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Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Supported STIX Mappings

See the table of mappings for the STIX objects and operators supported by this connector.

MSATP - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint module

This module uses KQL to query the EDR API.

Queries are constructed as unions for all the relevant event tables based on the queried fields. The potential tables are DeviceProcessEvents, DeviceNetworkEvents, DeviceRegistryEvents, DeviceFileEvents, DeviceImageLoadEvents and DeviceEvents

Connection options:

There are 4 connection options (default to false):


If true, every query is joined with DeviceNetworkInfo table in order to get the active network adapters from the relevant time of
the event (IP and mac addresses).


If true, every query is also joined with DeviceInfo table to get the host operating system.


If true, queries are joined with DeviceAlertEvents to look for relevant alerts. An alert is joined based on the Timestamp of the event, DeviceId and ReportId. Relevant alerts will be mapped to x-ibm-finding with their relevant TTP's. Searching for an alert field (for example x-ibm-finding:alert_id) will search the alerts table first and then join it with the relevant events that are correlated to it.


If true, the original json result from the EDR is encoded in base64 and is included as artifact in the observed data and referenced from x-oca-event as original_ref.
This is useful if some of the fields in the original output are missing and the analyst would like to see the raw output before the translation.

Tips for successful hunting

Be concise with what you are looking for. For example searching for a file property will be very wide as it will look at relevant file events but also at all the binary files of processes in the initiating process of each event and its parent process. If you wish to look for a specific process don't query for a file, instead query the process. For example the query [process:pid=123] will only look at the initiating process id. If you want to search for a process which its parent is called foolook for ['foo']. This will bring all the relevant events from processes which their parent process is foo only.

If you wish to search for a file from the device file events (a file that has been created, modified etc.) but not search the process binary fields from all other event tables query for: ['foo']

You can query for specific event types by querying the action field of x-oca-event. For example if I wish to search for all RegistryValueSet events I will query: [x-oca-event:action = 'RegistryValueSet' ]

If you want to query events on a specific host, provide its hostname as such: [x-oca-asset:hostname = '' ]

Searching for an IP address [ipv4-addr:value = '' ] is more general as it will search both source and destination ip fields. If you know the IP usage it is better to narrow the query.
For example for a remote IP use: [network-traffic:dst_ref.value = '' ].
For a local IP use [network-traffic:src_ref.value = '' ]


Here are a few examples for results from different tables and how to interpret them:


In this example all connection options are set to true.
The main starting point to look at will be x-oca-event:action which tells us the event is a process create event.

the process_ref will lead us to the process that was created and its parent_ref to the process which created it.

host_ref leads us to x-oca-asset which shows information on the host on which this event occurred: its name, unique device id, and the ip addresses and mac addresses that were observed on the device.

created shows us the timestamp when this event was observed.

user_ref shows us the user account that was performing the event. account_login is mapped to the user UPN which is resolved by msatp from the active directory. user_id is mapped to the account name.

external_ref is a link to the msatp web console that will show us the timeline of this device one second before and after the event occurred.

original_ref is the original json output from the msatp api response encoded in base64. If there are fields you are interested to check but are not mapped to stix you can find them there.

        "type": "x-msatp",
        "ReportId": 1234
        "type": "x-oca-asset",
        "hostname": "",
        "device_id": "deviceid",
        "mac_refs": ["13"],
        "ip_refs": ["14"],
        "architecture": "64-bit",
        "os_name": "Windows10",
        "os_version": "10.0"
        "type": "x-oca-event",
        "host_ref": "1",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.7116107Z",
        "action": "ProcessCreated",
        "process_ref": "4",
        "user_ref": "7",
        "provider": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
        "external_ref": "15",
        "original_ref": "16"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "parent_directory_ref": "6",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed",
            "SHA-256": "470ea019c1ea8882b258dea27e77261dd297eb225fd08edbe591c82796189d75",
            "MD5": "e180c9a532c45eba99eefd01601f5c41"
        "type": "process",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "binary_ref": "3",
        "pid": 37384,
        "command_line": "\"msedge.exe\" --type=gpu-process",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.702Z",
        "creator_user_ref": "7",
        "parent_ref": "5"
        "type": "process",
        "child_refs": ["4"],
        "creator_user_ref": "8",
        "binary_ref": "9",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "pid": 400,
        "command_line": "\"msedge.exe\" -- \"\"",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.441Z",
        "parent_ref": "11"
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"
        "type": "user-account",
        "user_id": "username",
        "account_login": "[email protected]"
        "type": "user-account",
        "user_id": "username",
        "account_login": "[email protected]"
        "type": "file",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed",
            "SHA-256": "470ea019c1ea8882b258dea27e77261dd297eb225fd08edbe591c82796189d75",
            "MD5": "e180c9a532c45eba99eefd01601f5c41"
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "parent_directory_ref": "10"
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft\\edge\\application"
        "type": "process",
        "pid": 30972,
        "name": "iexplore.exe",
        "binary_ref": "12",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.169Z"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "iexplore.exe"
        "type": "mac-addr",
        "value": "11:22:33:44:55:66"
        "type": "ipv4-addr",
        "value": ""
        "type": "external-reference",
        "url": ""
    	"type": "artifact",
    	"payload_bin": "base64 encoded json output from msatp api response before translation"

This same event with all connection options set to false will be missing the host ip and mac addresses, the host OS details and the original_ref in x-oca-event:

        "type": "x-msatp",
        "ReportId": 1234
        "type": "x-oca-asset",
        "hostname": "",
        "device_id": "deviceid"
        "type": "x-oca-event",
        "host_ref": "1",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.7116107Z",
        "action": "ProcessCreated",
        "process_ref": "4",
        "user_ref": "7",
        "provider": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
        "external_ref": "13"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "parent_directory_ref": "6",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed",
            "SHA-256": "470ea019c1ea8882b258dea27e77261dd297eb225fd08edbe591c82796189d75",
            "MD5": "e180c9a532c45eba99eefd01601f5c41"
        "type": "process",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "binary_ref": "3",
        "pid": 37384,
        "command_line": "\"msedge.exe\" --type=gpu-process",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.702Z",
        "creator_user_ref": "7",
        "parent_ref": "5"
        "type": "process",
        "child_refs": ["4"],
        "creator_user_ref": "8",
        "binary_ref": "9",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "pid": 400,
        "command_line": "\"msedge.exe\" -- \"\"",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.441Z",
        "parent_ref": "11"
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"
        "type": "user-account",
        "user_id": "username",
        "account_login": "[email protected]"
        "type": "user-account",
        "user_id": "username",
        "account_login": "[email protected]"
        "type": "file",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed",
            "SHA-256": "470ea019c1ea8882b258dea27e77261dd297eb225fd08edbe591c82796189d75",
            "MD5": "e180c9a532c45eba99eefd01601f5c41"
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "parent_directory_ref": "10"
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft\\edge\\application"
        "type": "process",
        "pid": 30972,
        "name": "iexplore.exe",
        "binary_ref": "12",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:23:03.169Z"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "iexplore.exe"
        "type": "external-reference",
        "url": ""

DeviceNetworkEvents with associated alert

In this example all connection options are set to true.
An example including a network event to an url. Query example: [domain-name:value='']

url_ref points us to the url visited. domain_ref to the domain parsed from the url. It is possible that only one of these will be populated depending on the data provided.

network_ref will show us the source and destination ip addresses and ports. Mind you that the destination ip address is the one resolved from the domain name referenced by domain_ref in the x-oca-event.

finding_refs indicates that there are associated alerts with this event. These will be of type x-ibm-finding. The event is a connection success event, and the associated alert title is Connection to adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing site.

severity is translated from high (99) medium (66) and low (33).

alert_id is the unique alert identifier from msatp.

ttp_tagging_refs shows us the relevant TTP's. These will be of type x-ibm-ttp-tagging.
Tactics will be mapped to kill_chain_phases which might be mapped to the mitre attack framework or a proprietary Microsoft phase - not all phases are mapped to mitre attack.
Techniques will be mapped to the mitre-attack-ext extension and will describe the name and id of the mitre attack technique.

        "type": "x-oca-event",
        "created": "2023-03-17T20:19:46.6337905Z",
        "host_ref": "1",
        "process_ref": "4",
        "action": "ConnectionSuccess",
        "network_ref": "7",
        "domain_ref": "9",
        "url_ref": "8",
        "provider": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
        "external_ref": "17",
        "finding_refs": ["18"],
        "original_ref": "20",
        "file_ref": "2"
        "type": "x-oca-asset",
        "device_id": "deviceid",
        "hostname": "",
        "ip_refs": ["10"],
        "mac_refs": ["16"],
        "architecture": "64-bit",
        "os_name": "Windows10",
        "os_version": "10.0"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed"
        "type": "process",
        "child_refs": ["3"],
        "binary_ref": "11",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "pid": 3052,
        "command_line": "\"msedge.exe\" --type=utility",
        "created": "2023-03-13T14:22:44.860Z",
        "parent_ref": "14",
        "creator_user_ref": "15"
        "type": "x-msatp",
        "ReportId": 1234,
        "Table": "DeviceEvents"
        "type": "ipv4-addr",
        "value": ""
        "type": "network-traffic",
        "dst_ref": "6",
        "dst_port": 443,
        "src_ref": "10",
        "src_port": 58993
        "type": "url",
        "value": ""
        "type": "domain-name",
        "value": ""
        "type": "ipv4-addr",
        "value": ""
        "type": "file",
            "SHA-1": "c737742b81292c764ac2a7e419a37ed7fdf4a1ed",
            "SHA-256": "470ea019c1ea8882b258dea27e77261dd297eb225fd08edbe591c82796189d75",
            "MD5": "e180c9a532c45eba99eefd01601f5c41"
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "parent_directory_ref": "12"
        "type": "directory",
        "path": "c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft\\edge\\application"
        "type": "file",
        "name": "msedge.exe"
        "type": "process",
        "name": "msedge.exe",
        "binary_ref": "13",
        "pid": 9952,
        "created": "2023-03-13T14:22:44.508Z"
        "type": "user-account",
        "user_id": "username",
        "account_login": "[email protected]"
        "type": "mac-addr",
        "value": "11:22:33:44:55:66"
        "type": "external-reference",
        "url": ""
        "type": "x-ibm-finding",
        "alert_id": "1234567890-1234-1234-1234-123456789012_1",
        "severity": 99,
        "name": "Connection to adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing site",
        "ttp_tagging_refs": ["19","21"]
        "type": "x-ibm-ttp-tagging",
        "kill_chain_phases": [
            "phase_name": "Credential Access",
            "kill_chain_name": "mitre-attack"
        "type": "artifact",
        "payload_bin": "base64 encoded json from the msatp api before translation"
      "type": "x-ibm-ttp-tagging", 
          "technique_name": "Spearphishing Link", 
          "technique_id": "T1566.002"

March 2023 changes

Changes made from previous version:

  • DeviceEvents and DeviceImageLoadEvents tables where added to the search query.
    Prior they were not being searched.
  • DeviceAlertEvents is being queried in correlation with the events.
  • DeviceNetworkInfo is being queried to extract the device network addresses at the time of the event
  • DeviceInfo is queried to extract the device OS details
  • domain-name was mapped to DeviceName causing a mismatch between looking for events on a specific host and looking for domains in network events. The mapping to device name was removed. use x-oca-asset:hostname instead to search for a specific device.
  • process fields such as name and pid were looking at both the process and its parent. This causes an overload of results. Say I searched for all events by process pid 123 - I would receive also all events of its child processes. This was removed. now searching a process property will not look at the parent process fields. To search for events where the parent process is X search for process:parent_ref.X
  • user-account:account_login was mapped to AccountName which is the local account name - which is now mapped to user-account:user_id. The AccountUpn which is the more meaningful field since it is resolved from active directory and usually contains for users full email is now mapped to account_login. The AccountSid (in the form of S-1-5- etc.) which was mapped to user_id is no longer mapped to any stix field.
  • x-msatp computer_name and machine_id are removed as they map to x-oca-asset now.
  • x-oca-asset:ip was switched to x-oca-asset:ip_refs array as per the official spec and now support multiple ip addresses for one host.
  • DeviceFileEvents.FileOriginUrl and DeviceFileEvents.FileOriginReferrerUrl were added to the mappings - they were not mapped before.
  • x-oca-event:provider will always state 'Microsoft Defender for Endpoint' to indicate the source of the event
  • x-oca-event:external_ref was added and provides a link to the msatp web console filtered one second before and after the event. This is handy in case the analyst would like to look at the source data directly in the msatp console.
  • event name was mapped to x-oca-event:action
  • x-oca-event:original_ref was added and includes the raw json output of the msatp api encoded in base64. This is handy to find details that are not mapped to stix.
  • x-msatp:AdditionalFields was added as this field usually contains important information.

Example STIX pattern for file query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [file:name = 'updater.exe']
  2. [file:name IN ('updater.exe','reg.exe')] START t'2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-01T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query(in the same order as STIX patterns):

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-30T18:22:12.682690Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-09-30T18:27:12.682690Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where FileName =~ "updater.exe" or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "updater.exe" or InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ "updater.exe")
  2. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-01T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where FileName in~ ("updater.exe", "reg.exe") or InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("updater.exe", "reg.exe") or InitiatingProcessParentFileName in~ ("updater.exe", "reg.exe"))

Example STIX pattern for process query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [process:name = 'find.exe']
  2. [process:pid > '5804'] START t'2019-08-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-09-30T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query(in the same order as STIX patterns):

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceProcessEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T11:55:44.588517Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-01T12:00:44.588517Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where FileName =~ "find.exe")
  2. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceProcessEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-08-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-09-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where ProcessId > 5804)

Example STIX pattern for network query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [network-traffic:src_port = '55099'] START t'2017-01-10T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-23T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query:

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceNetworkEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2017-01-10T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-23T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where tostring(LocalPort) =~ "55099")

Example STIX pattern for MAC query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [mac-addr:value = '48:4D:7E:9D:BD:97'] START t'2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-10T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query:

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceNetworkEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-10T10:43:10.003Z) | extend FormattedTimeKey = bin(Timestamp, 1m) | join kind= inner (DeviceNetworkInfo | where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-10T10:43:10.003Z) | extend FormattedTimeKey = bin(Timestamp, 1m)| mvexpand parse_json(IPAddresses) | extend IP = IPAddresses.IPAddress | project Timestamp ,DeviceId , MacAddress, IP, FormattedTimeKey) on DeviceId, $left.FormattedTimeKey == $right.FormattedTimeKey | where LocalIP == IP | where MacAddress =~ "484D7E9DBD97" | order by Timestamp desc)

Example STIX pattern for RegistryEvents query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [windows-registry-key:key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection'] START t'2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-10T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query:

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceRegistryEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-10T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where RegistryKey =~ @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection")

Example STIX pattern for DirectoryPath query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [directory:path LIKE 'C:\\ProgramData\\Symantec' OR process:name = 'conhost.exe'] START t'2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z' (Note: Only LIKE operator is supported for STIX object with 'path' value)

Translated query:

  1. (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceProcessEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (FileName =~ "conhost.exe") or (FolderPath contains "C:\\ProgramData\\Symantec" or InitiatingProcessFolderPath contains "C:\\ProgramData\\Symantec"))

Example STIX pattern for device and event query:

STIX patterns:

  1. [x-oca-asset:hostname = 'ds-win10' OR x-oca-event:action = 'ConnectionSuccess'] START t'2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z'

Translated query:

  1. 'union (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceProcessEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceNetworkEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceRegistryEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceImageLoadEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10") or (ActionType =~ "ConnectionSuccess")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceLogonEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (DeviceName =~ "ds-win10"))'

Example STIX pattern for Combined Observation:

STIX patterns:

  1. ([file:name = 'AM_Delta_Patch_1.301.613.0.exe' AND file:hashes.'SHA-1' = 'c98dbe4cb8caad5a521915f6e3f82197d53030ee'] AND [file:name MATCHES 'mpas.*' AND file:hashes.'MD5' = 'b3b863d8c5c2f3605a5b25adec80f0de']) START t'2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z' STOP t'2019-10-25T10:43:10.003Z'"

Translated query:

  1. union (find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-25T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (SHA1 =~ "c98dbe4cb8caad5a521915f6e3f82197d53030ee" or InitiatingProcessSHA1 =~ "c98dbe4cb8caad5a521915f6e3f82197d53030ee") and (FileName =~ "AM_Delta_Patch_1.301.613.0.exe" or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "AM_Delta_Patch_1.301.613.0.exe" or InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ "AM_Delta_Patch_1.301.613.0.exe")),(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-09-01T08:43:10.003Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-25T10:43:10.003Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where (MD5 =~ "b3b863d8c5c2f3605a5b25adec80f0de" or InitiatingProcessMD5 =~ "b3b863d8c5c2f3605a5b25adec80f0de") and (FileName matches regex"(mpas.*)" or InitiatingProcessFileName matches regex"(mpas.*)" or InitiatingProcessParentFileName matches regex"(mpas.*)"))

Translate, Transmit, Translate Result flow of a STIX pattern:

Single observation expression:

STIX patterns:

[file:name = 'DismHost.exe'] START t'2019-10-01T08:43:10Z' STOP t'2019-10-30T10:43:10Z'

Translated query:

(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where FileName =~ "DismHost.exe" or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "DismHost.exe" or InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ "DismHost.exe")

Above translated query is passed as parameter to STIX transmission module

transmit msatp "{\"host\":\"xx.xx.xx.xx\",\"port\": \"xxxx\"}" 
"{\"auth\":{\"tenant\": \"xxxxx\", \"clientId\": \"xxxxx\", \"clientSecret\":\"xxxxxxxx\"}}" 
"(find withsource = TableName in (DeviceFileEvents) where Timestamp >= datetime(2019-10-01T08:43:10Z) and Timestamp < datetime(2019-10-30T10:43:10Z) | order by Timestamp desc | where FileName =~ \"DismHost.exe\" or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ \"DismHost.exe\" or InitiatingProcessParentFileName =~ \"DismHost.exe\")" 0 2

MSATP query result (Result is formatted by STIX transmission result module):

    	'TableName': 'DeviceFileEvents'
        'Timestamp': '2019-10-30T08:44:56.8059397Z',
        'DeviceId': 'babec47c12ad732b595e803c3320cc32aa26af33',
        'DeviceName': '',
        'ActionType': 'FileCreated',
        'FileName': 'DismHost.exe',
        'FolderPath': 'C:\\Users\\annishprashan.stevi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\44556507-AAE8-4AB2-B7C4-4519CC19443C\\DismHost.exe',
        'SHA1': 'c34af1caf92b54737956e4940582bcce5cca2725',
        'MD5': '2a1ee8df1dd0335605dcc5015c60ebc0',
        'InitiatingProcessAccountDomain': 'hcltech',
        'InitiatingProcessAccountName': 'annishprashan.stevi',
        'InitiatingProcessAccountUpn': '[email protected]',
        'InitiatingProcessAccountSid': 'S-1-5-21-333653013-2304839960-3876203932-1269283',
        'InitiatingProcessMD5': '062ec57fe7f4463161d9e6ef400b2a3e',
        'InitiatingProcessSHA1': '2eb39003998f0e518ad937db120b87e81d5a5893',
        'InitiatingProcessFolderPath': 'c:\\windows\\system32\\cleanmgr.exe',
        'InitiatingProcessFileName': 'cleanmgr.exe',
        'InitiatingProcessId': 19224,
        'InitiatingProcessCommandLine': 'cleanmgr.exe /autoclean /d C:',
        'InitiatingProcessCreationTime': '2019-10-30T08:44:33.2836067Z',
        'InitiatingProcessIntegrityLevel': 'High',
        'InitiatingProcessTokenElevation': 'TokenElevationTypeFull',
        'InitiatingProcessParentId': 2392,
        'InitiatingProcessParentFileName': 'svchost.exe',
        'InitiatingProcessParentCreationTime': '2019-10-28T18:44:18.1496667Z',
        'RequestProtocol': 'Unknown',
        'ReportId': 17363,
        'AdditionalFields': ''
        'rn': 1,
        'event_count': '1'

STIX observable output:

    "type": "bundle",
    "id": "bundle--d75ea4fd-7f34-4eca-8a35-70b427329417",
    "objects": [
            "type": "identity",
            "id": "identity--f431f809-377b-45e0-aa1c-6a4751cae5ff",
            "name": "msatp",
            "identity_class ": "events"
            "id": "observed-data--f337a503-71b1-4592-bf5c-e1b43a91cf66",
            "type": "observed-data",
            "created_by_ref": "identity--f431f809-377b-45e0-aa1c-6a4751cae5ff",
            "created": "2019-11-04T07:40:17.436Z",
            "modified": "2019-11-04T07:40:17.436Z",
            "objects": {
                "0": {
                    "type": "file",
                    "name": "DismHost.exe",
                    "parent_directory_ref": "1",
                    "hashes": {
                        "SHA-1": "b01d428264a51ae803814644ea5ea43e7d7781d5",
                        "MD5": "e8007eb8977e83d29f30a122771c09aa"
                "1": {
                    "type": "directory",
                    "path": "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\9C957DFF-D551-4542-9D22-556A347F3B5B"
                "2": {
                    "type": "user-account",
                    "account_login": "[email protected]",
                    "user_id": "annishprashan.stevi"
                "3": {
                    "type": "process",
                    "creator_user_ref": "2",
                    "binary_ref": "4",
                    "name": "MsSenseS.exe",
                    "pid": 4956,
                    "command_line": "\"MsSenseS.exe\"",
                    "created": "2019-10-23T06:55:53.165Z",
                    "parent_ref": "6"
                "4": {
                    "type": "file",
                    "hashes": {
                        "MD5": "3cb2aa46bb2f56352ee7d39886db1160",
                        "SHA-1": "68931a7ec5bdfb7f6b7a85d1273b100456ae9ae7"
                    "parent_directory_ref": "5",
                    "name": "MsSenseS.exe"
                "5": {
                    "type": "directory",
                    "path": "c:\\program files\\microsoft monitoring agent\\agent\\health service state\\monitoring host temporary files 48\\761"
                "6": {
                    "type": "process",
                    "pid": 3540,
                    "name": "MonitoringHost.exe",
                    "binary_ref": "7",
                    "created": "2019-10-22T10:55:48.445Z"
                "7": {
                    "type": "file",
                    "name": "MonitoringHost.exe"
                "8": {
                    "type": "x-oca-event",
                    "action": "FileCreated",
                    "created": "2019-10-30T08:44:56.8059397Z"
                    "provider": "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint",
                    "external_ref": "11",
                    "host_ref": "9",
                    "file_ref": "0",
                    "process_ref": "3",
                    "user_ref": "2"
                "9": {
                    "type": "x-oca-asset",
                    "hostname": "",
                    "device_id": "babec47c12ad732b595e803c3320cc32aa26af33"
                "10": {
                    "type": "x-msatp",
                    "Table": "DeviceFileEvents",
                    "ReportId": 1234 
                "11": {
                    "type": "external-reference",
                    "url": "'
            "first_observed": "2019-10-30T08:40:53.609Z",
            "last_observed": "2019-10-30T08:40:53.609Z",
            "number_observed": 1