A simple leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print or export a map.
- Supports resizing to predefined sizes (A4 Landscape & Portrait) as well as custom sizes
- Supports saving to png, as well as printing
- Compatible with both Leaflet v1+ and 0.7
- Tested on Chrome, Firefox
- Incompatible with IE & Edge due to
- Incompatible with IE & Edge due to
Check out the demo.
You can either download this repo directly or install via NPM.
npm install leaflet-easyprint
You can pass a number of options to the plugin to control various settings.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | 'Print map' | Sets the text which appears as the tooltip of the print/export button |
position | Leaflet control position | 'topleft' | Positions the print button |
sizeModes | array | Current |
Options available include Current , A4Portrait , A4Landscape or a custom size object |
defaultSizeTitles | object | {Current: 'Current Size', A4Landscape: 'A4 Landscape', A4Portrait: 'A4 Portrait'} |
button tooltips for the default page sizes |
outputMode | string | 'print' | Options available include print , download (download image as png), event (get image as blob in event) |
tileLayer | Leaflet tile layer | null |
A tile layer that you can wait for to draw (helpful when resizing) |
tileWait | Integer | 500 | How long to wait for the tiles to draw (helpful when resizing) |
filename | string | 'map' | Name of the file if output mode option set to 'download' |
hidden | Boolean | false | Set to true if you don't want to display the toolbar. Instead you can create your own buttons or fire print events programmatically. You still need to call addTo(map) to set the leaflet map context. |
hideControlContainer | Boolean | true | Hides the leaflet controls like the zoom buttons and the attribution on the print out. |
hideClasses | array | [] | Hides classes on the print out. Use an array of strings as follow : ['div1', 'div2'] |
customWindowTitle | string | Defaults to title of map window. | A title for the print window which will get added the printed paper. |
spinnerBgColor | string | '#0DC5C1' | A valid css colour for the spinner background color. |
customSpinnerClass | string | 'epLoader' | A class for a custom css spinner to use while waiting for the print. |
title: 'My awesome print button',
position: 'bottomright',
sizeModes: ['A4Portrait', 'A4Landscape']
Method | Options | Description |
printMap(size, filename) | Print size name, either 'CurrentSize', 'A4Portrait', 'A4Landscape', or the className of a custom size. And a filename |
Manually trigger a print operation |
var printPlugin = L.easyPrint({
hidden: true,
sizeModes: ['A4Portrait']
printPlugin.printMap('A4Portrait', 'MyFileName');
You can create additional print sizes by passing in some options. Width & Height are defined in pixels at 90DPI. THe css class ought to contain a background base64 encoded svg image.
var a3Size = {
width: 2339,
height: 3308,
className: 'a3CssClass',
tooltip: 'A custom A3 size'
// in css
.easyPrintHolder .a3CssClass {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;utf8;base64,PD9...go=);
Huge hats off go to mourner and all the contributors to the leaflet.js project, it's an amazing piece of open source software!
Also uses dom-to-image and FileSaver under the hood.