* For video/image emotion analysis : FER library is used which has pre-trained model based on Harcascade and MTCNN
* For speech to Text analysis :Speech_recognition library is used
* For text sentiment analysis :VADER from ntlk library is used.VADER(Valence Aware Dictionary and sentiment Reasoner)
3. The Analysis is presented in the form of Heat-Maps showing neagtive-positive sentiments from words and negative and positive emotions of face in video.
1. Select directory ($ cd <directory>)
2. Clone the repo ($ git clone <repo-url>)
3. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
OR individual modules using
pip install <module_name>
4. Place mp4 video file of small size 20-40sec introductory video in your working directory
5. Change file_name in settings.py file
6. Run the code "Video_Analytics.py"