eCommerce web application (Online Store) using React.
- Use
node 21.x
or higher. - Clone this repo:
$ git clone
. - Go to downloaded folder:
$ cd eCommerce-React
. - Install dependencies:
$ npm install
. - Start server:
$ npm start
. - Now you can see web application to the address:
Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
npm run build
In development mode
npm run build:dev
In production mode
npm run build:prod
For formatting all files with Prettier
npm run format
Checking files for formatting
npm run check:format
For formatting .css/.scss files with Stylelint
npm run stylelint:fix
Checking .css/.scss files for formatting with Stylelint
npm run stylelint
Running test
npm run test
Common - common components, functions or resources that are used in different parts of your application.
Components - components of application.
Utils - helper utilities, functions, and classes that can be used in different parts of your application.
Pages - components that represent individual pages.