copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | content-type | ||
2023-04-17 |
question about projects, access project, accessing a project, open project |
secure-enterprise |
troubleshoot |
{: #troubleshoot-project-access} {: troubleshoot} {: support}
You try to find a project that you created or a project that you thought you had access to from the Projects page in the console, but it isn't listed. {: shortdesc}
A project that you expected to find in the console from the Menu > Projects page isn't included in your list of projects. {: tsSymptoms}
Your project might have been deleted by another member of your team, or you don't have the required level of access to view projects. {: tsCauses}
Make sure that you have the correct access to view projects. For more information, see Assigning users access to projects. If your project was deleted, create a new one. If you have the {{}} service set up for your account, you can use that to audit events for a project, including project deletions. {: tsResolve}