The Calendar widget allows for dates to be displayed and selected. It is customisable so that months and years can be viewed, and dates can be marked.
The constructor for the Calendar widget is:
GtkWidget *calendar = gtk_calendar_new();
There are two functions used for setting the date, month, and year:
gtk_calendar_select_day(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), day); gtk_calendar_select_month(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), month, year);
The day value should be set to the date of the month. The month value is settable to a month number identifying the month, with 0
used for January and 11
for December. The year is set to the appropriate year.
The date is also retrievable using:
The method returns the three values for the year, month, and day.
Marking of days is useful when an event is associated with a particular day. This places a marker next to the date and is set and unset with:
gtk_calendar_mark_day(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), day); gtk_calendar_unmark_day(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), day);
To retrieve whether a day is marked, call:
gtk_calendar_get_day_is_marked(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), day);
All the marks set on the Calendar can be cleared via the method:
The Calendar can be customised by setting a number of displays flags on the method:
gtk_calendar_set_display_options(GTK_CALENDAR(calendar), flags);
The flags argument can be set to any of the following values:
flag enables the heading which displays the month and year. GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_DAY_NAMES
sets the three letter day to be displayed. Preventing month and year changes from being made by adding the flag GTK_CALENDAR_NO_MONTH_CHANGE
. In some cases, it is useful to display the week numbers via GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS
. Each flag should be separated from another by a pipe '|' character.
Below is an example of a Calendar:
.. literalinclude:: _examples/calendar.c