This example creates a multi node Elasticsearch cluster with master, data and client nodes with no external IPs and a NAT gateway.
Figure 1. diagram of Google Cloud resources
Install Terraform on Linux if it is not already installed (visit for other distributions):
curl -sL | bash
source ${HOME}/.bashrc
cd examples/multi-node-stateful
Set the project, replace YOUR_PROJECT
with your project ID:
gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT
test -z DEVSHELL_GCLOUD_CONFIG && gcloud auth application-default login
export GOOGLE_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
Configure Terraform remote backend for the state file.
gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET}
cat > <<EOF
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "${BUCKET}"
prefix = "${PREFIX}"
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
SSH into the bastion host with port forwarding to Cerebro and Kibana:
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
eval $(terraform output bastion)
Open a local browser to view Cerebro and Kibana:
walkthrough spotlight-pointer devshell-web-preview-button "Open Web Preview and change port to 9000"
walkthrough spotlight-pointer devshell-web-preview-button "Open Web Preview and change port to 5601"
Install esrally and run benchmark
sudo yum install -y centos-release-scl && sudo yum install -y gcc python34.x86_64 python34-devel.x86_64 python34-pip.noarch java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel git19 tmux && sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip && sudo pip3 install esrally
scl enable git19 bash
esrally configure
INDEX_NODES="$(gcloud compute instances list --filter=name~tf-es-cluster-indexing- --format='value(networkInterfaces[0].networkIP)' | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/:9200,/g'):9200"
esrally --track=http_logs --target-hosts="${INDEX_NODES}" --pipeline=benchmark-only
Exit the bastion ssh session:
Remove all resources created by terraform:
terraform destroy