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2023, 2024
monitoring, iam templates, monitoring iam templates, activity tracker


Monitoring enterprise IAM templates

{: #monitor-enterprise-iam-templates}

Enterprise IAM templates are used to centrally administer IAM access and account settings throughout an enterprise. You can use {{}} to monitor IAM template assignments to child accounts, versioning, and changes that child account administrators make to enterprise-managed IAM resources in their account. {: shortdesc}

Before you begin

{: #before-monitor-iam-template}

You must create an instance of the {{}} service in the Frankfurt (eu-de) region to monitor events for enterprise IAM templates. For more information, see Provisioning an instance.

Reviewing IAM template events by using {{}}

{: #monitor-iam-template-assignment}

When you assign an enterprise-managed IAM template to target child accounts, multiple events generate. The enterprise account and each target child account have their own corresponding events.

Analyzing template create events in the enterprise account

{: #ent-create-assignments}

Complete the following steps to review the creation of IAM templates in an enterprise account:

  1. In the {{}} console, go to the Navigation Menu icon Navigation Menu icon > Observability > {{}}.
  2. Click Open dashboard on the dashboard that you use to monitor enterprise IAM templates.
  3. Click Sources and select the IAM service name to filter the results and view only events for the type of template that you're looking for.
    • Access group templates: iam-groups
    • Trusted profile templates: iam-identity
    • Settings templates: iam-identity
    • Policy templates: iam-access-management
  4. Search for the template.create action.
    1. For access group templates, search for
    2. For trusted profile templates, search for action:iam-identity.profile-template.create
    3. For settingstemplates, search for action:iam-identity.account-settings-template.create
    4. For access group templates, search for action:iam-access-management.policy-template.create

Use the search field to view new version events by adding responseData.version=={{version number}} to your search. For example, action:iam-identity.profile-template.create responseData.version=={{version number}}. {: tip}

Analyzing assignment events in the enterprise account

{: #ent-account-assignments}

Complete the following steps to review IAM template assignments from the enterprise account to child accounts:

  1. In the {{}} console, go to the Navigation Menu icon Navigation Menu icon > Observability > {{}}.
  2. Click Open dashboard on the dashboard that you use to monitor enterprise IAM templates.
  3. Click Sources and select the IAM service name to filter the results and view only events for the type of template that you're looking for.
    • Access group templates: iam-groups
    • Trusted profile templates: iam-identity
    • Settings templates: iam-identity
    • Policy templates: iam-access-management
  4. Use the search field to view IAM templates events.
    1. For access group templates, search for action:iam-groups.groups-assignment.create
    2. For trusted profile templates, search for action:iam-identity.profile-assignment.create
    3. For settings templates, search for action:iam-identity.account-settings-assignment.create
    4. For access policy templates, search for action:iam-access-management.policy-assignment.create
  5. Select an event to view the fields that have identifying information.

To search for failed assignments, add outcome==failure to your search. For example, action:iam-groups.groups-assignment.create outcome==failure. {: tip}

Analyzing changes to enterprise-managed IAM resources in child accounts

{: #changes-ent-iam}

You can set action controls in access group template to enable administrators in chid accounts to change certain attributes of an enterprise-managed group in their account. For example, you can set the action control for adding policies to true. This allows access group administrators in child accounts to add policies the group assigned to their account.

You can stream child account events to the {{}} instance in your enterprise account to monitor how child account administrators modify the enterprise-managed IAM resources in their account. For more information, see Configuring streaming to an Activity Tracker instance through the UI.

Complete the following steps to review how child account administrators are modifying the enterprise-managed IAM resources in their account:

  1. In the {{}} console, go to the Navigation Menu icon Navigation Menu icon > Observability > {{}}.
  2. Click Open dashboard on the dashboard that you use to monitor enterprise IAM templates.
  3. Click Sources and select the IAM service name to filter the results and view only events for the type of template that you're looking for.
    • Access group templates: iam-groups
    • Trusted profile templates: iam-identity
    • Settings templates: iam-identity
    • Policy templates: iam-access-management
  4. Use the search field to view IAM templates events by searching for the action and template_id. For example, action:iam-groups.update template_id=={template_id}.

Analyzing events in child accounts

{: #account-review}

All enterprise-managed IAM resources that are created in child accounts from an enterprise assignment contain request data that maps the resource to an enterprise IAM template.

The request data includes the following attributes and example values:

"template_version": "1",
"template_id": "706f6c69637954656d706c6174652" ,
"assignment_id": "76450570-1ef3-41d2-ab24-935966032f93"

{: codeblock}

Complete the following steps to review IAM template assignments in your child account:

  1. In the {{}} console, go to the Navigation Menu icon Navigation Menu icon > Observability > {{}}.
  2. Click Open dashboard on the dashboard that you use to monitor IAM events.
  3. Click Sources and select the IAM service name to filter the results and view only events for the type of template that you're looking for.
    • Access group templates: iam-groups
    • Trusted profile templates: iam-identity
    • Settings templates: iam-identity
    • Policy templates: iam-access-management
  4. Use the search field to view enterprise-managed IAM events by searching for template.


{: #monitor-ent-iam-example}

Policy template creation

{: #ex-policy-assign}

An access policy template that is named SecretsEditor is created and has the following identifying attributes:

Attribute Value Description
outcome success The outcome of the request.
action iam-access-management.policy-template.create The action that triggers the event.
initiator ID IBMid-779000XKG2 The unique ID of the requester.
initiator name [email protected] The email of the requester.
tempalate_id policyTemplate-b4fcbb84-9761-4b21-8aea-f78692c34641 The policy template ID.
name SecretsEditor The name of the policy.
account_id b04d9d6240ac4071nnf9152bf46bd94e The enterprise account ID.
policy See Example policy The structure of the policy. The type access gratns access to users, and authorization grants access between services.
version 1 The version of the policy template.
description Grant Editor Role on Secrets Manager service. The description of the policy.
transaction_id 99450571-2df3-51c2-tn24-565813689t91 Used for debug interactions and tracing the request with support.
errors { "code": "insufficent_permissions", "message": "You are not allowed to create the requested policy template."} If the outcome is failure, an error message is shown.
{: caption="Table 1. Sample policy template attributes and values in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}

Example policy

{: #example-policy-structure}

"policy": "{  \"type\": \"access\",  \"control\": {    \"grant\": {      \"roles\": [        {          \"role_id\": \"crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:Editor\"        }      ]    }  },  \"resource\": {    \"attributes\": [      {        \"value\": \"hyperp-dbaas-mongodb\",        \"operator\": \"stringEquals\",        \"key\": \"serviceName\"      }    ]  }}"

Access group template creation

{: #ex-ag-create}

An access group template that is named dev-group-1 hasn't been committed yet:

Attribute Value Description
action The action that triggers the event.
outcome success The outcome of the request.
correlationId 76450570-1ef3-41d2-ab24-935966032f9 Used for debug interactions and tracing the request with support.
initiator ID IBMid-779000XKG2 The unique ID of the requester.
initiator name [email protected] The email of the requester.
account_id b04d9d6240ac4071nnf9152bf46bd94e The enterprise account ID.
committed false Committed flag determines if the template is ready for assignment.
description Dev group description The description of the policy.
id AccessGroupTemplateId-2324f8a0-3f87-42c2-a678-6595b0a59b55 The access group template ID.
name dev-group-1 The name of the access group template shown in the enterprise account.
version 1 The version of the policy template.
group action_controls, assertions, description, members, name The structure of the access group.
action_controls See Example group Determines whether access group administrators in child accounts can add policies to the enterprise-managed group in their account.
assertions See Example group Includes dynamic rules and the action controls that determines whether access group administrators in child accounts can add, remove, and update dynamic rules to the enterprise-managed group in their account.
description Access group description The access group description that is shown in child accounts.
members See Example group The enterprise members and service IDs to add to the access groups in child accounts. This also includes the action controls that determine whether access group administrators in child accounts can add and remove members in the enterprise-managed group in their account.
name groupName 1690274020835 - VPC-Staging The acces group name shown in child accounts.
policy_template_references See Example policy_template_references Existing policy templates that you can reference to assign access in the trusted profile template.
errors "code": "template_conflict_error", "message": "An access group template with the name "AccessGroup" already exists. Enter a different name." If the outcome is failure, an error message is shown.
{: caption="Table 2. Sample access group template creattion attributes and values in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}

Example group

{: #example-groups-structure}

    "group": {
      "action_controls": "{  "access": {    "add": true  }}",
      "assertions": "{  "action_controls": {    "add": true,    "remove": false,    "update": false  },  "rules": [    {      "action_controls": {        "remove": false,        "update": false      },      "conditions": [        {          "claim": "blueGroup",          "operator": "CONTAINS",          "value": "\\"test-bluegroup-saml\\""        }      ],      "expiration": 12,      "name": "Manager group rule",      "realm_name": ""    }  ]}",
      "description": "Access group description",
      "members": "{  "action_controls": {    "add": true,    "remove": false  },  "services": [    "ServiceId-ad7d5c39-da76-4145-aa55-ffb87aa81715",    "ServiceId-d9ddc9ca-9c4c-4405-839f-43a25fdefd0e"  ],  "users": [    "IBMid-50PJGPKYJJ",    "IBMid-665000T8WY"  ]}",
      "name": "groupName 1690274020835 - VPC-Staging"

{: codeblock}

Example policy_template_references

{: #example-policy-ref}

"policy_template_references": [
        "id": "policyTemplate-2c8998aa-a706-4e07-bc35-6f23c9753c51",
        "version": "1"
        "id": "policyTemplate-998f1122-aca4-4094-a6dd-b14010d487bf",
        "version": "1"

{: codeblock}

Access group template assignment

{: #ex-ag-assign}

An access group template named dev-group-1 that's assigned to child accouts has the following identifying attributes:

Attribute Value Description
action The action that triggers the event.
outcome success The outcome of the request.
correlationId 6dd6adda-42c2-45ce-9718-373b5cdf1923 Used for debug interactions and tracing the request with support. The assignment event in child accounts have the same assignmentId.
initiator ID IBMid-999200LPO7 The unique ID of the requester.
initiator name [email protected] The email of the requester.
AssignmentId AccessGroupAssignmentId-AccessGroupTemplateId-274f883e-fe00-4445-8e75-1698a7c76918-Target-a5d1c4130c62404dbc857a37237c49bf The assignment ID. Once groups are created in the target accounts, individual events in each account referencing the assignment are created.
TemplateName dev-group-1
TemplateVersion 2 Version number of the template assigned.
account_id 8f27b893b8ce49e19e748bf654ab999e Enterprise account ID.
operation assign The operation that maps to the action.
status succeeded Status of the assignment.
target a5d1c4130c62404dbc857a37237c49bf The ID of the target account or account group.
target_type AccountGroup The target can be either an Account or an AccountGroup.
template_id AccessGroupTemplateId-274f883e-fe00-4445-8e75-1698a7c76918 ID of the access group template assigned.
{: caption="Table 3. Sample access group template assignment attributes and values in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}

Trusted profile template creation

{: #tp-template-event}

Attribute Value Description
action iam-identity.profile-template.create The action that triggers the event.
outcome failure The outcome of the request.
correlationId bGxxcmw-06b47d9c53564bb1984dded8b3fdb455 Used for debug interactions and tracing the request with support.
initiator ID IBMid-999200LPO7 The unique ID of the requester.
initiator name [email protected] The email of the requester.
realm_id IBMid The identity provider.
template_committed false Committed flag determines if the template is ready for assignment.
{: caption="Table 4. Sample trusted profile template attributes and values in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}

Trusted profile template assignment

{: #tp-template-assignment-event}

Attribute Value Description
action iam-identity.profile-assignment.create The action that triggers the event.
outcome success The outcome of the request.
correlationId dHptOTc-574744cfcb474f67b9299082fcd2b1ff Used for debug interactions and tracing the request with support. The assignment event in child accounts have the same assignmentId.
initiator ID IBMid-999200LPO7 The unique ID of the requester.
initiator name [email protected] The email of the requester.
realm_id IBMid The identity provider.
bss_account 86a1004d3f1848a291de32874cb48120 The enterprise account ID.
url URL to look up the assigned child accounts. See Example url curl request
template_id ProfileTemplate-73e6bad8-0815-44f7-b086-0cac24b0d3a7 ID of the trusted profile template assigned.
template_type profile The type of IAM template.
template_version 1 The version number of the trusted profile template.
instance_id TemplateAssignment-691487d2-a249-4475-b976-a7bf655ef3be The assignment ID. Once profiles are created in the target accounts, individual events in each account referencing the assignment are created.
{: caption="Table 5. Sample trusted profile assignment attributes and values in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}

Example url curl request

{: #url-example}

The following example request uses the URL to get the assigned child accounts.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ""

{: codeblock}

State of an assignment

{: #assignment-state}

Attribute Description
accepted The assignment record is accepted and the assignment will be processed.
in progress The assignment records were successfully created and the assignment process is in progress.
success The assignment process has completed and the template has been assigned to all target accounts and account groups successfully.
fail The assignment process is complete but there is one or more target accounts where the template failed to be assigned.
superseded The assignment has been superseded by another assignment record with the same template at a target account group higher in the enterprise accounts hierarchy. For more information, see Superseeding a version.
{: caption="Table 6. The possible states for an IAM template assignment in Activity Tracker" caption-side="top"}