To become a member in Bauddhik-Geeks Organization, you need to follow folowing steps:
- Join Bauddhik-Geeks Discord Server
- Create issue using the issue template "invite to organization"
- Add yourself in file.
Now let's see it in detail:
To join Bauddhik-Geeks disord server click π here
To create an issue follow the following steps:
- Click on the Issues option in the repository.
- Click on New issue
- Now you can see the issue template "Invite me to organization"
- Click in Get Started
- In Contact Details enter your email address and in Discord username enter your discord username in Bauddhik-Geeks discord server.
- Check the checkbox to agree with the code of conduct.
- Click on Submit new issue
After submitting issue if you have filled the infomation correctly, then we will send you invite in your email address.
To add yourself in file follow the following steps:
- Fork the current repository "Welcome-to-Bauddhik-Geeks"
- Make a new branch.
- Open file here
- Add the way other members have added and you can see the syntax below π
<td align="center"><a href="<Your-GitHub-Profile-URL>"><img src="Link-of-profile-pic" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b><Your-Name></b></sub></a></td>
- Create pull request