See the table of mappings for the STIX objects and operators supported by this connector.
REST Web Service APIs:
Create custom report on IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server/ Delinea Secret Server by using following steps:
- Login to IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server/ Delinea Secret Server.
- Click on Report tab.
- Fill the details as below and click the save button.
Report Name | Secret Server Events Logs |
Report Description | Secret Server Events Logs |
Report Category | Activity |
Chart Type | None |
Page Size | 15 |
Report SQL | SELECT a.EventDetails AS [EventDetails],a.EventNote,a.EventTime,a.ItemId,a.UserId,u.UserName as Name, u.EmailAddress as Unique_Identtification,a.EventSubject, s.secretname As [SecretName], a.ipaddress AS [IpAddress] FROM tbEventAudit a WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tbuser u WITH (NOLOCK) ON u.userid = a.userid INNER JOIN tbsecret s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.secretid = a.ItemId WHERE a.EventTime >= #StartDate AND a.EventTime <= #EndDate ORDER BY a.EventTime DESC |
- New custom report will get listed in General section of Reports tab.
python3 <translator_module> <query or result> <STIX identity object> <data>
This example input pattern:
'python3 translate "secretserver" query '{}' "[x-ibm-finding:name LIKE '%'] START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"'
will return
"queries": [
"SELECT * FROM SecretEventDetail WHERE EventSubject LIKE '%%%' START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"
IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault data to STIX mapping is defined in to_stix_map.json
Note: For on Prem IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server Instace "host":"<hostname/SecretServer>" example: "host":"X.XX.XX.XXX/SecretServer"
This example IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault data:
python3 transmit secretserver '{"host":""}' '{"auth":{"username":"","password":""}}' results "eyJxdWVyeSI6ICJTRUxFQ1QgKiBGUk9NIFNlY3JldEV2ZW50RGV0YWlsIFdIRVJFIEV2ZW50U3ViamVjdCBMSUtFICclJSUnIFNUQVJUIHQnMjAxOS0wMS0yOFQxMjoyNDowMS4wMDlaJyBTVE9QIHQnMjAyMS0wNy0xNFQxMjo1NDowMS4wMDlaJyIsICJ0YXJnZXQiIDogImh0dHA6Ly85LjQ2Ljg2LjEyMC9TZWNyZXRTZXJ2ZXIvb2F1dGgyL3Rva2VuIn0=" 1 2
Will return the following STIX observable: { "success": true, "data": [ { "ItemId": 3, "SecretName": "MySql_130", "EventTime": "2021-07-06T02:56:58.413", "UserId": 5, "EventSubject": "[[SecretServer]] [Secret] MySql_130 [Check Out] by New", "EventNote": "[[SecretServer]]\r\nEvent: [Secret]\r\nAction: [Check Out]\r\nBy User: New\r\nItem Name: MySql_130 (Item Id: 3)\r\n", "EventDetails": "", "IpAddress": "", "username": "New", "Server": "" } ] }
python3 execute secretserver secretserver '{"type": "identity", "id": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3", "name": "secretserver", "identity_class": "system"}' '{"host":""}' '{"auth":{"username":"","password":""}}' "[x-ibm-finding:name LIKE '%'] START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"
"type": "bundle",
"id": "bundle--a1bdc9c3-95e4-4224-853c-34c754306b48",
"spec_version": "2.0",
"objects": [
"type": "identity",
"id": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3",
"name": "secretserver",
"identity_class": "system"
"id": "observed-data--fec7b914-ead6-4fa4-a3a0-2a56e4ea1471",
"type": "observed-data",
"created_by_ref": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3",
"created": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
"modified": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
"objects": {
"0": {
"type": "x-secretserver",
"ItemId": 3,
"UserId": 5
"1": {
"type": "x-ibm-finding",
"secret_name": "MySql_130",
"event_occurrence": "2021-07-06T02:56:58.413",
"name": "[[SecretServer]] [Secret] MySql_130 [Check Out] by New",
"description": "[[SecretServer]]\r\nEvent: [Secret]\r\nAction: [Check Out]\r\nBy User: New\r\nItem Name: MySql_130 (Item Id: 3)\r\n",
"user_name": "New"
"2": {
"type": "ipv4-addr",
"value": ""
"4": {
"type": "ipv4-addr",
"value": ""
"first_observed": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
"last_observed": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
"number_observed": 1
These are examples of supported queries for secret server conncetor:
- "[x-ibm-finding:event_name LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
- "[x-ibm-finding:time_observed LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
- “[x-secret:secret_name LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
- “[ipv4-addr:value LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"