Please find below brief instructions on how to setup and run the OData Framework, as well as how to add extensions and/or configurations.
To start the OData Framework as a standalone service in Windows, please run the Power Shell script .\bin\start.bat
Closing the Power Shell script window used to start the OData Framework as a standalone service would kill the process therefore stopping the service.
To start the OData Framework as a standalone service in Linux/Unix, please run the Shell script ./bin/
To stop the OData Framework as a standalone service in Linux/Unix, please run the Shell script ./bin/
Before you will start your work with shell scripts, make sure you make the files executable. Use 'chmod +x' or 'chmod +x' for the respective scripts.
- Extensions can be added to the OData Framework under the folder
. - Configurations can be added to the OData Framework under the folder
NOTE: After adding extensions and/or configurations to the OData Framework, this needs to be restarted for these to take effect.
The application is configured by default not to use https mode. Also can be overriden by command line arguments: --https.enabled=true - to enable https mode (default: false) --https.keystore-path=keystore_location - to provide location of keystore file (default: config/keystore) --https.port=9999 - to override port for https (default: 8084) --https.key-alias=tomcat - to provide key alias (default: tomcat) --https.keystore-passwd=new_passwd - to provide keystore password (default: changeit) --https.truststore-passwd=some_passwd - to provide truststore password (default: changeit)