets handed the pointer vec just freed
return 0;
} //The memory is freed at some unspecified point

This construction is useful when a certain algorithm needs some GPU memory buffer



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