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IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault

Supported STIX Mappings

See the table of mappings for the STIX objects and operators supported by this connector.

API Endpoints

REST Web Service APIs:


Create custom report on IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server/ Delinea Secret Server by using following steps:

  • Login to IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server/ Delinea Secret Server.
  • Click on Report tab.
  • Fill the details as below and click the save button.
Report Name Secret Server Events Logs
Report Description Secret Server Events Logs
Report Category Activity
Chart Type None
Page Size 15
Report SQL SELECT a.EventDetails AS [EventDetails],a.EventNote,a.EventTime,a.ItemId,a.UserId,u.UserName as Name, u.EmailAddress as Unique_Identtification,a.EventSubject, s.secretname As [SecretName], a.ipaddress AS [IpAddress] FROM tbEventAudit a WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tbuser u WITH (NOLOCK) ON u.userid = a.userid INNER JOIN tbsecret s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.secretid = a.ItemId WHERE a.EventTime >= #StartDate AND a.EventTime <= #EndDate ORDER BY a.EventTime DESC
  • New custom report will get listed in General section of Reports tab.

Format for making STIX translation calls via the CLI

python3 <translator_module> <query or result> <STIX identity object> <data>

This example input pattern:

'python3 translate "secretserver" query '{}' "[x-ibm-finding:name LIKE '%'] START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"'

will return

    "queries": [
        "SELECT * FROM SecretEventDetail WHERE EventSubject LIKE '%%%' START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"

Converting from IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault events STIX

IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault data to STIX mapping is defined in to_stix_map.json

Note: For on Prem IBM Privilege Vault Secret Server Instace "host":"<hostname/SecretServer>" example: "host":"X.XX.XX.XXX/SecretServer"

This example IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault data:

python3 transmit secretserver '{"host":""}' '{"auth":{"username":"","password":""}}' results "eyJxdWVyeSI6ICJTRUxFQ1QgKiBGUk9NIFNlY3JldEV2ZW50RGV0YWlsIFdIRVJFIEV2ZW50U3ViamVjdCBMSUtFICclJSUnIFNUQVJUIHQnMjAxOS0wMS0yOFQxMjoyNDowMS4wMDlaJyBTVE9QIHQnMjAyMS0wNy0xNFQxMjo1NDowMS4wMDlaJyIsICJ0YXJnZXQiIDogImh0dHA6Ly85LjQ2Ljg2LjEyMC9TZWNyZXRTZXJ2ZXIvb2F1dGgyL3Rva2VuIn0=" 1 2

Will return the following STIX observable: { "success": true, "data": [ { "ItemId": 3, "SecretName": "MySql_130", "EventTime": "2021-07-06T02:56:58.413", "UserId": 5, "EventSubject": "[[SecretServer]] [Secret] MySql_130 [Check Out] by New", "EventNote": "[[SecretServer]]\r\nEvent: [Secret]\r\nAction: [Check Out]\r\nBy User: New\r\nItem Name: MySql_130 (Item Id: 3)\r\n", "EventDetails": "", "IpAddress": "", "username": "New", "Server": "" } ] }

python3 execute secretserver secretserver '{"type": "identity", "id": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3", "name": "secretserver", "identity_class": "system"}' '{"host":""}' '{"auth":{"username":"","password":""}}' "[x-ibm-finding:name LIKE '%'] START t'2019-01-28T12:24:01.009Z' STOP t'2021-07-14T12:54:01.009Z'"

    "type": "bundle",
    "id": "bundle--a1bdc9c3-95e4-4224-853c-34c754306b48",
    "spec_version": "2.0",
    "objects": [
            "type": "identity",
            "id": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3",
            "name": "secretserver",
            "identity_class": "system"
            "id": "observed-data--fec7b914-ead6-4fa4-a3a0-2a56e4ea1471",
            "type": "observed-data",
            "created_by_ref": "identity--3532c56d-ea72-48be-a2ad-1a53f4c9c6d3",
            "created": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
            "modified": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
            "objects": {
                "0": {
                    "type": "x-secretserver",
                    "ItemId": 3,
                    "UserId": 5
                "1": {
                    "type": "x-ibm-finding",
                    "secret_name": "MySql_130",
                    "event_occurrence": "2021-07-06T02:56:58.413",
                    "name": "[[SecretServer]] [Secret] MySql_130 [Check Out] by New",
                    "description": "[[SecretServer]]\r\nEvent: [Secret]\r\nAction: [Check Out]\r\nBy User: New\r\nItem Name: MySql_130 (Item Id: 3)\r\n",
                    "user_name": "New"
                "2": {
                    "type": "ipv4-addr",
                    "value": ""
                "4": {
                    "type": "ipv4-addr",
                    "value": ""
            "first_observed": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
            "last_observed": "2021-07-26T11:13:25.494Z",
            "number_observed": 1

These are examples of supported queries for secret server conncetor:

  1. "[x-ibm-finding:event_name LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
  2. "[x-ibm-finding:time_observed LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
  3. “[x-secret:secret_name LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"
  4. “[ipv4-addr:value LIKE '%'] START t'2022-09-14T11:27:00.000Z' STOP t'2022-09-16T11:32:00.000Z'"