This repo is a companion to this YouTube video:
- Discord OAUTH with passport.js
new Strategy(
clientId: process.env.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID!,
clientSecret: process.env.DISCORD_SECRET_ID!,
callbackUrl: `${process.env.API_URL}/auth/discord/callback`,
scope: ["identify"],
async (_accessToken, _refreshToken, profile, done) => {
// 1. grab id
const discordId = as string;
// 2. db lookup
let user = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: eq(usersTable.discordId, discordId),
// 3. create user if not exists
if (!user) {
[user] = await db
// 4. return user
done(null, user);
) as any
- JWTs
const createAuthTokens = (
user: DbUser
): { refreshToken: string; accessToken: string } => {
const refreshToken = jwt.sign(
{ userId:, refreshTokenVersion: user.refreshTokenVersion },
expiresIn: "30d",
const accessToken = jwt.sign(
{ userId: },
expiresIn: "15min",
return { refreshToken, accessToken };
- Cookies
// __prod__ is a boolean that is true when the NODE_ENV is "production"
const cookieOpts = {
httpOnly: true,
secure: __prod__,
sameSite: "lax",
path: "/",
domain: __prod__ ? `.${process.env.DOMAIN}` : "",
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10, // 10 year
} as const;
export const sendAuthCookies = (res: Response, user: DbUser) => {
const { accessToken, refreshToken } = createAuthTokens(user);
res.cookie("id", accessToken, cookieOpts);
res.cookie("rid", refreshToken, cookieOpts);
Get a VPS like Hostinger if you don't already have one. Use code BENAWAD
at checkout for additional savings (SPONSORED)
- Save yourself some hassle and setup passwordless ssh into your VPS:
- Install Dokku on your VPS (I like to use this for zero-downtime deployments)
- The latest version of Ubuntu that Dokku works with is 22.04 (you can change versions in Hostinger's dashboard)
- Create an app
dokku apps:create api
- Create database
- Link database
dokku postgres:link pg api
- Create Docker image on your computer
docker build -t example/auth:1 . --platform=linux
- Send Docker image to VPS
docker image save example/auth:1 | ssh [email protected] docker load
- Tag image in your VPS
docker tag example/auth:1 dokku/api:latest
- Deploy
dokku deploy api latest
- This will fail
- Set environment variables
dokku config:set api FRONTEND_URL= ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=hj890duj01jd9012j0dj9021390132 REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=q90wej9201je091212903291308 DISCORD_SECRET_ID=asdj902j1d0921 DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=129032180312
- This should redeploy the app and it should work
- Setup DNS so your domain points to the VPS
- Setup https on your VPS using letsencrypt dokku plugin:
- You will need to set your domain first:
dokku domains:set api
- You will need to set your domain first:
I like to use Cloudflare pages