include type
include type
what if it isn't an mpeg
what if it isn't an mpeg
update tweet text
update tweet text
see-results already used
see-results already used
change show-result function
change show-result function
redirect to empty quiz page on hide
redirect to empty quiz page on hide
Add Bricks.js for layout
Add Bricks.js for layout
reverse commit
reverse commit
prevent selecting first option
prevent selecting first option
readapt quiz/index.js
readapt quiz/index.js
add beauty
add beauty
delete subfiles as well
delete subfiles as well
it's img not image
it's img not image
change type detection
change type detection
mkdir fail
mkdir fail
change .temp to /temp
change .temp to /temp
wrong dot again
wrong dot again
cwd might be invalid
cwd might be invalid
forgot another dot
forgot another dot
forgot a dot in index for .temp
forgot a dot in index for .temp
create temp folder
create temp folder
add success logic and caching
add success logic and caching
Deleted branch
Merge pull request #3 from RadarDAO-xyz/wall-of-play
Merge pull request #3 from RadarDAO-xyz/wall-of-play
Pull request merge
wall of play first commit
wall of play first commit
add stuff to archetype result page
add stuff to archetype result page
add selected css
add selected css